

Multiplicity fluctuations in hadronic final states from the decay of the Z0

P. AbreuW. AdamT. AdyeE. AgasiG. D. AlekseevA. AlgeriP. AllenS. AlmehedS. J. AlvsvaagU. AmaldiE. AnassontzisA. AndreazzaP. AntilogusW. D. ApelR. J. ApsimonB. AsmanJ. E. AugustinA. AugustinusP. BaillonP. BambadeF. BaraoR. BarateG. BarbielliniD. Y. U. BardinA. BaroncelliO. BarringJ. A. BarrioW. BartlM. J. BatesM. BattagliaM. BaubillierK. H. BecksC. J. BeestonM. BegalliP. BeilliereY. U. BelokopytovP. BeltranD. BenedicA. C. BenvenutiM. BerggrenD. BertrandFabrizio BianchiMikhail S. BilenkyBilloir PierreJ. BjarneD. BlochS. BlythV. BocciP. BogolyubovT. BologneseM. BonesiniW. BoniventoP. S. L. BoothP. BorgeaudG. BorisovH. BornerC. BosioB. BostjancicS. BosworthO. BotnerB. BouquetC. BourdariosT. J. V. BowcockM. BozzoS. BraibantP. BranchiniK. D. BrandR. A. BrennerH. BriandC. BricmanR. C. A. BrownN. BrummerJ. M. BrunetL. BuggeT. BuranH. BurmeisterJ. A. M. A. BuytaertM. CacciaM. CalviA. J. Camacho RozasT. CamporesiV. CanaleF. CaoF. CarenaL. CarrollC. CasoM. V. Castillo GimenezA. CattaiF. R. CavalloL. CerritoV. ChabaudA. ChanP. CharpentierL. ChaussardJ. ChauveauP. ChecchiaG. A. ChelkovL. ChevalierP. ChliapnikovV. ChorowiczJ. T. ChrinRoberto CirioM. P. ClaraP. CollinsJ. L. ContrerasR. ContriE. CortinaG. CosmeF. CouchotH. B. CrawleyD. CrennellG. CrosettiM. CrozonJ. Cuevas MaestroS. CzellarE. Dahl JensenB. D'almagneM. DamG. DamgaardG. DarboE. DaubieA. DaumPaul D. DaunceyM. DavenportP. DavidW. Da SilvaC. DefoixD. DelikarisS. DelormeP. DelpierreN. DemariaA. De AngelisM. De BeerH. De BoeckW. De BoerC. De ClercqM. D. M. De Fez LasoN. De GrootC. De La VaissiereB. De LottoA. De MinH. DijkstraL. Di CiaccioF. DjamaJ. DolbeauM. DonszelmannK. DorobaM. DracosJ. DreesM. DrisY. DufourL. O. EekP. A. M. EerolaR. EhretT. EkelofG. EkspongA. Elliot PeisertJ. P. EngelD. FassouliotisM. FeindtM. Fernandez AlonsoA. FerrerT. A. FilippasA. FirestoneH. FoethE. FokitisF. FontanelliK. A. J. ForbesJ. L. FoussetS. FranconB. FranekP. FrenkielD. C. FriesA. G. FrodesenR. FruhwirthF. Fulda QuenzerK. FurnivalH. FurstenauJ. FusterG. GaleazziD. GambaC. GarciaJ. GarciaC. GasparU. GaspariniP. GavilletGazis EvangelosJ. P. GerberP. GiacomelliR. GokieliB. GolobV. M. GolovatyukJ. J. Gomez Y. CadenasA. GoobarG. GopalM. GorskiV. GraccoA. GrantF. GrardE. GrazianiG. GrosdidierE. GrossB. GrosseteteP. Grosse WiesmannJ. GuyU. HaedingerF. HahnM. HahnS. HaiderZ. HajdukA. HakanssonA. HallgrenK. HamacherG. Hamel De MonchenaultW. HaoF. J. HarrisT. HenkesJ. J. HernandezP. HerquetH. HerrT. L. HessingI. HietanenC. O. HigginsE. HigonH. J. HilkeS. D. HodgsonT. HofmoklR. HolmesS. O. HolmgrenD. HolthuizenP. F. HonoreJ. E. HooperM. HouldenJ. HrubecC. HuetP. O. HulthK. HultqvistP. IoannouD. IsenhowerP. S. Iversen John Neil JacksonP. JalochaG. JarlskogP. JarryB. Jean Marie Erik Karl JohanssonD. JohnsonM. JonkerL. JonssonP. JuillotG. KalkanisG. KalmusKapusta FredericM. KarlssonE. KarvelasS. KatsanevasE. C. KatsoufisR. KeranenJ. KestemanB. A. KhomenkoN. N. KhovanskyB. KingN. J. KjaerKlein HansjorgW. KlemptA. KlovningP. KluitA. Koch MehrinJ. H. KohneB. KoeneP. KokkiniasM. KopfK. KorcylA. V. KorytovV. KostukhinC. KourkoumelisO. Kouznetsov Paul Heinz KramerJ. KrolikowskiI. KronkvistJ. KrsticU. Kruner MarquisW. KrupinskiK. KulkaK. KurvinenLacasta CarlosC. LambropoulosJ. W. LamsaL. LanceriV. LapinJ. P. LaugierR. LauhakangasG. LederLedroit FabienneR. LeitnerY. LemoigneJ. LemonneG. LenzenV. LepeltierJ. M. LevyLieb ElmarD. LikoE. LillethunJ. LindgrenR. LindnerA. LipniackaI. LippiB. LorstadM. LokajicekJ. G. LokenA. Lopez FernandezM. A. Lopez AgueraM. LosD. LoukasJ. J. LozanoP. LutzL. LyonsG. MahlumJ. MaillardA. MaltezosF. MandlJ. MarcoM. MargoniJ. C. MarinA. MarkouT. MaronS. MartiL. MathisF. MatorrasC. MatteuzziG. MatthiaeM. MazzucatoM. MccubbinR. MckayR. McnultyG. MeolaC. MeroniW. T. MeyerM. MichelottoI. MikulecL. MirabitoW. A. MitaroffMitselmakher GuenakhU. MjornmarkT. MoaMoller RasmusMonig KlausM. R. MongeP. MorettiniH. MullerW. J. MurrayB. MurynG. MyattF. NaraghiF. L. NavarriaP. NegriB. S. NielsenB. NijjharV. NikolaenkoP. E. S. NilsenP. NissV. ObraztsovA. G. OlshevskiR. OravaA. OstankovK. OsterbergA. OuraouM. PaganoniR. PainH. PalkaT. PapadopoulouL. PapeA. PasseriM. PegoraroJ. PennanenV. PerevozchikovM. PernickaA. PerrottaC. PetridouA. PetroliniT. E. PettersenF. PierreM. PimentaO. PingotM. E. PolG. PolokP. PoropatP. PriviteraA. PulliaD. RadojicicS. RagazziH. RahmaniP. N. RatoffAlexander L. Read Nicola Giuseppe RedaelliM. ReglerD. ReidP. B. RentonL. K. ResvanisF. RichardM. RichardsonJ. RidkyG. RinaudoI. RoditiAlessandra RomeroI. RoncaglioloP. RoncheseC. RonnqvistE. I. RosenbergS. RossiU. RossiE. RossoP. RoudeauT. RovelliW. RuckstuhlV. RuhlmannA. RuizK. RybickiH. SaarikkoY. SacquinG. SajotJ. SaltJ. SanchezM. SanninoS. SchaelH. SchneiderM. A. E. SchynsG. SciollaScuri FabrizioA. M. SegarR. SekulinM. SessaG. SetteR. SeufertR. C. ShellardI. SiccamaP. SiegristS. SimonettiF. SimonettoA. N. SisakianT. B. SkaaliG. SkjevlingG. SmadjaG. R. SmithR. SosnowskiT. S. SpassovE. SpiritiS. SquarciaH. StackC. StanescuS. StapnesG. StavropoulosF. StichelbautA. StocchiJ. StraussJ. StraverR. StrubM. SzczekowskiM. SzeptyckaP. SzymanskiT. TabarelliS. TavernierO. ChikilevG. TheodosiouA. TilquinTimmermans JanV. G. TimofeevL. G. TkachevT. TodorovD. Z. ToetO. TokerE. TorassaL. TortoraM. T. TrainorD. TreilleU. TrevisanW. TrischukG. TristramC. TronconA. TsirouE. N. TsyganovM. TuralaM. L. TurluerT. TuuvaI. A. TyapkinM. TyndelS. TzamariasS. UberscharO. UllalandV. A. UvarovG. ValentiE. VallazzaJ. A. Valls FerrerC. Vander VeldeG. W. Van Apeldoorn Piet Van Dam Walter Van DoninckP. VazG. VegniL. VenturaW. VenusF. VerbeureL. S. VertogradovD. VilanovaP. VincentL. VitaleE. VlasovA. S. VodopianovM. VollmerG. VoulgarisM. VoutilainenV. VrbaH. WahlenC. WalckF. WaldnerM. WayneA. WehrM. WeierstallP. WeilhammerJ. WernerA. M. WetherellJ. H. WickensJ. WikneG. R. WilkinsonW. S. C. WilliamsM. WinterD. WormaldG. WormserK. WoschnaggN. YamdagniP. YepesA. ZaitsevA. ZalewskaP. ZalewskiD. ZavrtanikE. ZevgolatakosG. ZhangN. I. ZiminM. ZitoR. ZuberiR. Zukanovich FunchalG. ZumerleJ. ZunigaJ. Zuniga


Nuclear and High Energy PhysicsFactorialParticle physicsE+E ANNIHILATIONLUND MONTE-CARLOMonte Carlo methodPartonMULTIPARTICLE PRODUCTION01 natural sciences7. Clean energyJET FRAGMENTATIONNuclear physicsParticle decayRAPIDITY DISTRIBUTIONS0103 physical sciences[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]RapidityZ0010306 general physicsParton showerHIGH-ENERGY COLLISIONSQuantum chromodynamicsPhysics010308 nuclear & particles physicsLUND MONTE-CARLO; HIGH-ENERGY COLLISIONS; E+E ANNIHILATION; MULTIPARTICLE PRODUCTION; RAPIDITY DISTRIBUTIONS; INTERMITTENCY ANALYSIS; JET FRAGMENTATION; Z0; QCD; SIMULATIONQCDINTERMITTENCY ANALYSISGluonSIMULATIONHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentFísica nuclearParticle Physics - Experiment


An analysis of the fluctuations in the phase space distribution of hadrons produced in the decay of 78829 Z0 has been carried out, using the method of factorial moments. The high statistics collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP during 1990 allowed studies of the event sample both globally and in intervals of p(t) and multiplicity, and for different jet topologies and for single jets. A large contribution to the factorial moments of the one-dimensional data on rapidity with respect to the event axis comes from hard gluons. Details of factorial moments in two and three dimensions are presented. Influences of resonance decays have been studied by Monte Carlo simulation: one-dimensional factorial moments at low p(t), and two-, three-dimensional analyses are affected. Parton shower models describe the data reasonably well.
