R Beetz


It is well accepted that obstructive uropathy causes UTI.In patients without urological anomalies a host defense defect of the uroepithelial cells (UEC) may result in increased susceptibility to bacterial infections.Even in patients with vesicourethral reflux (VUR) and recurrent UTI the postulated defense mechanism may be impaired since a significant proportion of these patients still suffer from UTI after surgical therapy.Therefore the influence of UEC on bacterial growth was investigated in 5 groups of children: healthy donors,children with neurogenic bladder due to myelomeningocele (MMC),patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU;without obstructive uropathy) and patients with VUR after…

research product

Hypoparathyreoidismus und Innenohrschwerhörigkeit

Es werden 3 Kinder mit nicht-familiarem Hypoparathyreoidismus beschrieben, die durch eine hochgradige Horstorung cochlearer Genese auffielen. Wahrend bei einem der Kinder klinisch und molekulargenetisch ein Kearns-Sayre-Syndrom nachgewiesen werden konnte, bleibt die Ursache des gemeinsamen Auftretens der Storungen bei 2 Kindern ungeklart. Die Assoziation scheint haufiger als bisher angenommen: sie betrifft 3 der in der Kinderklinik Mainz betreuten 9 Kinder mit primarem Hypoparathyreoidismus. Genetisch determinierte Storungen der Haarzellmotilitat der Cochlea sowie Haarzellschadigung als Folge chronisch verringerter Kalziumkonzentrationen in der Peri- und Endolymphe werden als pathogenetisch…

research product

Mild dehydration: a risk factor of urinary tract infection?

Bacterial growth in the urinary tract is usually prevented by host factors including bacterial eradication by urinary and mucus flow, urothelial bactericidal activity, urinary secretory IgA, and blood group antigens in secretions which interfere with bacterial adherence. Bacterial eradication from the urinary tract is partially dependent on urine flow and voiding frequency. Therefore, it seems logical to postulate a connection between fluid intake and the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, experimental and clinical data on this subject are conflicting. Experimental studies concerning the effect of water intake on susceptibility and course of UTIs were predominantly performed …

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