Terhi Skaniakos

Yliopistosta työelämään : opintopolun työelämäorientaatiota tukemassa

research product

Pienryhmäohjaajien vertaisryhmä andragogisessa koulutuksessa

Erilaisten yhteistyön muotojen, vuorovaikutuksen ja jakamisen merkitystä korostetaan tutkimuksissa, mutta opettajien ja ohjaajien kollegiaalisen tuen muotoja ei juurikaan edistetä rakenteellisin tai organisatorisin keinoin. Vertaistuki vahvistaa ohjaajien työssä kehittymistä ja jaksamista sekä koulutuksen kehittämistä.

research product

Alkusivut, Vol 22 (2010)

research product

Vertaisuus voimavarana ohjauksessa

research product

Miten työelämäorientaatiota voidaan tukea koulutuksen aikana?

”työelämäorientaation vahvistamisella koko opiskelun ajan ja sitä kautta tietojen, taitojen ja valmiuksien kehittymisellä on merkitystä yksilön koko elämään. Opiskelun mielekkäät työelämäyhteydet kytkeytyvät elämänkokonaisuuteen ja viime kädessä on kyse laajasti opiskelijan hyvinvoinnin tukemisesta”, perustelevat kirjoittajat työelämähorisontin kytkemistä opiskeluun lähtien henkilökohtaisista hops-prosesseista.

research product

Lapsellisen tuttua fantasiaa : turvallinen toiseus elokuvissa E.T. ja WALL-E

research product

Toista tietä maisteriksi : maisteriopiskelijoiden kokemuksia ohjauksesta Jyväskylän yliopistossa

Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on tarkastella Jyväskylän yliopiston maisterivai-heen opintoihin vuosina 2011 ja 2012 sisään otettujen opiskelijoiden kokemuksia ohjauksesta. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat erityisesti opiskelijat, jotka valitaan Jy-väskylän yliopistoon suorittamaan maisteriopintoja perustutkintoihin kuulu-vissa suomenkielisissä pääaineissa, ei siis erillisissä maisteriohjelmissa. Lisäksi kohderyhmän opiskelijat ovat suorittaneet vaadittavat taustaopintonsa jossakin muussa kuin Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, miten opis-kelijat ovat kokeneet ohjauksen siirtymävaiheessa maisteriopintoihin Jyväskylän yliopistoon, sekä opiskelujen aikana suhteessa opiskelukäytänteide…

research product

Mikä ihmeen monimuotogradu?

research product

The meaning of peer group mentoring in the university context

Peer mentoring is commonly used for didactical and learning purposes. In this study we examine peer group mentoring in the university context. The aim is to promote understanding of peer group mentoring based on a meta-analysis of two primary studies: teacher students and teacher group tutors. As a result, three core categories were found: 1) Individual’s participation in the group, 2) Professional development with others and 3) Community enabling sharing and development. These were hierarchically organized and there are critical aspects placed in between the core categories. Professional and personal experiences intertwine to enhance participants’ self-understanding and professional develo…

research product

Discoursing Finnish rock : articulations of identities in the Saimaa-ilmiö rock documentary

research product

Miten työelämäorientaatiota voidaan tukea koulutuksen aikana? : korkeakouluopiskelun pedagoginen työelämähorisontti

”Työelämäorientaation vahvistamisella koko opiskelun ajan ja sitä kautta tietojen, taitojen ja valmiuksien kehittymisellä on merkitystä yksilön koko elämään. Opiskelun mielekkäät työelämäyhteydet kytkeytyvät elämänkokonaisuuteen ja viime kädessä on kyse laajasti opiskelijan hyvinvoinnin tukemisesta”, perustelevat kirjoittajat työelämähorisontin kytkemistä opiskeluun lähtien henkilökohtaisista hops-prosesseista. peerReviewed

research product

Patterns of university teachers’ approaches to teaching, professional development and perceived departmental cultures

Many studies have been conducted about academics’ approaches to teaching, professional development and perceived departmental culture, but their interconnectedness has been considered to a lesser extent. The research presented here examined these patterns comparatively by disciplinary fields and years of teaching experience. Three inventories were filled in by 1141 academics from one Finnish and two Hungarian universities. Based on a hierarchical cluster analysis, four patterns emerged: (1) Experimenters with diverse teaching approaches; (2) Experimenters perceiving their department’s culture as most supportive and collaborative; (3) Individualistic knowledge-focused teachers; and (4) Stude…

research product

Study guidance experiences, study progress, and perceived learning outcomes of Finnish university students

In recent decades, the massification and diversification of higher education have generated new challenges for the guidance of university students. The present study focuses on students’ experiences of guidance in relation to their study progress and perceptions of their learning outcomes. The data (n = 4916) were collected from 2010–2013 through yearly Internet surveys whose targeted respondents were the students of a Finnish University. According to the results, general study guidance was a very strong predictor of students’ self-assessed development of their academic and generic skills as well as working life orientation. It also decreased the probability of slow progress in studies. Sig…

research product

Supporting students' pedagogical working life horizon in higher education

In this article, we introduce a model of a pedagogical working life horizon. It encompasses questions posed by individual students concerning their future and incorporates the idea of a working life orientation to the pedagogical possibilities within education. Working life orientation consists of three elements: individual relationship, knowledge and skills and employability. In the model, we aim to outline how an orientation to working life might be included in higher education, providing a broad perspective on the various pedagogical possibilities. There are two key pedagogical elements supporting the implementation of the pedagogical working life horizons model: reflection and an inquir…

research product

Peer Group Mentoring Programmes in Finnish Higher Education––Mentors’ Perspectives

Peer mentoring is one of the most important guidance practices for first-year students entering higher education and academic life. We are interested in mentors’ roles and apply the ideas of group counseling in order to increase the understanding of peer mentoring. Other aspects of guidance––content, methods, and collaboration––are approached on the basis of the holistic career guidance model. The data were gathered via an online questionnaire (n = 784) from 20 Finnish HE institutions. The results show that peer mentoring is a positive experience. The main emphasis is on the personal, psychosocial aspects of the student’s life. We identified four mentor types based on used activities. The e…

research product

Creating a National Digital Learning Environment for Enhancing University Teachers' Pedagogical Expertise - The Case UNIPS

This article analyses the design, implementation, and evaluation of a nation-wide project to create a common digital solution for university teaching staff’s pedagogical training in Finland. During three years, eight universities collaborated in developing an online learning platform called UNIPS, the University Pedagogical Support system. The areas to develop were A) a learning platform based on technical design principles, B) pedagogical principles, and C) broadening the scope of offered studies. The results have been promising. With a carefully planned timetable, all participating universities were able to produce, test, and offer UNIPS modules in collaboration with other universities on…

research product