Assessment itineraries and its relation with academic achievement
Jorge LizandraDaniel Martos-garcíaAlexandra Valencia-perisRodrigo Atienza Gagosubject
rendimiento académicoitinerarios de evaluaciónRendimiento académico050801 communication & media studieseducación superiorCalificacionesAssessment methodsAcademic performanceEducation0508 media and communicationsAssessment itinerariesEvaluación formativa y compartidaHigher educationmétodos de evaluaciónMétodos de evaluaciónFormative and shared assessmentMarks05 social sciences050301 educationGeneral MedicineLItinerarios de evaluacióncalificacionesEducación superiorevaluación formativa y compartida0503 educationdescription
[EN] In recent years the university educational reality shows signs of change. Among other innovations, it has meant the introduction of new ways of assessment, arousing the scientific interest it deserves. Concretely, the formative and shared assessment is developed in assessment routes that try to adapt to the needs of the students. However, the continuous, mixed and final assessment methods are related to different academic performance, which is worth considering. This article tries to deepen in the relation that these itineraries have with the obtained marks and analyses descriptively teacher assessment trends and students’ system assessment preferences of choice. The results show, on the one hand, how the majority of the students choose a continuous and formative assessment, and on the other hand, that this itinerary is related to higher academic marks. The worst academic results are obtained by the students who opt for final evaluation. This study confirms not only the students’ preference for the assessment itineraries that contemplate formative and shared assessment, but also the influence that these elements have on performance, that is, on the marks. This helps to better understand the needs and choices of our students and, consequently, to optimally adjust our teaching.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2017-12-30 |