J. H. Kohne

Production of strange particles in the hadronic decays of the Z0

Abstract An analysis of the production of strange particles from the decays of the Z 0 boson into multihadronic final states is presented. The analysis is based on about 90 000 selected hadronic Z 0 decays collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP in 1990. K s 0 , K ∗± , Λ( Λ ) and Ξ − ( Ξ + ) have been identified by their characteristic decays. The measured production cross sections are compared with predictions of the Lund Monte Carlo tuned to data at PEP/PETRA energies.

research product

Measurement of the Z$^0$ branching fraction to b quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product

Abstract From a sample of about 120 000 hadronic Z 0 decays, using a technique based on a separation of the different event categories in the boosted sphericity product, the fraction of b b decays has been measured to be 0.219 ± 0.014 (stat)± 0.019 (syst). Using the DELPHI determination of the hadronic Z 0 width, this corresponds to a partial width τ b b = 378 ± 42 MeV (in good agreement with the standard model prediction of ∼-380 MeV). Combining this measurement with the determinations based on events with high p t leptons gives an estimate for the branching ratio of b into leptons at LEP of (11.2 ± 1.2)%, consistent with previous determinations.

research product

Multiplicity fluctuations in hadronic final states from the decay of the Z0

An analysis of the fluctuations in the phase space distribution of hadrons produced in the decay of 78829 Z0 has been carried out, using the method of factorial moments. The high statistics collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP during 1990 allowed studies of the event sample both globally and in intervals of p(t) and multiplicity, and for different jet topologies and for single jets. A large contribution to the factorial moments of the one-dimensional data on rapidity with respect to the event axis comes from hard gluons. Details of factorial moments in two and three dimensions are presented. Influences of resonance decays have been studied by Monte Carlo simulation: one-dimensional fac…

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