

Radiation-induced defects in fluorine-doped silica-based optical fibers: Influence of a pre-loading with H2

Claude MarcandellaG. OriglioG. OriglioAziz BoukenterYoucef OuerdaneJacques MeunierSébastien Girard


[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-OPTICS]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics]Optical fiberAbsorption spectroscopyChemistryAttenuationAnalytical chemistryOptical spectroscopyRadiation effectsRadiationCondensed Matter PhysicsCladding (fiber optics)medicine.disease_cause42.88.+h 42.25.BsElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materialslaw.inventionAbsorptionZero-dispersion wavelengthlawMaterials ChemistryCeramics and CompositesmedicineOptical fibersIrradiationComposite materialUltraviolet


International audience; We investigated the effects of 10-keV X-ray radiation on the transmission properties of F-doped optical fibers in the 200–850 nm range of wavelengths (1.5–6 eV). We also studied the influence of pre-loading this kind of fibers with hydrogen on its radiation sensitivity. Our results showed that, for our experimental conditions (pre-treatment with H2 several months before irradiation with diffusion of all the H2 out the fiber core and cladding before X-ray exposure), this pre-treatment increases the radiation-induced attenuation in the ultraviolet part (200–300 nm) of the spectrum. A previous H2-loading has no influence at greater wavelengths. The nature of the radiation-induced point defects is discussed from the decomposition analysis of the attenuation spectra with Gaussian bands.
