

The Minkowski and conformal superspaces

Veeravalli S. VaradarajanRita FioresiM. A. Lledo


High Energy Physics - TheoryPure mathematicsFOS: Physical sciencesReal formFísicaStatistical and Nonlinear PhysicsConformal mapLie superalgebraMathematical Physics (math-ph)Mathematics - Rings and AlgebrasSuperspaceHigh Energy Physics::TheoryGeneral Relativity and Quantum CosmologyHigh Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)Rings and Algebras (math.RA)Mathematics::Quantum AlgebraMinkowski spaceSupermanifoldFOS: MathematicsCompactification (mathematics)Mathematics::Representation TheorySupergroupMathematical PhysicsMathematics


We define complex Minkowski superspace in 4 dimensions as the big cell inside a complex flag supermanifold. The complex conformal supergroup acts naturally on this super flag, allowing us to interpret it as the conformal compactification of complex Minkowski superspace. We then consider real Minkowski superspace as a suitable real form of the complex version. Our methods are group theoretic, based on the real conformal supergroup and its Lie superalgebra.
