

On Associative Rings with Locally Nilpotent Adjoint Semigroup

Yaroslav P. SysakBernhard Amberg


Reduced ringDiscrete mathematicsPure mathematicsAlgebra and Number TheoryMathematics::Rings and AlgebrasLocally nilpotentUnipotentSubringMathematics::Group TheoryNilpotentBicyclic semigroupNilpotent groupMathematics::Representation TheoryUnit (ring theory)Mathematics


Abstract The set of all elements of an associative ring R, not necessarily with a unit element, forms a semigroup R ad under the circle operation r ∘ s = r + s + rs for all r, s in R. This semigroup is locally nilpotent if every finitely generated subsemigroup of R ad is nilpotent (in sense of A. I. Mal'cev or B. H. Neumann and T. Taylor). The ring R is locally Lie-nilpotent if every finitely generated subring of R is Lie-nilpotent. It is proved that R ad is a locally nilpotent semigroup if and only if R is a locally Lie-nilpotent ring.
