Sabina Russo

Educación alimentaria, familia y escuela: Aproximación al estudio de las escuelas de Ribera (Sicilia)

El objetivo general de la investigación-intervención que aquí se presenta fue investigar los hábitos alimentarios de un grupo de niños sicilianos que asisten a la escuela primaria, centrándose específicamente en los malos hábitos alimentarios con respecto al desayuno y al consumo de fruta en la merienda, y demostrar el potencial que puede tener una intervención educativa realizada en la escuela. Se trata, por tanto, de una investigación-intervención (Lavanco & Romano, 2006) con objetivos específicos relativos a la fase de investigación, es decir, a la fase cognitiva del fenómeno estudiado, y con objetivos específicos relativos a la fase de intervención, que consisten en la utilización del d…

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Clinical Implications of Discordant Early Molecular Responses in CML Patients Treated with Imatinib

A reduction in BCR-ABL1/ABL1IS transcript levels to &lt

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Differences among young adults, adults and elderly chronic myeloid leukemia patients

Abstract BACKGROUND: The incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) increases with age, but it is unclear how the characteristics of the disease vary with age. In children, where CML is very rare, it presents with more aggressive features, including huge splenomegaly, higher cell count and higher blast cell percentage. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To investigate if after childhood the disease maintains or loses these characteristics of aggressiveness, we analyzed 2784 adult patients, at least 18 years old, registered by GIMEMA CML WP over a 40-year period. RESULTS: Young adults (YAs: 18-29 years old) significantly differed from adults (30-59 years old) and elderly patients (at least 60 years old)…

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La educación alimentaria de los niños

A lo largo de los años, se ha producido un aumento progresivo del número de personas con sobrepeso y obesas de todas las edades y realidades sociales en Europa y en todo el mundo, lo que hace de la obesidad uno de los problemas de salud pública más acuciantes. La obesidad es un problema que no perdona ni siquiera a los niños más pequeños. Los últimos datos publicados muestran que los niños de los países del sur de Europa son los que tienen mayores problemas de peso (entre el 18% y el 21%); en Italia uno de cada cinco niños es obeso. Esos datos dieron lugar a una investigación en Ribera, un país de Sicilia (Italia), destinada a promover la mejora de la nutrición infantil mediantelasensibiliz…

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A Retrospective Analysis about Frequency of Monitoring in Italian Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients after Discontinuation

Background: Successful tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKIs) discontinuation has been obtained in some patients (pts) with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CP-CML). Careful molecular monitoring after discontinuation is the key to guarantee the safety, in terms of prompt resumption of therapy according to retreatment threshold criteria. It was observed that the majority of relapses usually occur during the first 6 months after TKI discontinuation [Saussele S, Lancet Oncol 2018; Etienne G, JCO 2017], accounting for the monthly quantitative PCR (qPCR) that all prospective protocols included in the trial design at least during the first half-year. Two studies [Kong HJ, Cancer 2017; Shanmugan…

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A Retrospective Analysis about Frequency of Monitoring in Italian Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients after Discontinuation.

Successful discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors has been achieved in patients with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Careful molecular monitoring after discontinuation warrants safe and prompt resumption of therapy. We retrospectively evaluated how molecular monitoring has been conducted in Italy in a cohort of patients who discontinued tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment per clinical practice. The outcome of these patients has recently been reported&mdash

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Observational study of chronic myeloid leukemia Italian patients who discontinued tyrosine kinase inhibitors in clinical practice.

It is judged safe to discontinue treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in experimental trials on treatment-free remission (TFR). We collected a total of 293 Italian patients with chronic phase CML who discontinued TKI in deep molecular response. Seventy-two percent of patients were on treatment with imatinib, and 28% with second generation TKI at the time of discontinuation. Median duration of treatment with the last TKI was 77 months [Interquartile Range (IQR) 54;111], median duration of deep molecular response was 46 months (IQR 31;74). Duration of treatment with TKI and duration of deep molecular response were shorter with second generation TK…

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