Dirk C. Albach
Molecular systematics and phytochemistry of Rehmannia (Scrophulariaceae)
Abstract The relationships between the six known species of Rehmannia were investigated. With regard to the content of iridoid glucosides, caffeoyl phenylethanoid glycosides (CPGs) and ionone glucosides, no conclusions could be drawn. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data (ITS region, trnL-F region and rps 16 intron) reveal a well-resolved topology in which Rehmannia glutinosa and Rehmannia solanifolia and Rehmannia piasezkii and Rehmannia elata are well-supported species pairs. Rehmannia chingii is sister to the rest of the genus, which is congruent with its distribution distant to the other species of the genus.
Degradation of sexual reproduction in Veronica filiformis after introduction to Europe
Abstract Background Baker’s law predicts that self-incompatible plant species are generally poor colonizers because their mating system requires a high diversity of genetically differentiated individuals and thus self-compatibility should develop after long-distance dispersal. However, cases like the introduction of the self-incompatible Veronica filiformis (Plantaginaceae) to Europe constitute an often overlooked alternative to this rule. This species was introduced from subalpine areas of the Pontic-Caucasian Mountains and colonized many parts of Central and Western Europe in the last century, apparently without producing seeds. To investigate the consequences of the absence of sexual rep…
Botanical names in Southern Hemisphere Veronica (Plantaginaceae ): sect. Detzneria , sect. Hebe , and sect. Labiatoides
The classification of the Southern Hemisphere Veronica complex is discussed in the light of recent findings that these segregate genera are nested within the hitherto northern Veronica clade. In order to render Veronica monophyletic, we transfer Chionohehe, Derwentia, Detzneria, Hebe, Hebejeebie, Heliohebe, Leonohebe, and Parahebe to Veronica subgen. Pseudoveronica. Correct names are listed for all species in Veronica subgen. Pseudoveronica, according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Those species previously included in Derwentia together with other Australian species of Veronica are now classified in Veronica sect. Labiatoides, that in Detzneria is now classified in Ver…
Disentangling phylogeography, polyploid evolution and taxonomy of a woodland herb (Veronica chamaedrys group, Plantaginaceae s.l.) in southeastern Europe
Southeastern Europe is a centre of European biodiversity, but very little is known about factors causing the observed richness. Here, we contribute to fill this gap by reconstructing the spatio-temporal diversification of the cytologically variable and taxonomically intricate complex of Veronica chamaedrys (Plantaginaceae s.l.), growing in open forests, forest edges and grasslands, with flow cytometry, molecular markers (AFLPs, plastid DNA sequences) and morphometry. Our results show that both diploid and tetraploid cytotypes are widespread, but diploids predominate on the southern Balkan Peninsula. Plastid sequences suggest a first split into three main lineages in the mid-Pleistocene and …
Extensive gene flow blurs species boundaries amongVeronica barrelieri, V. orchideaandV. spicata(Plantaginaceae) in southeastern Europe
Little is known about the contribution of interspecific hybridization, a frequent phenomenon in plants, to the high plant diversity in southeastern Europe, one of the continent's diversity hot spots. A good system to study the relevance of hybridization for biodiversity in this region is Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium sect. Pseudolysimachion (Plantaginaceae). Depending on the presumed frequency of hybridization, existing taxonomic concepts in this group range from distinguishing only morphological races without explicit taxonomic status to recognizing several species each with a series of intraspecific taxa. Using genetic (plastid sequences and AFLP fingerprints), ploidy-level and morphom…
A New Polyploid Species of the Genus Tragopogon (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) from Russia
ABSTRACT Tragopogon soltisiorum Mavrodiev (Asteraceae, Cichorieae, Scorzonerinae) is described as a new species. The new species is a tetraploid (2n = 24), ruderal plant with long flowering and fruiting times and differs from the vast majority of Tragopogon L. species in its ability to reproduce vegetatively from adventitious shoots. The new species is known only from southern Russia and is found in two varieties—a typical variety and a new variety latifolius Mavrodiev.
Phylogeny of Veronica in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres based on plastid, nuclear ribosomal and nuclear low-copy DNA
The cosmopolitan and ecologically diverse genus Veronica with approximately 450 species is the largest genus of the newly circumscribed Plantaginaceae. Previous analyses of Veronica DNA sequences were in stark contrast to traditional systematics. However, analyses did not allow many inferences regarding the relationship between major groups identified, hindering further analysis of diversification and evolutionary trends in the genus. To resolve the backbone relationships of Veronica, we added sequences from additional plastid DNA regions to existing data and analyzed matching data sets for 78 taxa and more than 5000 aligned characters from nuclear ribosomal DNA and plastid DNA regions. The…
Comparative phylogeography of the Veronica alpina complex in Europe and North America
The Veronica alpina complex comprises eight species of alpine habitats over a wide range of mountain systems in the Northern Hemisphere. The occurrence of sympatric species in the European and North American mountain systems allowed us not only to investigate the effect of the ice ages on intraspecific phylogeographical patterns and genetic diversity in different continents of the Northern Hemisphere, but also to compare these patterns in closely related species. Plastid DNA trnL-F sequences and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fingerprints were used to infer the phylogenetic history of the group and phylogeographical patterns within species. Hybrid origin of tetraploid eastern…
Phytochemistry and molecular systematics of Triaenophora rupestris and Oreosolen Wattii (Scrophulariaceae)
The relationships between the genera Triaenophora, Oreosolen and Rehmannia were investigated. All three genera were previously included in tribe Veroniceae which was part of Scrophulariaceae but which is now included in Plantaginaceae. With regard to the content of iridoid glucosides, Triaenophora rupestris and the much-investigated Rehmannia were almost identical in containing catalpol, ajugol and 6-feruloylajugol. Oreosolen wattii was rather different in having compounds typical for the tribe Scrophularieae (Scrophulariaceae), namely aucubin, harpagide, harpagoside as well as two diesters of rhamnopyranosylcatalpol, one of which, here named oreosolenoside, had not previously been describe…
Mating system variation inVeronica(Plantaginaceae): inferences from pollen/ovule ratios and other reproductive traits
The pollen–ovule ratio (P/O) is commonly used to estimate the mode of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. In previous studies, a clear correspondence has been detected between this character and the degree of autogamy. We here investigate variation in this character and its expected correlates in the genus Veronica (Plantaginaceae). Pollen–ovule ratios of 45 species representing eleven percent of all the species in the genus were investigated and compared with results from crossing experiments from previous studies. In addition, multiple populations of 17 of the 45 studied species were sampled and a controlled-environment experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of intraspecific…
Which changes are needed to render all genera of the German lora monophyletic?
53 p., gráf.
Amplified fragment length polymorphisms and sequence data in the phylogenetic analysis of polyploids: multiple origins of Veronica cymbalaria (Plantaginaceae).
Summary • The origin of polyploid Veronica cymbalaria (Plantaginaceae) was investigated using DNA sequence data and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprints to reveal the parentage of this taxon. The use of AFLP fingerprints in phylogenetic analysis is problematic and various methods have therefore been compared. • DNA sequence data (for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the plastid trnL-F region (trnL intron, 3’exon, and trnL-F spacer)) and polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the ITS region suggested a reliable hypothesis for the evolution of the V. cymbalaria complex. This hypothesis allowed evaluation …
Phylogenetic placement of Triaenophora (formerly Scrophulariaceae) with some implications for the phylogeny of Lamiales
Phylogenetic placement of Triaenophora together with Rehmannia were explored with DNA sequence data from five regions (rbcL, ndhF, rps16, trnL-F, nr ITS) in two combined data matrices. One (rbcL, ndhF, rps16) represented a wide sampling across most families of Lamiales. The other data matrix represented two DNA regions partly unalignable across Lamiales (trnL-F, nr ITS) plus rps16, which proved to be variable enough to give resolution at a smaller taxonomic level in Lamiales. Triaenophora rupestris and Rehmannia are sister taxa, composing a strongly supported clade, which is sister to all representative genera of Orobanchaceae. Furthermore, Paulowniaceae and Phrymaceae are next to Orobancha…
Genetic diversity of Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP) and cpDNA
We have utilized Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP) in conjunction with chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequence data to study the genetic diversity in 53 accessions of Dioscorea dumetorum from six countries in West and Central Africa. Our results provide a comparison of the two marker systems with regards to their applicability to differentiate intraspecific genotypes and the grouping of the accessions based on localities of collection. A total of 1052 AFLP fragments (of which 94.1% were polymorphic) produced from twelve primer combinations indicate a relatively high level of polymorphism among the accessions. Three major genetic groups that do not strictly follow a geographic distribu…