Arnone Massimo
Il volontariato come strumento di coesione sociale: quale relazione con l'efficienza della pubblica amministrazione?
Il 2011 è stato “l’Anno Europeo delle Attività di Volontariato” che ha come principale obiettivo la promozione di un dialogo più intenso e meglio strutturato tra le istituzioni e tutti gli altri soggetti coinvolti nel lavoro delle organizzazioni di volontariato1. Secondo GHK (2010) circa il 22% -23% degli europei sono coinvolti nel volontariato dedicandosi gratuitamente a diverse attività che coprono una vasta gamma di settori (‘istruzione, formazione, sport e tutela dell’ambiente). Sempre tale studio riporta una misurazione della di usione delle pratiche di volontariato in Europa distinguendo diversi gradi di intensità: molto alta (oltre il 40%) in Austria, Paesi Bassi, Svezia e Regno…
Gli squilibri territoriali e la distribuzione territoriale degli investimenti pubblici
The well-known connection between investment, growth and development requires that a political strategy that aims to overcome ter- ritorial gaps must be based on a redistribution of public resources for investments that favor the least favored regions in an adequately effective and compensatory manner. The aim of this work is to evaluate the consequentiality of political choices in Italy over the twenty years with respect to the objective of territorial rebalancing. After introducing the topic and recalling the hypotheses of territorial convergence / divergence (sections 1 and 2), this article presents the recent empirical evidence on the territorial distribution of public expenditure in It…
The challenge of a place-based and network approach to the development in the territories
This paper investigates the role of research networks inside local development processes to increase the competitiveness of underdeveloped territories. This paper, within the scope of local development theory, aims to describe the state of the art on the regional research systems resulting largely from programs co-financed between 2000 and 2013, with which the various regions are preparing to engage in programming for the period 2014-2020. The extent of consistency between the objectives of sectorial specialization set by policies previously or currently implemented and those in the planning phase (S3) is assessed, as is their connection with existing territorial specializations at a region…
Local banks and credit: from crisis to the new regulatory proposals for the development of lending policies in favour of the real economy
Comparing the credit cooperative banks (CCBs) and banking groups operating in Italy, descriptive analyses show that the CCBs, unlike large banks, despite the economic downturn, have continued to extend credit to customers, but at the cost of a higher incidence of bad credit. This increased credit risk of local banks has been caused by management policy choices, such as the preference to modify the conditions applicable to credit supply and to engage firms in long-term credit relationships rather than initiate credit recovery procedures. An empirical analysis shows that this risk has also been caused by a higher incidence of environmental factors such as the spread of situations of crime and…
Un approccio place-based per lo sviluppo di sistemi regionali di ricerca in Italia
This work has three objectives. The first is the creation of an extensive mapping of technological districts, innovation poles, excellence research centres, laboratories and science parks in the Italian regions. The second is about monitoring, employing data from Open Cohesion, the state of the art of regional and national programs that aim at building local research networks and innovation networks. The third objective is to compare the sectoral priorities chosen by Regions according to their Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) with the existing sectors in their research networks. Finally, the study explores to what extent the presence of the industrial districts in the regions has facilita…
Technological Districts and the Financing of Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for Local Banks
The paper deals with the role that local banks (especially credit cooperative banks) might play in financially supporting the development of technological districts and innovative firms. After introducing the concept and features of technological districts, it focuses on the relations between districts and local banks and between the adoption of innovation and local banking. The central part is an econometric exercise aimed at measuring the weight of high value financial services over the income of a sample of Italian credit cooperative banks. Taking into account the cultural, managerial and organizational requirements of local banks, the work provides insights into how this category of ban…
This paper provides a framework on regional research systems, through which, different regions are preparing to engage in program- ming period 2014 – 2020. It will also cover the regions’ investments in the co-financed programs between 2000 and 2013. Particular attention is dedicated to those projects that, in the specific objectives or specific actions have referred to high-tech districts, techno- logical platforms, clusters, innovation centers, science or technology parks and networks. It then carries out two verifications: firstly, of the degree of consistency between policies and implementation and ongoing design (S3) and secondly of their connection with the existing territorial specia…
In questo capitolo si propone un’analisi delle due tipologie di microcredito che nel presente Rapporto sono state definite come microcredito sociale e microcredito imprenditoriale/produttivo, con riferimento all’evoluzione nel periodo 2005-20132 e con attenzione alla differenziazione territoriale.
Le BCC e la crisi internazionale: un’analisi comparata per macro regioni
La crisi nanziaria internazionale, che ha assunto connotati maggiormente strutturali a partire dal 2009, ha prodotto e etti disomogenei sulle performance delle banche di credito cooperativo italiane, manifestandosi con maggiore intensità sulle BCC operanti nel Sud Italia. La crisi nanziaria ha messo a nudo talune fragilità endogene, riconducibili essenzialmente al ristretto ambito di operatività, alla carenza di competenze in comparti di attività diversi dall’intermediazione creditizia tradizionale, nonché all’orientamento quasi esclusivo verso la clientela di piccole dimensioni. Per contrastare gli e etti della crisi globale appare necessario un processo di innovazione che passi attra…
The impact of criminality on the riskiness of cooperative credit banks in Italy: a macroregional approach
In Italy, Credit Cooperative Banks (CCBs), unlike large banks, despite the economic downturn, have continued to extend credit to customers, but at the cost of a higher incidence of bad credit. This increased credit risk of local banks has been caused by management policy choices, such as preferring to modify the conditions applicable to credit supply and to engage firms in long-term credit relationships rather than initiating credit recovery procedures. The originality of this empirical analysis is due to the demonstration of the effects of environmental factors related to the spread of crime and lower economic well-being, higher unemployment rate and poverty of families on the credit marke…
Effects of financial crisis on funding and credit policies: A comparative analysis between Italian local banks
Microcredit, Regional Programs and Credit Guarantees in Italy
This work proposes an analysis of microcredit initiatives analyzed at the territorial level. The differences are analyzed on the basis of distinctive features to identify different ways to develop microcredit in Italy. An empirical analysis is also carried out to verify the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the characteristics of entrepreneurial microcredit programs and their default risk. The presence of credit guarantee systems and the role of bank intermediaries as promoters significantly mitigate the risk of default on these initiatives. Regional microcredit programs do not show significant territorial differences in terms of credit guarantees.
A comparative statistical analysis between the italian local banks, the effects of the financial crisis on funding and credit policies
This work intends to carry out a comparative statistics between Italian banks (both co-operative banks that banks) about their economic and corporate profiles in the period immediately before (2006-2007) and in the immediate aftermath (2008- 2011) to the international financial crisis. In this way, we will try to investigate whether the global economic shock caused any differences between these banks in their funding policies, credit policies.