Bernhard Amberg

Products of groups and group classes

Letχ be a Schunck class, and let the finite groupG=AB=BC=AC be the product of two nilpotent subgroupsA andB andχ-subgroupC. If for every common prime divisorp of the orders ofA andB the cyclic group of orderp is anχ-group, thenG is anχ-group. This generalizes earlier results of O. Kegel and F. Peterson. Some related results for groups of the formG=AB=AK=BK, whereK is a nilpotent normal subgroup ofG andA andB areχ-groups for some saturated formationχ, are also proved.

research product

Radical Rings with Soluble Adjoint Groups

Abstract An associative ring R , not necessarily with an identity, is called radical if it coincides with its Jacobson radical, which means that the set of all elements of R forms a group denoted by R ∘ under the circle operation r  ∘  s  =  r  +  s  +  rs on R . It is proved that every radical ring R whose adjoint group R ∘ is soluble must be Lie-soluble. Moreover, if the commutator factor group of R ∘ has finite torsion-free rank, then R is locally nilpotent.

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�ber den Satz von Kegel und Wielandt

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Radical Rings with Engel Conditions

Abstract An associative ring R without unity is called radical if it coincides with its Jacobson radical, which means that the set of all elements of R forms a group denoted by R ∘  under the circle operation r  ∘  s  =  r  +  s  +  rs on R . It is proved that, for a radical ring R , the group R ∘  satisfies an n -Engel condition for some positive integer n if and only if R is m -Engel as a Lie ring for some positive integer m depending only on n .

research product

Rank formulae for factorized groups

The following inequalities for the torsion-free rank r0(G) of the group G=AB and for the p∞-rank rp(G) of the soluble-by-finite group G=AB are stated: $$\begin{gathered} r_0 (G) \leqslant r_0 (A) + r_0 (B) - r_0 (A \cap B), \hfill \\ r_p (G) \leqslant r_p (A) + r_p (B) - r_p (A \cap B). \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

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Criteria for the solubility and non-simplicity of finite groups

Abstract Some criteria of the non-simplicity of a finite group by graph theoretical terms are derived. This is then used to establish conditions under which a finite group is soluble.

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Associative rings whose adjoint semigroup is locally nilpotent

The set of all elements of an associative ring R, not necessarily with a unit element, forms a semigroup R ad under the circle operation \({r\circ s}={r+s+rs}\) on R. The ring R is called radical if R ad is a group. It is proved that the semigroup R ad is nilpotent of class n (in sense of A. Mal'cev or B. H. Neumann and T. Taylor) if and only if the ring R is Lie-nilpotent of class n. This yields a positive answer to a question posed by A. Krasil'nikov and independently considered by D. Riley and V. Tasic. It is also shown that the adjoint group of a radical ring R is locally nilpotent if and only if R is locally Lie-nilpotent.

research product

On Associative Rings with Locally Nilpotent Adjoint Semigroup

Abstract The set of all elements of an associative ring R, not necessarily with a unit element, forms a semigroup R ad under the circle operation r ∘ s = r + s + rs for all r, s in R. This semigroup is locally nilpotent if every finitely generated subsemigroup of R ad is nilpotent (in sense of A. I. Mal'cev or B. H. Neumann and T. Taylor). The ring R is locally Lie-nilpotent if every finitely generated subring of R is Lie-nilpotent. It is proved that R ad is a locally nilpotent semigroup if and only if R is a locally Lie-nilpotent ring.

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Lokal endlich-aufl�sbare Produkte von zwei hyperzentralen Gruppen

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On the Soluble Graph of a Finite Simple Group

The maximal independent sets of the soluble graph of a finite simple group G are studied and their independence number is determined. In particular, it is shown that this graph in many cases has an independent set with three vertices.

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On finite products of nilpotent groups

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On the product of a nilpotent group and a group with non-trivial center

Abstract It is proved that a finite group G = A B which is a product of a nilpotent subgroup A and a subgroup B with non-trivial center contains a non-trivial abelian normal subgroup.

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�ber aufl�sbare Produkte nilpotenter Gruppen

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Produkte von Gruppen mit endlichem torsionsfreiem Rang

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Infinite factorized groups

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Products of groups with finite rank

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Associative rings with metabelian adjoint group

Abstract The set of all elements of an associative ring R, not necessarily with a unit element, forms a monoid under the circle operation r∘s=r+s+rs on R whose group of all invertible elements is called the adjoint group of R and denoted by R°. The ring R is radical if R=R°. It is proved that a radical ring R is Lie metabelian if and only if its adjoint group R° is metabelian. This yields a positive answer to a question raised by S. Jennings and repeated later by A. Krasil'nikov. Furthermore, for a ring R with unity whose multiplicative group R ∗ is metabelian, it is shown that R is Lie metabelian, provided that R is generated by R ∗ and R modulo its Jacobson radical is commutative and arti…

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Soluble groups which are products of nilpotent minimax groups

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On trifactorized soluble minimax groups

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On finite products of soluble groups

Let the finite groupG =AB be the product of two soluble subgroupsA andB, and letπ be a set of primes. We investigate under which conditions for the maximal normalπ-subgroups ofA, B andG the following holds:Oπ(G) ∩Oπ(G) ⊆Oπ(G).

research product

Local nearrings with dihedral multiplicative group

AbstractA not necessarily zero-symmetric nearring R with a unit element is called local if the set of all non-invertible elements of R forms a subgroup of the additive group of R. It is proved that every local nearring whose multiplicative group is dihedral is finite and its additive group is either a 3-group of order at most 9 or a 2-group of order at most 32.

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Products of locally dihedral subgroups

AbstractIt is shown that a group G=AB which is a product of two periodic locally dihedral subgroups A and B is soluble.

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Large subgroups of a finite group of even order

It is shown that if G G is a group of even order with trivial center such that | G | > 2 | C G ( t ) | 3 |G|>2|C_{G}(t)|^{3} for some involution t ∈ G t\in G , then there exists a proper subgroup H H of G G such that | G | > | H | 2 |G|> |H|^{2} . If | G | > | C G ( t ) | 3 |G|>|C_{G}(t)|^{3} and k ( G ) k(G) is the class number of G G , then | G | ≤ k ( G ) 3 |G|\leq k(G)^{3} .

research product

Products of locally finite groups with min-p

AbstractThe paper is devoted to showing that if the factorized group G = AB is almost solvable, if A and B are π-subgroups with min-p for some prime p in π and also if the hypercenter factor group A/H(A) or B/H(B) has min p for the prime p. then G is a π-group with min-p for the prime p.

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