Ségolène Gambert-nicot
Oxysterols: Influence on plasma membrane rafts microdomains and development of ocular diseases
Oxidation of cholesterol into oxysterols is a major way of elimination of cholesterol from the liver and extrahepatic tissues, including the brain and the retina. Oxysterols are involved in various cellular processes. Numerous links have been established between oxysterols and several disorders such as neurodegenerative pathologies, retinopathies and atherosclerosis. Different components of the lipid layer such as sphingolipids, sterols and proteins participate to membrane fluidity and forme lipid rafts microdomains. Few data are available on the links between lipids rafts and oxysterols. The purpose of this review is to suggest the potential role of lipid rafts microdomains in the developm…
Cholestérol et pathologies oculaires : focus sur le rôle de la cholestérol 24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) dans l’homéostasie du cholestérol
Resume La retine est le tissu neurosensoriel de l’œil qui assure la transduction visuelle, c’est-a-dire le codage de l’information lumineuse en influx nerveux. Le terme « retine » regroupe l’association de la retine neurale et de l’epithelium pigmentaire retinien qui repose sur la membrane de Bruch. L’association physique de ces deux partenaires et leurs interactions metaboliques sont des elements indispensables au bon fonctionnement de la retine, a la fois en termes d’apport en nutriments et de maintien de l’homeostasie. Des dereglements de ces equilibres sont associes au vieillissement et a des pathologies comme la degenerescence maculaire liee a l’âge, premiere cause de malvoyance apres …
Comparative lipidomics and proteomics analysis of platelet lipid rafts using different detergents
Lipid rafts play a pivotal role in physiological functions of platelets. Their isolation using nonionic mild detergents is considered as the gold standard method, but there is no consensual detergent for lipid raft studies. We aimed to investigate which detergent is the most suitable for lipid raft isolation from platelet membrane, based on lipidomics and proteomics analysis. Platelets were obtained from healthy donors. Twelve sucrose fractions were extracted by three different detergents, namely Brij 35, Lubrol WX, and Triton X100, at 0.05% and 1%. After lipidomics analysis and determination of fractions enriched in cholesterol (Ch) and sphingomyelin (SM), proteomics analysis was performed…
Pravastatin reverses the membrane cholesterol reorganization induced by myocardial infarction within lipid rafts in CD14(+)/CD16(-) circulating monocytes.
International audience; Large numbers of monocytes are recruited in the infarcted myocardium. Their cell membranes contain cholesterol-rich microdomains called lipids rafts, which participate in numerous signaling cascades. In addition to its cholesterol-lowering effect, pravastatin has several pleiotropic effects and is widely used as secondary prevention treatment after myocardial infarction (MI). The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of pravastatin on the organization of cholesterol within monocyte membrane rafts from patients who had suffered myocardial infarction. Monocytes from healthy donors and acute MI patients were cultured with or without 4μM pravastatin. Lipid raf…
Cholesterol and ocular pathologies: focus on the role of cholesterol-24S-hydroxylase in cholesterol homeostasis
The retina is responsible for coding the light stimulus into a nervous signal that is transferred to the brain via the optic nerve. The retina is formed by the association of the neurosensory retina and the retinal pigment epithelium that is supported by Bruch’s membrane. Both the physical and metabolic associations between these partners are crucial for the functioning of the retina, by means of nutrient intake and removal of the cell and metabolic debris from the retina. Dysequilibrium are involved in the aging processes and pathologies such as age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of visual loss after the age of 50 years inWestern countries. The retina is composed of severa…
Early adaptive response of the retina to a pro-diabetogenic diet: Impairment of cone response and gene expression changes in high-fructose fed rats
The lack of plasticity of neurons to respond to dietary changes, such as high fat and high fructose diets, by modulating gene and protein expression has been associated with functional and behavioral impairments that can have detrimental consequences. The inhibition of high fat-induced rewiring of hypothalamic neurons induced obesity. Feeding rodents with high fructose is a recognized and widely used model to trigger obesity and metabolic syndrome. However the adaptive response of the retina to short term feeding with high fructose is poorly documented. We therefore aimed to characterize both the functional and gene expression changes in the neurosensory retina of Brown Norway rats fed duri…
Metabolic syndrome triggered by high-fructose diet favors choroidal neovascularization and impairs retinal light sensitivity in the rat
Diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration are the leading causes of blindness in Western populations. Although it is a matter of controversy, large-scale population-based studies have reported increased prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in patients with diabetes or diabetic retinopathy. We hypothesized that metabolic syndrome, one of the major risk factors for type 2 diabetes, would represent a favorable environment for the development of choroidal neovascularization, the main complication of age-related macular degeneration. The fructose-fed rat was used as a model for metabolic syndrome in which choroidal neovascularization was induced by laser photocoagulatio…
Implication of 24-S-hydroxycholesterol in Muller glial cell's membrane dynamics in the rat.
Implication of 24-S-hydroxycholesterol in Muller glial cell's membrane dynamics in the rat.. Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO)