Pipitone E.
Evaluation of irreversible dynamic thermoporation as a tool for the deduction of bacterial load in food matrices (Note) [Valutazione della termoporazione dinamica irreversibile come strumento per l'abbattimento della carica batterica in matrici alimentari]
La termoporazione dinamica irreversibile (DIT) consiste in un nuovo tipo di tecnologia di pastorizzazione ideato da Koulik e colleghi basato su un processo termico dinamico, caratterizzato da riscaldamenti molto rapidi (shock termici) a temperature finali non superiori a 70°C. L’obiettivo del nostro studio è stato la valutazione dell’influenza di parametri di processo quali la temperatura di partenza (T1 ) del campione da trattare, la temperatura finale in corso di trattamento (T 2), la differenza tra temperatura iniziale e temperatura finale (ΔT), la velocità di riscaldamento (θ) e la durata del trattamento sull’abbattimento della carica batterica nella matrice alimentare
An Experimental Study of In-Cylinder Heat Transfer from a Pressurized Motored Engine with Varying Peak Bulk Gas Temperatures
The variation of in-cylinder heat transfer with parameters such as engine speed, air-to-fuel ratio, coolant temperature and compression ratio were frequently studied in classical research. These experimentally-obtained relationships are important for improving in-cylinder heat transfer models, essential in developing CO2 reducing strategies. In this publication, a 2.0 liter compression ignition engine was tested in the pressurized motored configuration. This developed experimental setup allowed testing of the engine at speeds ranging between 1400 rpm and 3000 rpm, with peak in-cylinder gas pressures from 40 bar to 100 bar. The engine was motored using different gas compositions chosen speci…
A six legs buck-boost interleaved converter for KERS application
This paper addresses the design of a bi-directional DC/DC power converter to interface a supercapacitor bank and a motor-generator unit. The design is based on an interleaved six legs topology in which the current is shared among six inductors to minimize their weight and cost, allowing, besides, a low switching frequency to lessen switching losses. The converter is conceived to be employed in an electric Kinetic Energy Recovery System for Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles. The system makes use of a supercapacitor as a storage system, and a motorgenerator unit connected to the drive shaft for vehicle acceleration and braking. The system uses available commercial devices, thus obtaining a …