Venera Tyukmaeva


Latitudinal clines in the timing and temperature‐sensitivity of photoperiodic reproductive diapause in Drosophila montana

Reproductive diapause is a primary mechanism used by arthropods to synchronize their life cycle with seasonal changes in temperate regions. Our study species, Drosophila montana, represents the northern insect species where flies enter reproductive diapause under short day conditions and where the precise timing of diapause is crucial for both survival and offspring production. We have studied clinal variation in the critical day length for female diapause induction (CDL) and their overall susceptibility to enter diapause (diapause incidence), as well as the temperature sensitivity of these traits. The study was performed using multiple strains from four latitudinal clines of the species – …

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Cold adaptation drives population genomic divergence in the ecological specialist, Drosophila montana

Funding: UK Natural Environment Research Council (Grant Number(s): NE/L501852/1, NE/P000592/1); Academy of Finland (GrantNumber(s): 267244, 268214, 322980), Ella ja Georg Ehrnroothin Säätiö. Detecting signatures of ecological adaptation in comparative genomics is challenging, but analysing population samples with characterised geographic distributions, such as clinal variation, can help identify genes showing covariation with important ecological variation. Here, we analysed patterns of geographic variation in the cold-adapted species Drosophila montana across phenotypes, genotypes and environmental conditions and tested for signatures of cold adaptation in population genomic divergence. We…

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Adaptation to a seasonally varying environment: a strong latitudinal cline in reproductive diapause combined with high gene flow inDrosophila montana

Adaptation to seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere includes an ability to predict the forthcoming cold season from gradual changes in environmental cues early enough to prepare for the harsh winter conditions. The magnitude and speed of changes in these cues vary between the latitudes, which induces strong selection pressures for local adaptation. We studied adaptation to seasonal changes in Drosophila montana, a northern maltfly, by defining the photoperiodic conditions leading to adult reproductive diapause along a latitudinal cline in Finland and by measuring genetic differentiation and the amount of gene flow between the sampling sites with microsatellites. Our data revealed a cl…

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Northern Drosophila montana flies show variation both within and between cline populations in the critical day length evoking reproductive diapause

Reproductive diapause, and its correct timing, plays an important role in the life cycle of many insect species living in a seasonally varying environment at high latitudes. In the present paper we have documented variation in the critical day length (CDL) for adult reproductive diapause and the steepness of photoperiodic response curves (PPRCs) in seven clinal populations of Drosophila montana in Finland between the latitudes 61 and 67°N, paying special attention to variation in these traits within and between cline populations. The isofemale lines representing these populations showed a sharp transition from 0% to 100% in females' diapause incidence in the shortening day lengths, indicate…

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Insulator proteins contribute to expression of gene loci repositioned into heterochromatin in the course ofDrosophilaevolution

AbstractPericentric heterochromatin inDrosophilais generally composed of repetitive DNA forming a transcriptionally repressive environment. Nevertheless, dozens of genes were embedded into pericentric genome regions during evolution ofDrosophilidaelineage and retained functional activity. However, factors that contribute to “immunity” of these gene loci to transcriptional silencing remain unknown. Here, we investigated molecular evolution of the essentialMybandRanbp16genes. These protein-coding genes reside in euchromatic loci of chromosome X inD. melanogasterand related species, while in other studiedDrosophilaspecies, including evolutionary distant ones, they are located in genomic region…

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Involvement of circadian oscillation(s) in the photoperiodic time measurement and the induction of reproductive diapause in a northern Drosophila species.

An ability to predict forthcoming changes in environmental conditions and get prepared for them in advance is crucial for the survival and reproduction of organisms living in a seasonally changing environment. We have studied the possible involvement of circadian oscillator(s) in the photoperiodic timer controlling seasonal responses by tracing Drosophila montana females' diapause induction in constant darkness and in a classical Nanda-Hamner experiment. Nearly all females developed ovaries in continuous darkness, which shows the direct development to be their default developmental pathway in the absence of photoperiods. In Nanda-Hamner experiment the females' diapause incidence was close t…

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Divergence and introgression among the virilis group of Drosophila

AbstractSpeciation with gene flow is now widely regarded as common. However, the frequency of introgression between recently diverged species and the evolutionary consequences of gene flow are still poorly understood. The virilis group of Drosophila contains around a dozen species that are geographically widespread and show varying levels of pre-zygotic and post-zygotic isolation. Here, we utilize de novo genome assemblies and whole-genome sequencing data to resolve phylogenetic relationships and describe patterns of introgression and divergence across the group. We suggest that the virilis group consists of three, rather than the traditional two, subgroups. We found evidence of pervasive p…

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Additional file 1 of Multiple paths to cold tolerance: the role of environmental cues, morphological traits and the circadian clock gene vrille

Additional file 1: Table S1. Information on fly collecting sites and years, and the exact coordinates (latitude, longitude) and altitudes for each collecting site. Table S2. A List of 19 bioclimatic variables used in the PCA (WorldClim database v2.1, 2.5 min spatial resolutions; current data 1970–2000; Fick and Hijmans 2017; www.worldclim.org ). Table S3. 19 bioclimatic variables for each site were extracted from WorldClim database v2.1. Table S4. Principal components with their variance, cumulative variance and Eigenvalues. Table S5. Contributions (loadings) of the altitude and 19 bioclimatic variables on the Principal Component (PC). Table S6. The best-fit model for CCRT, CTmin, body colo…

research product

Inter- and intra-specific genomic divergence in Drosophila montana shows evidence for cold adaptation

This work was supported by the Academy of Finland to AH (projects 132619 and 267244) and to MK (projects 268214 and 272927) and NERC (UK) funding to MGR (grants NE/E015255/1 and NE/J020818/1) and PhD studentship to DJP (NE/I528634/1). The genomes of species that are ecological specialists will likely contain signatures of genomic adaptation to their niche. However, distinguishing genes related to ecological specialism from other sources of selection and more random changes is a challenge. Here we describe the genome of Drosophila montana, which is the most extremely cold-adapted Drosophila species. We use branch tests to identify genes showing accelerated divergence in contrasts between col…

research product

Adaptation of gene loci to heterochromatin in the course of Drosophila evolution is associated with insulator proteins.

AbstractPericentromeric heterochromatin is generally composed of repetitive DNA forming a transcriptionally repressive environment. Dozens of genes were embedded into pericentromeric heterochromatin during evolution of Drosophilidae lineage while retaining activity. However, factors that contribute to insusceptibility of gene loci to transcriptional silencing remain unknown. Here, we find that the promoter region of genes that can be embedded in both euchromatin and heterochromatin exhibits a conserved structure throughout the Drosophila phylogeny and carries motifs for binding of certain chromatin remodeling factors, including insulator proteins. Using ChIP-seq data, we demonstrate that ev…

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Localization of quantitative trait loci for diapause and other photoperiodically regulated life history traits important in adaptation to seasonally varying environments.

Seasonally changing environments at high latitudes present great challenges for the reproduction and survival of insects, and photoperiodic cues play an important role in helping them to synchronize their life cycle with prevalent and forthcoming conditions. We have mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for the photoperiodic regulation of four life history traits, female reproductive diapause, cold tolerance, egg-to-eclosion development time and juvenile body weight in Drosophila montana strains from different latitudes in Canada and Finland. The F2 progeny of the cross was reared under a single photoperiod (LD cycle 16:8), which the flies from the Canadian population interpret a…

research product

Multiple paths to cold tolerance: the role of environmental cues, morphological traits and the circadian clock gene vrille

AbstractBackgroundTracing the association between insect cold tolerance and latitudinally and locally varying environmental conditions, as well as key morphological traits and molecular mechanisms, is essential for understanding the processes involved in adaptation. We explored these issues in two closely-related species, Drosophila montana and Drosophila flavomontana, originating from diverse climatic locations across several latitudes on the coastal and mountainous regions of North America. We also investigated the association between sequence variation in one of the key circadian clock genes, vrille, and cold tolerance in both species. Finally, we studied the impact of vrille on fly cold…

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Diapause affects cuticular hydrocarbon composition and mating behavior of both sexes inDrosophila montana

Environmental cues, mainly photoperiod and temperature, are known to control female adult reproductive diapause in several insect species. Diapause enhances female survival during adverse conditions and postpones progeny production to the favorable season. Male diapause (a reversible inability to inseminate receptive females) has been studied much less than female diapause. However, if the males maximized their chances to fertilize females while minimizing their energy expenditure, they would be expected to be in diapause at the same time as females. We investigated Drosophila montana male mating behavior under short‐day conditions that induce diapause in females and found the males to be r…

research product

What do we need to know about speciation?

Speciation has been a major focus of evolutionary biology research in recent years, with many important advances. However, some of the traditional organising principles of the subject area no longer provide a satisfactory framework, such as the classification of speciation mechanisms by geographical context into allopatric, parapatric and sympatry classes. Therefore, we have asked where speciation research should be directed in the coming years. Here, we present a distillation of questions about the mechanisms of speciation, the genetic basis of speciation and the relationship between speciation and diversity. Our list of topics is not exhaustive; rather we aim to promote discussion on rese…

research product

Additional file 1 of Multiple paths to cold tolerance: the role of environmental cues, morphological traits and the circadian clock gene vrille

Additional file 1: Table S1. Information on fly collecting sites and years, and the exact coordinates (latitude, longitude) and altitudes for each collecting site. Table S2. A List of 19 bioclimatic variables used in the PCA (WorldClim database v2.1, 2.5 min spatial resolutions; current data 1970–2000; Fick and Hijmans 2017; www.worldclim.org ). Table S3. 19 bioclimatic variables for each site were extracted from WorldClim database v2.1. Table S4. Principal components with their variance, cumulative variance and Eigenvalues. Table S5. Contributions (loadings) of the altitude and 19 bioclimatic variables on the Principal Component (PC). Table S6. The best-fit model for CCRT, CTmin, body colo…

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