Eftyxis Galanos
Tapered Multiblock Copolymers Based on Isoprene and 4-Methylstyrene: Influence of the Tapered Interface on the Self-Assembly and Thermomechanical Properties
The synthesis of tapered multiblock copolymers by statistical living anionic copolymerization of a mixture of isoprene (I) and 4-methylstyrene (4MS) in cyclohexane is based on vastly different reac...
Isoprene/Styrene Tapered Multiblock Copolymers with up to Ten Blocks: Synthesis, Phase Behavior, Order, and Mechanical Properties
The living anionic copolymerization of isoprene and styrene in cyclohexane affords tapered block copolymers due to the highly disparate reactivity ratios of rI = 12.8 and rS = 0.051. Repeated addit...