D. Esperante
Construction and commissioning of the S-Band high gradient RF laboratory at IFIC
An S-band High-Gradient (HG) Radio Frequency (RF) laboratory is under construction and commissioning at IFIC. The purpose of the laboratory is to perform investigations of high-gradient phenomena and to develop normal-conducting RF technology, with special focus on RF systems for hadron-therapy. The layout of the facility is derived from the scheme of the Xbox-3 test facility at CERN [1] and uses medium peak-power (7.5 MW) and high repetition rate (400 Hz) klystrons, whose RF output is combined to drive two testing slots to the required power. The design and construction of the various components of the system started in 2016 and has been completed. The installation and commissioning of the…
The Belle II vertex detector integration
Belle II DEPFET, PXD, and SVD Collaborations: et al.
DEPFET pixel detector in the Belle II experiment
Belle II DEPFET and PXD Collaboration: et al.
Belle II pixel detector: Performance of final DEPFET modules
Belle-II DEPFET and PXD Collaboration: et al.
DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future Linear e(+)e(-) Collider
arXiv:1212.2160v1.-- et al.
Commissioning and performance of the Belle II pixel detector
Belle-II DEPFET and PXD Collaboration: et al.
Analytical RF Pulse Heating Analysis for High Gradient Accelerating Structures
The main aim of this work is to present a simple method, based on analytical expressions, for obtaining the temperature increase due to the Joule effect inside the metallic walls of an RF accelerating component. This technique relies on solving the 1-D heat-transfer equation for a thick wall, considering that the heat sources inside the wall are the ohmic losses produced by the RF electromagnetic fields penetrating the metal with finite electrical conductivity. Furthermore, it is discussed how the theoretical expressions of this method can be applied to obtain an approximation to the temperature increase in realistic 3-D RF accelerating structures, taking as an example the cavity of an RF e…