M. Samii
Energy Metabolism, Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio and Extracellular Space in Cortex and White Matter Adjacent to and Distant from a Local Freezing Lesion
The present investigation was undertaken to study the distribution of pathological fluid accumulation and the local energy metabolism in the cortex and white matter following a localized traumatic lesion of the cortex. A systematic examination of the changes in the tissue following a trauma is the basis for further studies on the relationship between cortical blood supply, local tissue metabolism and local function.
Extracellular space and electrolyte distribution in cortex and white matter of dog brain in cold induced oedema
24 hours after a circumscribed cold injury of the cortex dog brains were perfused from the lateral ventricle and the frontal subarachnoidal space to the cisterna magna with an artificial CSF containing trace amounts of35S-labelled thiosulphate. Simultaneously the extracellular tracer was administered intravenously. Extracellular fluid volume was estimated and found to be increased from 10 to 15% in the oedematous cortex and from 10 to 27% in the oedematous white matter. The actual size of ECS in oedematous white matter, however, must be larger as indicated by the relative alterations of thiosulphate distribution, tissue water, sodium and chloride. Apparently a small part of the fluid accumu…
Repair of the mandibular nerve by means of autologous nerve grafting after resection of the lower jaw
Summary On the basis of two cases we demonstrate our method of autologous nerve grafting for substitution of the mandibular nerve after mandibular resection. The sural nerve served as a donor nerve, the graft was imbedded microsurgically at the juncture points by means of a perineurial interfascicular nerve suture. Oversized grafts of about 20 cm in length were chosen intentionally in order to insert them without tension between the stumps of the recipient nerve and outside the regeneration zone of the bone. In both cases complete resensibilization of the lower lip was reached after about six months.
Indication and technique for the reconstruction of nerve defects in head and neck.
Summary Although the results of peripheral nerve repair have been greatly improved in the last years following the introduction of microsurgery and increased application of free autologous nerve transplants, the use of restorative neuroplasty in maxillofacial surgery has been limited. Prompted by the successful reports on modern neuroplasty, we have introduced the use of autologous nerve transplant to bridge lesions of various cranial nerves. Our experience is based on the treatment of traumatic and tumour-induced defects of the facial nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, accessory and lingual nerve. The anastomosis of nerve was accomplished exclusively under the surgical microscope and microsur…
Herniation of an intervertebral disc with cauda compression syndrome in childhood.
A case of a lumbosacral disc herniation of traumatic origin with compression of the cauda equina in a child is reported. The problems of early diagnosis, timely operative procedure, and prognosis of neurological deficit of operated disc herniation in childhood are discussed.
Quantitative study of muscle fibre atrophy and restitution after nerve grafts.
Our comparative experimental studies on rabbits using clinical, electromyographical, and quantitative histological examinations of long autologous and homologous nerve grafts in 35 rabbits, paying special attention to quantitative histological changes in the gastrocnemius muscles, allow the statement that, compared to the short homografts, the long homografts showed worse results. Moreover, it became obvious that the regeneration rate of autografts was not influenced by increasing the lengths of the grafts. The answer to the question of how far even longer grafts may influence the quality of regeneration will need further investigations.