Hans Ade
Zur Existenz von Lösungen gewisser Randwertaufgaben
With the aid of some known results about integral equations of the Hammerstein type there is proofed an existence theorem for the following class of boundary value problems−y″−l 2 y′=f(x,y),y(a)=y(b)=0,l 2>0 mit|f(x, y)|=0,l 3 (x)>0. The existence range is determined by the greatest eigenvalue of some linear problem.
Iterationsverfahren höherer Ordnung in Banach-Räumen
The Newton process for operator equations in say a linear normed complete space converges under certain hypothesis about the Frechet-derivatives of the operator with at least the order two. There are different ways to improve this Newton process. For instance you obtain a process of order three if you add a correction element containing the second Frechet-derivative of the operator [1]. In the following note we will generalize this idea. In a recursive manner -- by adding higher derivatives -- we will construct iterative processes of any orderk (k > 1). A general theorem due toCollatz provides us error estimates for this processes. Last we will illustrate the processes by several examples.
Existenzsätze für schwach nichtlineare Operatorgleichungen und Anwendung auf Randwertaufgaben mit gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen
With Schauder's fixpoint principle we establish an existence theorem for solutions of two simultaneous nonlinear operator equations of the formL iu=Miu, i=1,2, Li linear,M i continous. By applying this result to boundary value problems with ordinary differential equations we generalize results of Conti and Ehrmann in various directions.