Aleksandar Mikovic


General Solution for Self-Gravitating Spherical Null Dust

We find the general solution of equations of motion for self-gravitating spherical null dust as a perturbative series in powers of the outgoing matter energy-momentum tensor, with the lowest order term being the Vaidya solution for the ingoing matter. This is done by representing the null-dust model as a 2d dilaton gravity theory, and by using a symmetry of a pure 2d dilaton gravity to fix the gauge. Quantization of this solution would provide an effective metric which includes the back-reaction for a more realistic black hole evaporation model than the evaporation models studied previously.

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Free field realization of cylindrically symmetric Einstein gravity

Cylindrically reduced Einstein gravity can be regarded as an $SL(2,R)/SO(2)$ sigma model coupled to 2D dilaton gravity. By using the corresponding 2D diffeomorphism algebra of constraints and the asymptotic behaviour of the Ernst equation we show that the theory can be mapped by a canonical transformation into a set of free fields with a Minkowskian target space. We briefly discuss the quantization in terms of these free-field variables, which is considerably simpler than in the other approaches.

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A quantum model of Schwarzschild black hole evaporation

We construct a one-loop effective metric describing the evaporation phase of a Schwarzschild black hole in a spherically symmetric null-dust model. This is achieved by quantising the Vaidya solution and by chosing a time dependent quantum state. This state describes a black hole which is initially in thermal equilibrium and then the equilibrium is switched off, so that the black hole starts to evaporate, shrinking to a zero radius in a finite proper time. The naked singularity appears, and the Hawking flux diverges at the end-point. However, a static metric can be imposed in the future of the end-point. Although this end-state metric cannot be determined within our construction, we show tha…

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One-loop effective action for a generic 2d dilaton gravity theory

We study the one-loop effective action for a generic two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory conformally coupled to $N$ matter fields. We obtain an explicit expression for the effective action in the weak-coupling limit under a suitable restriction of the dilaton potential asymptotics. Our result applies to the CGHS model as well as to the spherically symmetric general relativity. The effective action is obtained by using the background-field method, and we take into account the loop contributions from all the fields in the classical action and from the ghosts. In the large-$N$ limit, and after an appropriate field redefinition, the one-loop correction takes the form of the Polyakov-Liouvill…

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Remarks on the reduced phase space of -dimensional gravity on a torus in the Ashtekar formulation

We examine the reduced phase space of the Barbero-Varadarajan solutions of the Ashtekar formulation of (2 + 1)-dimensional general relativity on a torus. We show that it is a finite-dimensional space due to the existence of an infinite-dimensional residual gauge invariance which reduces the infinite-dimensional space of solutions to a finite-dimensional space of gauge-inequivalent solutions. This is in agreement with general arguments which imply that the number of physical degrees of freedom for (2 + 1)-dimensional Ashtekar gravity on a torus is finite.

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One-Loop Effective Action for Spherical Scalar Field Collapse

We calculate the complete one-loop effective action for a spherical scalar field collapse in the large radius approximation. This action gives the complete trace anomaly, which beside the matter loop contributions, receives a contribution from the graviton loops. Our result opens a possibility for a systematic study of the back-reaction effects for a real black hole.

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