Sacramento Pinazo

Intervoice: Um Projeto Photovoice Intergeracional

Este artigo descreve um Projeto Intergeracional Photovoice implementado numa Estrutura Residencial para Pessoas Idosas (ERPI), em Portugal, em que participaram quatro idosos e quatro estudantes universitários. O Projeto consistiu em solicitar a idosos e as pares intergeracionais que fotografassem a realidade envolvente. A análise do seu impacto, a cada participante em termos de efeitos muito proveitosos, sugere que esta pode ser uma estratégia bem-sucedida para melhorar as relações interpessoais, intergeracionais e o bem-estar físico e psicológico de idosos especialmente os institucionalizados. 

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How students evaluate university programmes for older people: A comparison between two models in Spain

Abstract This study examines how older students evaluate the University Programme for Older People (UPOP) they participate in, and how such evaluation might vary depending on the type of UPOP. The sample was made up of 257 older students (mean age = 67.6 years) and was gathered from two UPOP models, one structured as Older People Classrooms (134 participants) and the second one as University of Experience (123 participants). Participants completed a questionnaire evaluating different dimensions of the programme and two incomplete sentences to identify its weak and strong points. Overall, results suggest that older students are very satisfied with the educational experience. Apart from attra…

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Evaluating Social Integration and Psychological Outcomes for Older Adults Enrolled at a University Intergenerational Program

Abstract Intergenerational programs are proliferating. The basic assumption of such programs is that pairing older and younger people in various activities and contexts such as educational programs will produce positive developmental benefits for all participants. Educational programs appear to help adults to remain socially active and connected. The University of Valencia (Spain) initiated in 1999–2000 a “University Program for Seniors” for adults age 55 and over, entitled “Nau Gran.”The goal of this paper is to present baseline results on the benefits and impacts for older adults enrolled at the program during 2002. Results from a sample of 212 sophomore and junior older adult participant…

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Asistencia sociosanitaria de emergencia a personas mayores en situación de riesgo. A propósito de un caso

La emergencia social supone una situación que favorece procesos de vulnerabilidad social y de riesgo social, manifestando estados ocultos de precariedad y marginación. Las situaciones de emergencia social son situaciones sobrevenidas, afectan a necesidades básicas y requieren inmediatez de respuestas, por lo que es necesario contar con profesionales de las emergencias sanitarias extrahospitalarias para su detección durante su trabajo, además de profesionales de Trabajo Social con actitudes y aptitudes en emergencias, junto a un Sistema de Servicios Sociales y de protección social que respalde su intervención. La emergencia social supone una situación que favorece procesos de vulnerabilidad …

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La relación entre abuelos y nietos. Factores que predicen la calidad de la relación intergeneracional

This study tries to identify the main factors determining the quality in grandparent/ grandchild relationships from the perspective of grandchildren. Three hundred and sixty one Spanish young adults responded to questions concerning the quality of their relationship with the "preferred" or "most close" grandparent. Results indicated the following aspects as significant predictors of grandparent-grandchild relationship: a) the frequency of contact between grandparents-grandchildren; b) the quality of the parent-grandparent relationship; c) the number of shared activities; and d) the perception of the grandparent as "caregiver" and "teacher".<br><br>El presente estudio se centra e…

research product

Older people's university students in Spain: a comparison of motives and benefits between two models

ABSTRACTThis study examines both the motives for and the benefits of attending a university programme for older people (UPOP) in Spain, and how they vary with the type of UPOP. Two UPOP models were assessed: The ‘Older People's Classes’ of the University of Barcelona, which is organised as a lecture course, and the ‘University of Experience’ at the University of Valencia, which is a three- or four-year variant of regular university degrees. A sample of 321 older students (mean age 67.5 years) was gathered from the two UPOPs, 161 participants from the former and 157 from the latter. The findings suggest that expressive motives such as acquiring knowledge, expanding the mind or learning for t…

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The Professional Profile of Intergenerational Program Managers: General and Specific Characteristics

The interest around intergenerational programs and the fostering of intergenerational relationships is growing internationally. However, studies on the profile and functions of intergenerational program managers are still scarce. Furthermore, available approaches to the traits and functions of intergenerational program managers have not highlighted which features are distinctive of these professionals. Through a Delphi study undertaken in Spain, with participation of 18 intergenerational program managers and 12 intergenerational specialists, consensus was reached around characteristics of both the general profile of intergenerational program managers and the specificities of this occupation…

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La Loi relative à la promotion de l’autonomie personnelle et au soutien des personnes en situation de dépendance. Quelle application en milieu urbain espagnol ?

L’Espagne a voté en 2006 la Loi relative à la promotion de l’autonomie personnelle et au soutien des personnes en situation de dépendance. Le présent article établit les grandes balises de la loi et les limites de son application en regard de la demande réelle en prenant comme exemple la communauté valencienne, tout en montrant que le coût de la dépendance revient encore essentiellement aux familles.

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Older Adult Mentors and Youth at Risk: Challenges for Intergenerational Mentoring Programs in Family-Centered Cultures

This article poses some preliminary reflections about the viability of youth mentoring schemes in family-centered cultural contexts based on a pilot experience developed in Spain within the framework of a project aiming to train older adults as youth mentors in five European countries. After an introduction to the field of intergenerational mentoring, a description of the pilot program follows, with special attention paid to the development of the Spanish local project. Drawing on the project evaluation, some open questions are posed regarding (a) the optimal institutional framing for an intergenerational mentoring program and (b) the challenge with social representation of the mentor role.

research product

The Teacher's Perspective in Older Education: The Experience of Teaching in a University for Older People in Spain

The aim of this study was to explore university lecturers' descriptions of their teaching experience with older students. Twelve teachers of the Nau Gran (a university program for older people [UPOP] in Valencia, Spain) were interviewed. We analyzed their responses to questions about their experience of teaching older adults, the rewarding aspects of that experience and the teaching strategies they used. Teachers described their experience as extremely positive and rewarding, and often contrasted the active, interested, and grateful older students with the relatively passive regular younger students. The teachers also mentioned how they adapted their teaching to suit a more motivated and pa…

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Reasons for Older Adult Participation in University Programs in Spain

This study examined the reasons expressed by older adults for attending a university program in Barcelona (Spain). Results were based on the responses of 36 elders to questions from a semistructured interview. These were (a) reasons for joining a university course and (b) factors that prevent enrolling in that course. Participants mentioned more expressive than instrumental reasons for participating in a university program. Most mentioned barriers to entering university that were lack of interest, lack of self-confidence, health problems, and limited information. These results are discussed in the context of new strategies to improve university courses aimed at the elderly.

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La relación entre abuelos/as y sus nietos/as adolescentes: comparación de perspectivas generacionales

ResumenEl presente estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la relacion entre abuelos/as y sus nietos/as adolescentes comparando ambos puntos de vista. Una muestra de 67 parejas contesto a una serie de instrumentos paralelos que recogian aspectos de su relacion (contacto, actividades de ocio, intercambios de apoyo y cercania) con el otro miembro de la parejas. Los resultados sugieren que los abuelos/as perciben que la relacion cambia mas a medida que el nieto/a se hace mayor. Las discrepancias encontradas entre ambas generaciones ponen en duda la adecuacion a la relacion entre abuelos y nietos de la hipotesis del interes intergeneracional, que predice una percepcion mas optimista de la relacion…

research product

An Intergenerational Program,“Nau Gran,”at the University of Valencia (Spain)

(2003). An Intergenerational Program, “Nau Gran,” at the University of Valencia (Spain) Journal of Intergenerational Relationships: Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 103-104.

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