Daniel Martos-garcía
Emancipation or simulation? The pedagogy of ignorance and action research in PETE
Education is increasingly a bureaucratized, standardized and regulated service in which everything is decided by the ‘experts’. There is an abandonment of the concept of education centred on the su...
Challenging gender relations in PE through cooperative learning and critical reflection
Research continues to highlight how gender is reproduced through pedagogical practice in Physical Education (PE), but there has been much less focus on how it might be challenged. This paper report...
Sport and physical activity in a high security Spanish prison: an ethnographic study of multiple meanings
Drawing on data generated by a two-year ethnographic study in a high security Spanish prison, this article explores the multiple meanings given to the social practices of sport and physical activity. We provide details of the following key themes that emerged from the analysis: (a) escaping time; (b) perceived therapeutic benefits; (c) social control; (d) gendered dimensions; and (e) performing masculinity. The findings suggest that a diverse and contradictory set of meanings are associated with sport and physical activity within this particular prison culture, and that the performance of specific kinds of masculinity is both a process and product that shapes the construction of experience …
Como modalidad de investigación narrativa, la autoetnografía enfatiza la parte más personal del proceso de investigación. En este artículo, el relato autoetnográfico se utiliza para reflexionar sobre el trabajo de campo de un estudio etnográfico previo desarrollado en el polideportivo de una prisión de máxima seguridad española. Los datos recogidos en aquella ocasión han sido reexaminados ahora para explicitar críticamente los pasos dados. De este modo, se ponen de manifiesto tanto los dilemas éticos enfrentados, las complejas relaciones sociales que el proceso de investigación encerró, así como la falibilidad de las decisiones tomadas.
¿Dónde está mi Capital? Una Reflexión Personal sobre la Habilidad y el Acceso al Reconocimiento para la Inclusión en Educación Física
La habilidad es un constructo social que influye en el acceso al reconocimiento de las personas en el ambito de la actividad fisica y el deporte (AFD) y en las aulas de educacion fisica (EF) en particular. Sin embargo, actualmente la habilidad se define de forma tradicional y limitada, lo que genera experiencias de violencia simbolica entre aquellas personas con un cuerpo y unos gustos que se alejan de los discursos normativos y hegemonicos dominantes. Este estudio se centra en la narracion de mis propias experiencias de violencia simbolica y “capital-dependencia” como mujer “habil” en el campo de la AFD. A traves del analisis de momentos de inflexion desde una mirada retrospectiva, trato d…
Creating and maintaining social networks: women’s participation in Basque pilota. [Creación y mantenimiento de redes sociales: participación de mujeres en pelota vasca].
Basque pilota is a traditional sport played mainly by men. A project emerged in 2005 to promote female participation: Emakumea Pilotari (Woman pelota player). In this article we present the main points that emerged from an ethnographic study of the social relationships that playing Basque pilota can provide. The study was carried out in 2011-2012 season with a purposive sample of 28 adult women Basque pilota players (pilotaris) (between 22 and 60 years old). 26 participants were pilotaris in recreational groups and the other two were their trainers. The results suggest that a sense of community, team membership, the development of a general reciprocity and group security are the most import…
La formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Física: una mirada desde la atención a la diversidad
El profesorado de Educación Física (EF) presenta falta de formación e inseguridad a la hora de atender la diversidad en su aula. Una de las causas que se atribuyen a este problema es la escasa formación que se da al respecto en los estudios relacionados con la formación inicial del profesorado. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de las guías docentes de 40 universidades españolas que se corresponden con la enseñanza de la didáctica de la EF en el Grado en Maestro/a en Educación Primaria. Entre los principales hallazgos, destaca el hecho que únicamente el 30% de las guías docentes incluye al menos un tema específico sobre atención a la diversidad, un 75% incluyen competencias profesiona…
Construcció identitària i política esportiva en la pilota valenciana
La pilota valenciana és una de les activitats tradicionals de la societat valenciana. La pretensió d’aquest article radica a estudiar aquesta societat a l’atzar del succeït amb aquesta pràctica relacionant-la amb la història, la política esportiva i la identitat. La base empírica de l’article està constituïda, sobretot, per fonts internes a través d’entrevistes en profunditat als diferents agents implicats: pilotaris, tècnics, aficionats i empresaris. Aquestes dades s’han relacionat amb bibliografia assagística. En els resultats s’identifiquen les condicions que es donen en el context valencià respecte a la identitat que s’ha anat construint com a poble al llarg de la història. En segon llo…
Los significados que una madre presa y drogodependiente asigna a las actividades físico-deportivas: sus relaciones con la reinserción y la terapia. [The meanings that an inmate, mother and drug addict assigns to physical activities and sports: their relationship with rehabilitation and therapy].
Physical activity practiced by incarcerated women: A systematic review
Our aim doing this systematic review was to identify and analyze studies about women prison inmates' engagement in sport and physical activities (SPAs). The review was conducted in three areas - SPAs, prison and women - and based on information obtained from different databases. Through a selection process, we singled out 33 empirical and review studies, the quality of which was analyzed. From our analysis, we learn that the benefits women prison inmates derive from SPAs are considerable, although they also reveal that obstacles exist to be overcome if their levels of participation are to rise.
Osteogénesis imperfecta y educación física: Un caso inédito de inclusión educativa
The main objective of this work is to investigate the inclusive treatment experienced by a student with Osteogenesis Imperfecta and their peers in an undergraduate course with contents related to physical education. Data collection was performed over a semester through informal conversations with the lecturer, in depth and semi-structured interviews, and an open-response questionnaire. The study reveals the stigma suffered by the student, both personal and academic (especially in physical education classes), and the ignorance and insecurity demonstrated by future teachers about this disease and how to perform an inclusive treatment in their classes. The adjustments made by the lecturer of t…
‘Haz lo que puedas’. Un estudio de caso sobre diversidad funcional y Educación Física
Resumen basado en el de la publicación Título, resumen y palabras clave disponibles en español y en inglés Las experiencias de las personas con diversidad funcional en Educación Física (EF) suelen ser poco satisfactorias. Por ello, se pretende estudiar las experiencias de Félix, un hombre con miopatía congénita y usuario de silla de ruedas. Félix fue escogido para el estudio a propósito, debido a su historial educativo vinculado a las ciencias del deporte y la enseñanza de la EF. Se llevaron a cabo cuatro entrevistas en profundidad. En estas, se repasaron las etapas de Primaria y Secundaria, la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte y el posterior paso de Félix por el …
Percepción del alumnado sobre evaluación formativa y compartida: conectando dos universidades a través de la Blogosfera
The aim of this study was to evaluate differences in physical education students’ perception on an educational innovation based on formative and peer assessment through the blogosphere. The sample was made up of 253 students from two Spanish universities. Data was collected using a self-reported questionnaire and t tests were employed in order to find differences among students’ groups. Results show significant differences in almost all of the items on which the students were questioned. Basque students were more satisfied with the assessment tool used than the Valencian students. Students found the blogosphere more active, meaningful, functional and motivating and that it made for collabor…
Socio-critical research on teaching physical education and physical education teacher education
The purpose of this study is to systematically review the socio-critical research on teaching physical education (PE) and PE teacher education (PETE) between 1999 and 2014. The procedure followed a four-phase approach: (a) searching publications through four international databases; (b) meeting inclusion criteria; (c) refining selection to identify specifically research-based papers; and (d) expert searching based on the research team’s knowledge. The selection process yielded 23 articles mainly from Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Spain. Most of the research was authored collaboratively by male and female authors affiliated to universities. A lack of authorship shared with participant …
Assessment itineraries and its relation with academic achievement
[EN] In recent years the university educational reality shows signs of change. Among other innovations, it has meant the introduction of new ways of assessment, arousing the scientific interest it deserves. Concretely, the formative and shared assessment is developed in assessment routes that try to adapt to the needs of the students. However, the continuous, mixed and final assessment methods are related to different academic performance, which is worth considering. This article tries to deepen in the relation that these itineraries have with the obtained marks and analyses descriptively teacher assessment trends and students’ system assessment preferences of choice. The results show, on t…
‘Brittle Bone Disease’ and Physical Education. An experience of simulation and imagination toward inclusion
La inclusion educativa reporta cada vez mas situaciones en las que se evidencia la necesidad de concretar propuestas especificas, como la inclusion de alumnado con Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) en Educacion Fisica. Asi, presentamos una iniciativa basada en una experiencia inclusiva previa (Martos-Garcia & Valencia-Peris, 2016), en la que se decidio simular e imaginar a una persona con OI en una sesion de formacion del profesorado en Educacion Especial. Los objetivos pasan por cambiar las actitudes de las personas participantes, proporcionarles informacion relativa a la OI y evaluar la idoneidad educativa de esta propuesta, ubicada en un paradigma post-critico. Mediante la utilizacion de obse…