Geraci D.
Evaluation of irreversible dynamic thermoporation as a tool for the deduction of bacterial load in food matrices (Note) [Valutazione della termoporazione dinamica irreversibile come strumento per l'abbattimento della carica batterica in matrici alimentari]
La termoporazione dinamica irreversibile (DIT) consiste in un nuovo tipo di tecnologia di pastorizzazione ideato da Koulik e colleghi basato su un processo termico dinamico, caratterizzato da riscaldamenti molto rapidi (shock termici) a temperature finali non superiori a 70°C. L’obiettivo del nostro studio è stato la valutazione dell’influenza di parametri di processo quali la temperatura di partenza (T1 ) del campione da trattare, la temperatura finale in corso di trattamento (T 2), la differenza tra temperatura iniziale e temperatura finale (ΔT), la velocità di riscaldamento (θ) e la durata del trattamento sull’abbattimento della carica batterica nella matrice alimentare
Psychopathological and psychodynamic hypotheses for pediatric stuttering
Stuttering is a common language alteration in pediatric age consisting in repetitions and blocks, which entail a break in the rhythm and melody of the speech. According to the WHO it is a disorder of the rhythm of the word, the subject knows precisely what he would like to say, but at the same time he is not able to say it. It is a great inconvenience for those affected, also because the slowing down of speaking is not about thought or cognitive skills.
Animals-assisted therapy: A brief review
In rehabilitative setting, the presence of animals can be considered as an important stimulus for verbal and social communication, and for mood regulation. Interaction with an animal is beneficial for children's development and numerous psychological tests have revealed that growing up with pets has a beneficial effect on children's self-esteem and self-confidence, can improve empathy, a sense of responsibility and cognitive development, as well as social status within the peer group.
Visuospatial skills in children affected by primary nocturnal enuresis: Rehabilitative proposals
The sphincterial control problems in childhood are very common, with relevant comorbidities (i.e.: difficulty in academic performance, sleep disturbances, minor neurological signs) involved in the complex process of maturation and learning, such as to cause a great deal of discomfort and related disorders in affected subjects. Enuresis is characterized by the involuntary urination in the absence of a physical disorder, socially unacceptable in places and at one stage of life where such control is acquired by the majority of subjects (about 5 years). The present study aims to evaluate the visuospatial skills in children affected by primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (PMNE). 31 PMNE c…