M. A. Lledo

Torsion formulation of gravity

We explain precisely what it means to have a connection with torsion as a solution of the Einstein equations. While locally the theory remains the same, the new formulation allows for topologies that would have been excluded in the standard formulation of gravity. In this formulation it is possible to couple arbitrary torsion to gauge fields without breaking the gauge invariance.

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A Comparison between Star Products on Regular Orbits of Compact Lie Groups

In this paper an algebraic star product and differential one defined on a regular coadjoint orbit of a compact semisimple group are compared. It is proven that there is an injective algebra homomorphism between the algebra of polynomials with the algebraic star product and the algebra of differential functions with the differential star product structure.

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No-scale N=4 supergravity coupled to Yang-Mills: the scalar potential and super-Higgs effect

We derive the scalar potential of the effective theory of type IIB orientifold with 3-form fluxes turned on in presence of non abelian brane coordinates. N=4 supergravity predicts a positive semidefinite potential with vanishing cosmological constant in the vacuum of commuting coordinates, with a classical moduli space given by three radial moduli and three RR scalars which complete three copies of the coset (U(1,1+n)/U(1)\otimes U(1+n)), together with 6n D3-branes coordinates, n being the rank of the gauge group G. Implications for the super Higgs mechanism are also discussed.

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On the Super Higgs Effect in Extended Supergravity

We consider the reduction of supersymmetry in N-extended four dimensional supergravity via the super Higgs mechanism in theories without cosmological constant. We provide an analysis largely based on the properties of long and short multiplets of Poincare' supersymmetry. Examples of the super Higgs phenomenon are realized in spontaneously broken N=8 supergravity through the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism and in superstring compactification in presence of brane fluxes. In many models the massive vectors count the difference in number of the translation isometries of the scalar sigma-model geometries in the broken and unbroken phase.

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The quantum chiral Minkowski and conformal superspaces

We give a quantum deformation of the chiral super Minkowski space in four dimensions as the big cell inside a quantum super Grassmannian. The quantization is performed in such way that the actions of the Poincar\'e and conformal quantum supergroups on the quantum Minkowski and quantum conformal superspaces are presented.

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On Chiral Quantum Superspaces

We give a quantum deformation of the chiral Minkowski superspace in 4 dimensions embedded as the big cell into the chiral conformal superspace. Both deformations are realized as quantum homogeneous superspaces: we deform the ring of regular functions together with a coaction of the corresponding quantum supergroup.

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Spinor algebras

We consider supersymmetry algebras in space-times with arbitrary signature and minimal number of spinor generators. The interrelation between super Poincar\'e and super conformal algebras is elucidated. Minimal super conformal algebras are seen to have as bosonic part a classical semimisimple algebra naturally associated to the spin group. This algebra, the Spin$(s,t)$-algebra, depends both on the dimension and on the signature of space time. We also consider maximal super conformal algebras, which are classified by the orthosymplectic algebras.

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Gauged extended supergravity without cosmological constant: No-scale structure and supersymmetry breaking

We consider the interplay of duality symmetries and gauged isometries of supergravity models giving N-extended, spontaneously broken supergravity with a no-scale structure. Some examples, motivated by superstring and M-theory compactifications are described.

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Higher Order Action for the Interaction of the String with the Dilaton

The theory of the string in interaction with a dilaton background field is analyzed. In the action considered, the metric in the world sheet of the string is the induced metric, and the theory presents second order time derivatives. The canonical formalism is developed and it is showed that first and second class constraints appear. The degrees of freedoom are the same than for the free bosonic string. The light cone gauge is used to reduce to the physical modes and to compute the physical hamiltonian.

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No-scale D=5 supergravity from Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=6 theories

We perform a generalized dimensional reduction of six dimensional supergravity theories to five dimensions. We consider the minimal $(2,0)$ and the maximal $(4,4)$ theories. In each case the reduction allows us to obtain gauged supergravities of no-scale type in dimension five with gauge groups that escape previous classifications. In the minimal case, the geometric data of the reduced theory correspond to particular cases of the D=5 real special geometry. In the maximal case we find a four parameter solution which allows partial breaking of supersymmetry.

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Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=5 special and quaternionic geometry

We give the N=2 gauged supergravity interpretation of a generic D=4, N=2 theory as it comes from generalized Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=5, N=2 (ungauged) supergravity. We focus on the geometric aspects of the D=4 data such as the general form of the scalar potential and masses in terms of the gauging of a ``flat group''. Higgs and super-Higgs mechanism are discussed in some detail.

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Gauging of flat groups in four dimensional supergravity

We show that N=8 spontaneously broken supergravity in four dimensions obtained by Scherk-Schwarz generalized dimensional reduction can be obtained from a pure four dimensional perspective by gauging a suitable electric subgroup of E_{7,7}. Owing to the fact that there are non isomorphic choices of maximal electric subgroups of the U-duality group their gaugings give rise to inequivalent theories. This in particular shows that the Scherk-Schwarz gaugings do not fall in previous classifications of possible gauged N=8 supergravities. Gauging of flat groups appear in many examples of string compactifications in presence of brane fluxes.

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The Segre embedding of the quantum conformal superspace

In this paper study the quantum deformation of the superflag Fl(2|0, 2|1,4|1), and its big cell, describing the complex conformal and Minkowski superspaces respectively. In particular, we realize their projective embedding via a generalization to the super world of the Segre map and we use it to construct a quantum deformation of the super line bundle realizing this embedding. This strategy allows us to obtain a description of the quantum coordinate superring of the superflag that is then naturally equipped with a coaction of the quantum complex conformal supergroup SL_q(4|1).

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N=2 Super-Higgs, N=1 Poincare' Vacua and Quaternionic Geometry

In the context of N=2 supergravity we explain the occurrence of partial super-Higgs with vanishing vacuum energy and moduli stabilization in a model suggested by superstring compactifications on type IIB orientifolds with 3-form fluxes. The gauging of axion symmetries of the quaternionic manifold, together with the use of degenerate symplectic sections for special geometry, are the essential ingredients of the construction.

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Some aspects of deformations of supersymmetric field theories

We investigate some aspects of Moyal-Weyl deformations of superspace and their compatibility with supersymmetry. For the simplest case, when only bosonic coordinates are deformed, we consider a four dimensional supersymmetric field theory which is the deformation of the Wess-Zumino renormalizable theory of a chiral superfield. We then consider the deformation of a free theory of an abelian vector multiplet, which is a non commutative version of the rank one Yang-Mills theory. We finally give the supersymmetric version of the $\alpha'\mapsto 0$ limit of the Born-Infeld action with a B-field turned on, which is believed to be related to the non commutative U(1) gauge theory.

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On Central Charges and Hamiltonians for 0-brane dynamics

We consider general properties of central charges of zero branes and associated duality invariants, in view of their double role, on the bulk and on the world volume (quantum-mechanical) theory. A detailed study of the BPS condition for the mass spectrum arising from toroidal compactifications is given for 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 BPS states in any dimensions. As a byproduct, we retreive the U-duality invariant conditions on the charge (zero mode) spectrum and the orbit classification of BPS states preserving different fractions of supersymmetry. The BPS condition for 0-branes in theories with 16 supersymmetries in any dimension is also discussed.

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The Scherk-Schwarz mechanism as a flux compactification with internal torsion

The aim of this paper is to make progress in the understanding of the Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction in terms of a compactification in the presence of background fluxes and torsion. From the eleven dimensional supergravity point of view, we find that a general E6(6) S-S phase may be obtained by turning on an appropriate background torsion, together with suitable fluxes, some of which can be directly identified with certain components of the four-form field-strength. Furthermore, we introduce a novel (four dimensional) approach to the study of dualities between flux/torsion compactifications of Type II/M-theory. This approach defines the action that duality should have on the backgroun…

research product

Algebraic and Differential Star Products on Regular Orbits of Compact Lie Groups

In this paper we study a family of algebraic deformations of regular coadjoint orbits of compact semisimple Lie groups with the Kirillov Poisson bracket. The deformations are restrictions of deformations on the dual of the Lie algebra. We prove that there are non isomorphic deformations in the family. The star products are not differential, unlike the star products considered in other approaches. We make a comparison with the differential star product canonically defined by Kontsevich's map.

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The Minkowski and conformal superspaces

We define complex Minkowski superspace in 4 dimensions as the big cell inside a complex flag supermanifold. The complex conformal supergroup acts naturally on this super flag, allowing us to interpret it as the conformal compactification of complex Minkowski superspace. We then consider real Minkowski superspace as a suitable real form of the complex version. Our methods are group theoretic, based on the real conformal supergroup and its Lie superalgebra.

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Duality and Spontaneously Broken Supergravity in Flat Backgrounds

It is shown that the super Higgs mechanism that occurs in a wide class of models with vanishing cosmological constant (at the classical level) is obtained by the gauging of a flat group which must be an electric subgroup of the duality group. If the residual massive gravitinos which occur in the partial supersymmetry breaking are BPS saturated, then the flat group is non abelian. This is so for all the models obtained by a Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking mechanism. If gravitinos occur in long multiplets, then the flat groups may be abelian. This is the case of supersymmetry breaking by string compactifications on an orientifold T^6/Z_2 with non trivial brane fluxes.

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We compute an explicit algebraic deformation quantization for an affine Poisson variety described by an ideal in a polynomial ring, and inheriting its Poisson structure from the ambient space.

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Horizon geometry, duality and fixed scalars in six dimensions

We consider the problem of extremizing the tension for BPS strings in D=6 supergravities with different number of supersymmetries. General formulae for fixed scalars and a discussion of degenerate directions is given. Quantized moduli, according to recent analysis, are supposed to be related to conformal field theories which are the boundary of three dimensional anti-de Sitter space time.

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Axion gauge symmetries and generalized Chern-Simons terms inN=1 supersymmetric theories

We compute the form of the Lagrangian of N=1 supersymmetric theories with gauged axion symmetries. It turns out that there appear generalized Chern-Simons terms that were not considered in previous superspace formulations of general N=1 theories. Such gaugings appear in supergravities arising from flux compactifications of superstrings, as well as from Scherk-Schwarz generalized dimensional reduction in M-theory. We also present the dual superspace formulation where axion chiral multiplets are dualized into linear multiplets.

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Integration of massive states as contractions of non linear sigma-models

We consider the contraction of some non linear sigma models which appear in effective supergravity theories. In particular we consider the contractions of maximally symmetric spaces corresponding to N=1 and N=2 theories, as they appear in certain low energy effective supergravity actions with mass deformations. The contraction procedure is shown to describe the integrating out of massive modes in the presence of interactions, as it happens in many supergravity models after spontaneous supersymmetry breaking.

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Considerations on super Poincare algebras and their extensions to simple superalgebras

We consider simple superalgebras which are a supersymmetric extension of $\fspin(s,t)$ in the cases where the number of odd generators does not exceed 64. All of them contain a super Poincar\'e algebra as a contraction and another as a subalgebra. Because of the contraction property, some of these algebras can be interpreted as de Sitter or anti de Sitter superalgebras. However, the number of odd generators present in the contraction is not always minimal due to the different splitting properties of the spinor representations under a subalgebra. We consider the general case, with arbitrary dimension and signature, and examine in detail particular examples with physical implications in dimen…

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Supersymmetry in non commutative superspaces

Non commutative superspaces can be introduced as the Moyal-Weyl quantization of a Poisson bracket for classical superfields. Different deformations are studied corresponding to constant background fields in string theory. Supersymmetric and non supersymmetric deformations can be defined, depending on the differential operators used to define the Poisson bracket. Some examples of deformed, 4 dimensional lagrangians are given. For extended superspace (N>1), some new deformations can be defined, with no analogue in the N=1 case.

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