Cristina Crespo Soler
Mesmo com a grande relevância dos portos para o desenvolvimento econômico e social dos países, há uma questão que merece atenção dos gestores e da sociedade, é o fato que as atividades portuárias causam impactos ambientais, tais como assoreamento em meios aquáticos, alterações na fauna e flora, emissões atmosféricas, geração de resíduos sólidos, entre outros. Neste contexto, a gestão da informação ambiental é importante tanto para os gestores dos portos quanto para a sociedade, pois permite conhecer o nível de impacto gerado e o n&ia…
Limitations of rule 23 on the allocation of costs of teaching and research staff in Spanish public universities
In March 2011, the model of cost accounting for Spanish public universities was approved and published based on the CANOA project of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD 2011). This paper focuses on rule 23 contained in chapter 8 of this document, where which regulates the treatment of the teaching and research dedication of university staff (PDI) and the allocation of corresponding cost to teaching, research and management. A reflection is made on certain points where there is the possibility of making different interpretations or in which satisfactory results are not obtained, with the consequences that this entails in the quality of the information and in the comparisons be…
O objetivo deste artigo é explorar os indicadores para fazer o gerenciamento de duas faculdades privadas na Espanha. Fez-se a coleta de dados através de entrevista, observação direta por parte dos pesquisadores e análises de documentos internos das instituições de ensino. Ao final foi possível identificar os indicadores de gerenciamento, financeiros e não financeiros, de acordo com as quatro perspectivas do Quadro de Comando Integral (CMI, por sua sigla em espanhol). Conclui-se que o caso 01 utiliza 34 indicadores, sendo 12 financeiros, 10 relacionados com os clientes, 10 da perspectiva interna e somente 2 vinculados ao desenvolvimento pessoal; no caso 02, utilizam-se 41 indicadores, sendo …
A traves de un estudio multiple de casos, en este trabajo hemos explorado los indicadores de gestion de la Carrera de Contabilidad en cuatro Facultades privadas brasilenas. Por otro lado, se ha buscado en la Teoria Contingente posibles explicaciones sobre las diferencias o igualdades entre estos indicadores. Los factores de contingencia que hemos estudiado son: edad del curso, cantidad de alumnos apuntados y experiencia del coordinador. Adicionalmente hemos verificado si el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) es una metodologia adecuada para estructurar, asi como evidenciar, los resultados de la eleccion de los indicadores. Los resultados han demostrado que en el caso 4 la perspectiva Financiera del…
The environmental information report in the annual accounts: An analysis of the main ports in Spain
The aim of this work is to present the content analysis on the intelligibility of the environmental information that is reported in the annual accounts of the main Port Authorities in Spain. The annual accounts are related to documents that contain primarily financial information, and thus meet the needs of users (especially external users) in the decision-making process; in this sense, the work analyzes the environmental aspects presented in them. The data analyzed lead us to conclude that the Port Authorities of Castellón, Gijón and Valencia are the ones that provide the most information about their activities and environmental actions in their annual reports; however, with regard to the …
Carbon management accounting and financial performance: Evidence from the European Union emission trading system
Companies are responding to the effects of climate change by reducing CO2 emissions as a way of managing stakeholder interests and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. In Europe, the emissions trading system is consolidated as a limiting market and control scheme to support business climate change management through a collaborative relationship between government and industry. This work focuses on the economic accounting field, analysing carbon management accounting and its impact on financial performance in scenarios attached to that trading system. The methodological approach used is quantitative, empirically testing the hypotheses through a multiple regression analysis with …
Análisis bibliométrico y sistémico de la relación entre la gestión y el carbono
[EN] This paper aims to present a bibliometric and systemic analysis of the Bibliographic Portfolio (BP) jointly examining the literature related to topics like “Greenhouse gas,” mainly carbon, and “Management,” as published in databases data such as Web of Science and Scopus in the field of economic and social sciences. The Knowledge and Constructivist Development Process methodology —Proknow-C— was used to establish the final portfolio and through the VosViewer program were mapped the various groups or relationships between the studied literature. The paper presents the theoretical and methodological aspects focusing on the areas and countries of study and highlighting the most relevant a…
Estudo sobre o Global Report Initiative de empresas de energia elétrica dos Estados Unidos, do Brasil e da Espanha no período de 1999 a 2010
Para atender às demandas sociais e organizacionais, vários instrumentos têm surgido para auxiliar o processo de geração de informações ambientais, entre eles o Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Desde 1999, o GRI vem auxiliando as empresas a medirem e comunicarem seu desempenho econômico, ambiental e social. Sua consolidação ao longo da década de 2000 tornou-o um instrumento de grande aceitação pelas organizações e pela sociedade e, como consequência, tornou-se foco de estudos científicos sobre sustentabilidade (econômica, social e ambiental) nas organizações. Neste contexto, emerge a pergunta da atual pesquisa: Qual o perfil das empresas do setor elétrico listadas no GRI? Para responder a …
Nuevas perspectivas de la gobernanza Privada: un análisis desde las prácticas de Responsabilidad social y ambiental de las Empresas en Colombia
Las apuestas en materia de responsabilidad social y ambiental en Colombiahan generado una nueva perspectiva para gobernanza privada en materia desostenibilidad. Para comprender este fenomeno se analizan las memorias desostenibilidad, los estados financieros e informes de gestion, de un caso exitosode sostenibilidad en Colombia, con la pretension de logra valorar si dichaspoliticas constituyen un potencial instrumento politico para avanzar en unaregulacion estatal en dicha materia, o si bien se limitan solamente a una estrategia de gestion con repercusiones en la imagen corporativa y en el desempeno financiero de las empresas reportantes. Tras inferir las hipotesis de la investigacion se con…
The Valencia Port Authority (VPA): environmental information in the annual report
In recent years, most companies are participating in the disclosing of information on the impact of their potential activities on the environment. In 2002, Spain developed its legislation on environmental information in annual reports. The port industry has a potential environmental and economic impact. In this context, it is important to know how it disclosure environmental information in the annual reports. The case of study shows the disclosure information characteristics of Valencia Port Authority (VPA) and the relationships with the environment. The results concluded that VPA has adapted its information not only the standards but as a mean of legitimation.