G De Simone
Addition of either pioglitazone or a sulfonylurea in type 2 diabetic patients inadequately controlled with metformin alone: impact on cardiovascular events. A randomized controlled trial.
Abstract Background and aims Metformin is the first-line therapy in type 2 diabetes. In patients inadequately controlled with metformin, the addition of a sulfonylurea or pioglitazone are equally plausible options to improve glycemic control. However, these drugs have profound differences in their mechanism of action, side effects, and impact on cardiovascular risk factors. A formal comparison of these two therapies in terms of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is lacking. The TOSCA.IT study was designed to explore the effects of adding pioglitazone or a sulfonylurea on cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetic patients inadequately controlled with metformin. Methods Multicentre, random…
Treatment of esophageal cancer in inoperable elderly patients: our experience
The esophagus carcinoma has an incidence rate of 3–4 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, per year, with a male/female ratio of 3:1 and with a low incidence between the VI–VII decade of life. In Italy, the incidence rate equals 2,000 new cases/year with a mortality rate of 3–5/100,000 inhabitants.
Tiroidectomia totale con impiego del dissettore ad ultrasuoni: risultati di uno studio prospettico randomizzato
In the last years, the introduction and employment in surgery of the dissectors of last generation (ultrasounds, radiofrequency, etc.) have contributed to a remarkable improvement and simplification of the performances and the surgical techniques. The present study has the aim to verify, on the basis of the experience made in the last two years and through a careful comparisons with operations performed in the usual way, the advantages of employment of ultrasonic dissector in thyroid surgery and if besides such advantages it is possible to obtain real and substantial reductions of the complications. To such aim a randomized perspective study has been lead, confronting two groups of 60 patie…
Fra il fiume Oreto e la Circonvallazione. Sistema di spazi pubblici nel quartiere Borgo Ulivia-Falsomiele
La scheda descrive uno dei dodici progetti della ricerca PRIN 2007. In particolare propone all'attenzione dei progettisti le questioni irrisolte delle corti interne dei sistemi residenziali a "baglio", progettate dal gruppo di Luigi Vagnetti, e di alcuni altri spazi residuali compresi fra la circonvallazione e il fiume Oreto
Effects on the incidence of cardiovascular events of the addition of pioglitazone versus sulfonylureas in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled with metformin (TOSCA.IT): a randomised, multicentre trial
Background The best treatment option for patients with type 2 diabetes in whom treatment with metformin alone fails to achieve adequate glycaemic control is debated. We aimed to compare the long-term effects of pioglitazone versus sulfonylureas, given in addition to metformin, on cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods TOSCA.IT was a multicentre, randomised, pragmatic clinical trial, in which patients aged 50â75 years with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled with metformin monotherapy (2â3 g per day) were recruited from 57 diabetes clinics in Italy. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1), by permuted blocks randomisation (block size 10), stratified by site and…
Selective reset of a chain of interacting superconducting qubits
We propose and analyze a scheme for the selective reset of a chain of inductively coupled Josephson flux qubits initially prepared in a multipartite entangled state. The possibility of controlling at will the coupling between two prefixed qubits is exploited to drive a "generalized W state" to a factorized state with only one qubit in the excited state and all the other qubits in their own ground states.
Alberto Burri nel panorama della Land Art internazionale
Il Grande Cretto, nella sua austera semplicità, è tributo alla memoria e perenne ricordo delle vittime del sisma ma, per Burri è l'ennesima occasione per evocare nel trascorrere del tempo il senso immutabile della sofferenza umana. l'opera più vasta dell'arte contemporanea (12 ettari) concepita dal maestro in occasione della sua visita alla città nel 1981, iniziata nell'agosto 1985 ed interrotta nel 1990, attende da oltre un decennio che gli sia riconosciuta la dignità della compiutezza.