

Tiroidectomia totale con impiego del dissettore ad ultrasuoni: risultati di uno studio prospettico randomizzato

Michele FrazzettaG FurgiueleD RaimondoAntonino SammartanoEnzo ManninoG De SimoneGiuseppe VetriSebastiano BonventreGiuseppe Di Gesu'


Electrosurgery Equipment and Supplies vessel sealing


In the last years, the introduction and employment in surgery of the dissectors of last generation (ultrasounds, radiofrequency, etc.) have contributed to a remarkable improvement and simplification of the performances and the surgical techniques. The present study has the aim to verify, on the basis of the experience made in the last two years and through a careful comparisons with operations performed in the usual way, the advantages of employment of ultrasonic dissector in thyroid surgery and if besides such advantages it is possible to obtain real and substantial reductions of the complications. To such aim a randomized perspective study has been lead, confronting two groups of 60 patients, submitted to total thyroidectomy in Chair of General Surgery and Surgical Physiopathology of the University of Palermo-Complex Operating Unit of General Surgery. In all patients have been considered age, sex, histological diagnosis, length of the incision, time (from the incision until suture of skin), entity of the bleeding, hospital stay, post-operative consequences and total costs of thyroidectomy. The elaboration of the obtained data shows the advantages following to the use of the dissectors of last generation: reduction of the times, reduction of the complications, better tolerance of the operation by patients, better rationalization of the resources.
