Sébastien Girard

Radiation-induced defects in fluorine-doped silica-based optical fibers: Influence of a pre-loading with H2

International audience; We investigated the effects of 10-keV X-ray radiation on the transmission properties of F-doped optical fibers in the 200–850 nm range of wavelengths (1.5–6 eV). We also studied the influence of pre-loading this kind of fibers with hydrogen on its radiation sensitivity. Our results showed that, for our experimental conditions (pre-treatment with H2 several months before irradiation with diffusion of all the H2 out the fiber core and cladding before X-ray exposure), this pre-treatment increases the radiation-induced attenuation in the ultraviolet part (200–300 nm) of the spectrum. A previous H2-loading has no influence at greater wavelengths. The nature of the radiati…

research product

Irradiation induced defects in fluorine doped silica

International audience; The role of fluorine doping in the response to UV pulsed laser and c radiation of silica preforms and fibers was studied using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Exposure to radiation mainly generates E0 centers, with the same effectiveness in fibers and in preforms. The E'concentration in F-doped silica fibers is found to increase with UV energy fluence till a saturation value, consistently with a precursor conversion process. These results show the fluorine role in reducing the strained Si–O bonds thus improving the radiation hardness of silica, also after drawing process.

research product

Radiation responses of Yb/Er-doped phosphosilicate optical fibers: hardening mechanisms related to Ce-codoping

International audience; In this paper, we investigated the origins of the Ce positive influence on the radiation response of Yb/Er-doped phosphosilicate optical fibers. To this purpose, we carried out during γ-irradiations an online characterization on active optical fiber prototypes, made with different Ce concentrations and integrated in optical amplifiers. The hardening effect of Ce-codoping is highlighted, as well as some aspects related to the radiation response of the phosphosilicate host glass of the active optical fibers.

research product

Irradiation induced defects in fluorine doped silica

International audience

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X-ray irradiation influence on prototype Er3+-optical fibers: confocal luminescence study

International audience; The integration of rare-earth doped optical fibers as part of fiber-based systems in space implies the development of waveguides tolerant to the radiation levels associated with the space missions. We report the spatial distribution, the photoluminescence (PL) properties of color centers and the related changes induced by X-rays radiation at different doses (50, 500 and 1000 krad) for two different prototypes of Er-doped optical fibers. Each sample (in the version pristine, X-irradiated and H2 loaded prior to radiation exposure) was characterized by confocal microscopy luminescence (CML) measurements in Visible range with Visible (488 nm) or UV (325 nm) laser light e…

research product

X-ray irradiation effects on a multistep Ge-doped silica fiber produced using different drawing conditions

International audience; We report an experimental study based on confocal microscopy luminescence (CML) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements to investigate the effects of the X-ray (from 50 krad to 200 Mrad) on three specific multistep Ge doped fibers obtained from the same preform by changing some of the drawing conditions (tension and speed). CML data show that, both before and after the irradiation, Germanium Lone Pair Center (GLPC) concentrations are similarly distributed along the diameters of the three fibers and they are partially reduced by irradiation. The irradiation induces also the Non Bridging Oxygen Hole Center (NBOHC) investigated by CML and other paramagnet…

research product

Statistique de l'efficacité de blindage de matériaux composites pour la 5G: méthodes avancées d'échantillonnage

International audience; Cette proposition présente une méthodologie pour l'estimation statistique du niveau de protection offert par des matériaux composites constitués par des fibres de carbone sur une large gamme de fréquences contenant la bande 5G. La variabilité géométrique des nanostructures de carbone (essentiellement en termes de formes et de dimensions) impose, dans un premier temps, une caractérisation fréquentielle précise de la distribution statistique des propriétés diélectriques des matériaux. La propagation, dans un second temps, des incertitudes précédentes au niveau de l'efficacité de blindage des matériaux apporte des contraintes particulières quand aux méthodes statistique…

research product

X-ray irradiation effects on a specific multistep Ge-doped fiber

International audience; The study of point defects generation in optical fibers plays an important role with regards to their use and application in different domains. Their design and elaboration processes (dopants type, concentration, refractive index profile, drawing conditions...) govern their responses and more generally their radiation hardness [1]. In this work we investigated, the influence of 10 keV X-ray irradiations on a set of specific germanosilicate optical fibers elaborated from the same preform at different drawing conditions. The germanium doping levels along the fiber core diameter was specifically designed to follow a two-step distribution in order to highlight the Ge-con…

research product

Influence of fluorine on the fiber performance studied through the NBOHC-related 1.9 eV microluminescence

International audience; The distribution of Non Bridging Oxygen Hole Centers (NBOHC) in Fluorine doped optical fibers was investigated by confocal microluminescence spectroscopy monitoring the characteristic 1.9 eV luminescence band. The results show that these defects are generated by the fiber drawing and their concentration further increases after γ irradiation. The NBOHC profile along the fiber is anticorrelated to the fluorine content. This finding agrees with the role of fluorine in the fiber toughness and is discussed from the microscopic point of view on the basis of previous works.

research product

Durcissement aux radiations de fibres optiques dopées terres rares et d'amplificateurs 'a fibres optiques

National audience; Cette étude vise à comprendre les effets d'une irradiation Ȗ sur les propriétés optiques et structurales des fibres dopées aux Terres Rares en vue de leur utilisation dans des amplificateurs à fibre réalisés pour des applications spatiales. L'enjeu majeur de durcissement de ces composants est abordé via des techniques telles que le chargement en hydrogène et/ou le co-dopage au Cérium du cœur des fibres optiques. L'identification des centres responsables de l'atténuation induite par irradiation et la compréhension des mécanismes de dégradation mis en jeu sont des étapes indispensables au développement de ces fibres.

research product

Radiation Effects on Silica-Based Preforms and Optical Fibers - II: Coupling Ab Initio Simulations and Experiments

International audience; Both experimental and theoretical approaches are combined to study the nature of precursor sites and radiation-induced point defects in pure and germanium-doped amorphous silica-based glasses.

research product

Thermal bleaching of gamma-induced-defects in optical fibers

International audience; Ge-doped and F-doped gamma-irradiated fibers with a maximum accumulated dose of 10 MGy were subjected to isochronal annealing treatments up to 750°C. The thermal treatment influence on the point defect generation and transformation were investigated through Radiation Induced Attenuation (RIA) changes in the visible and IR spectral domains. The thermal bleaching of gammainduced-defects depends on both temperature and composition of optical fibers.

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