

Botanical names in Southern Hemisphere Veronica (Plantaginaceae ): sect. Detzneria , sect. Hebe , and sect. Labiatoides

Dirk C. AlbachBarbara G. BriggsPhil J. Garnock-jones


MonophylyBotanyDerwentiaHebePlantaginaceaePlant ScienceBiologybiology.organism_classificationCladeInternational Code of Nomenclature for algae fungi and plantsSectSouthern HemisphereEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics


The classification of the Southern Hemisphere Veronica complex is discussed in the light of recent findings that these segregate genera are nested within the hitherto northern Veronica clade. In order to render Veronica monophyletic, we transfer Chionohehe, Derwentia, Detzneria, Hebe, Hebejeebie, Heliohebe, Leonohebe, and Parahebe to Veronica subgen. Pseudoveronica. Correct names are listed for all species in Veronica subgen. Pseudoveronica, according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Those species previously included in Derwentia together with other Australian species of Veronica are now classified in Veronica sect. Labiatoides, that in Detzneria is now classified in Veronica sect. Detzneria, and those in Chionohebe, Hebe, Heliohebe, Leonohehe, and Parahebe are now classified in Veronica sect. Hebe. Seventy-nine nomenclatural changes are provided: 61 new combinations (1 at section rank, 37 at species rank, 23 below species rank) and 18 new names (including 1 new name for a northern Veronica from the Caucasus).
