Chiara Gianguzzi
A coupled Finite Volume–Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method for incompressible flows
Abstract An hybrid approach is proposed which allows to combine Finite Volume Method (FVM) and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). The method is based on the partitioning of the computational domain into a portion discretized with a structured grid of hexahedral elements (the FVM-domain ) and a portion filled with Lagrangian particles (the SPH-domain ), separated by an interface made of triangular elements. A smooth transition between the solutions in the FVM and SPH regions is guaranteed by the introduction of a layer of grid cells in the SPH-domain and of a band of virtual particles in the FVM one (both neighboring the interface), on which the hydrodynamic variables are obtained throug…
Embedding Monitoring Systems for Cured-In-Place Pipes
This paper proposes a non-intrusive electrical measurement system for monitoring some relevant parameters in pipeline systems. Temperature and flow-rate are monitored, using MEMS sensors. The flow-rate is evaluated by measuring pipe vibration, with a 3 axis accelerometer, induced by turbulence when fluid flows within the tube. The sensors are embedded, during the curing process of the cured-in-place pipes, in the pipes wall making the system suitable to be installed in renewed or new pipeline. The first experimental results show that it may be possible to obtain, at low-cost, a fully monitored distribution network.