Zoltán Szőr
A new formulation of the loop-tree duality at higher loops
We present a new formulation of the loop-tree duality theorem for higher loop diagrams valid both for massless and massive cases. $l$-loop integrals are expressed as weighted sum of trees obtained from cutting $l$ internal propagators of the loop graph. In addition, the uncut propagators gain a modified $i \delta$-prescription, named dual-propagators. In this new framework one can go beyond graphs and calculate the integrand of loop amplitudes as a weighted sum of tree graphs, which form a tree-like object. These objects can be computed efficiently via recurrence relations.
Jet transition values for the anti-$$k_{\bot }$$ k⊥ algorithm
We define jet transition values for the anti-$k_{\bot}$ algorithm for both hadron and $e^+e^-$ colliders. We show how these transition values can be computed and how they can be used to improve the performance of clusterization when jet resolution parameters are varied over a larger set of values. Finally we present a simple performance test to illustrate the behavior of the new method compared to the original one.
Causality and Loop-Tree Duality at Higher Loops
We relate a $l$-loop Feynman integral to a sum of phase space integrals, where the integrands are determined by the spanning trees of the original $l$-loop graph. Causality requires that the propagators of the trees have a modified $i\delta$-prescription and we present a simple formula for the correct $i\delta$-prescription.
Integrands of loop amplitudes within loop-tree duality
Using loop-tree duality, we relate a renormalised $n$-point $l$-loop amplitude in a quantum field theory to a phase-space integral of a regularised $l$-fold forward limit of a UV-subtracted $(n+2l)$-point tree-amplitude-like object. We show that up to three loops the latter object is easily computable from recurrence relations. This defines an integrand of the loop amplitude with a global definition of the loop momenta. Field and mass renormalisation are performed in the on-shell scheme.
Precise determination of α(M) from global fits of e+e− data to NNLO+NNLL predictions
Abstract We present a comparison of the computation of energy-energy correlations and Durham algorithm jet rates in e + e − collisions at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy matched with the next-to-next-to-leading order perturbative prediction to LEP, PEP, PETRA, SLC and TRISTAN data. With these predictions we perform global extractions of the strong coupling constant taking into account non-perturbative effects modelled with modern Monte Carlo event generators that simulate NLO QCD corrections.