Renato Sussumu Nishioka
The importance of correct implants positioning and masticatory load direction on a fixed prosthesis
Background Through the biomechanical study of dental implants, it is possible to understand the dissipation effects of masticatory loads in different situations and prevent the longevity of osseointegration. Aims: To evaluate the microstrains generated around external hexagon implants, using axial and non-axial loads in a fixed four-element prosthesis with straight implants and implants inclined at 17°. Material and Methods Three implants were modeled using CAD software following the manufacturer's measurements. Then, implants were duplicated and divided into two groups: one with straight implants and respective abutments, and the other with angled implants at 17° and respective abutments. …
Influence of different restorative materials on the stress distribution in dental implants
Background To assist clinicians in deciding the most suitable restorative materials to be used in the crowns and abutment in implant rehabilitation. Material and methods For finite element analysis (FEA), a regular morse taper implant was created using a computer aided design software. The implant was inserted at the bone model with 3 mm of exposed threads. An anatomic prosthesis representing a first maxillary molar was modeled and cemented on the solid abutment. Considering the crown material (zirconia, chromium-cobalt, lithium disilicate and hybrid ceramic) and abutment (Titanium and zirconia), the geometries were multiplied, totaling eight groups. In order to perform the static analysis,…
Influence of different alcohol intake frequencies on alveolar bone loss in adult rats : a sem study
Background Alcohol intake is associated with oral diseases and bone changes including alveolar bone loss in humans and in experimental animals. The main aim of the present study is to assess the effect of long-term alcohol intake, at different frequencies, on periodontal bone loss (PBL) in adult rats. Material and Methods Thirty-six (36) rats were divided into 3 groups: Control (daily water intake, n=12), daily alcohol intake (20% ethanol, n=12), and social alcohol intake (20% ethanol twice a week, n=12). The rats were sacrificed after 90 days and their right maxillae were removed. Initially, a random portion from each group was analyzed through SEM (scanning electron microscope) to assess …