Ralf Plag
Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne
F. Wamers et al.; 4 pags.; 2 figs. Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 2.0
Coulomb dissociation of 27P
International audience; In this work the astrophysical 26Si(p,γ)27P reaction is studied using the Coulomb dissociation technique. We performed a 27P Coulomb Dissociation experiment at GSI, Darmstadt (28 May-5 June 2007) using the ALADIN-LAND setup which allows complete-kinematic studies. A secondary 27P beam at 498 AMeV impinging a 515mg/cm2 Pb target was used. The relative energy of the outgoing system (26Si+p) is measured obtaining the resonant states of the 27P. Preliminary results show four resonant states measured at 0.36±0.07, 0.88±0.09, 1.5±0.2, 2.3±0.3 MeV and evidence of a higher state at around 3.1 MeV. The preliminary total cross section obtained for relative energies between 0 a…
Comparison of electromagnetic and nuclear dissociation of Ne-17
8 pags., 10 figs., 3 tabs.
Thermonuclear reactionS30(p,γ)Cl31studied via Coulomb breakup ofCl31
Coulomb breakup at high energy in inverse kinematics of proton-rich Cl-31 was used to constrain the thermonuclear S-30(p,gamma)Cl-31 capture reaction rate under typical Type I x-ray burst conditions. This reaction is a bottleneck during rapid proton-capture nucleosynthesis (rp process), where its rate depends predominantly on the nuclear structure of Cl-31. Two low-lying states just above the proton-separation threshold of S-p = 296( 50) keV in Cl-31 have been identified experimentally using the (RB)-B-3-LAND setup at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH. Both states are considered to play a key role in the thermonuclear S-30( p,gamma)Cl-31 capture reaction. Excitation ene…
Pulse shape analysis of liquid scintillators for neutron studies
The acquisition of signals from liquid scintillators with Flash ADC of high sampling rate ð 1G S=sÞ has been investigated. The possibility to record the signal waveform is of great advantage in studies with g’s and neutrons in a high count-rate environment, as it allows to easily identify and separate pile-up events. The shapes of pulses produced by g-rays and neutrons have been studied for two different liquid scintillators, NE213 and C6D6: A 1-parameter fitting procedure is proposed, which allows to extract information on the particle type and energy. The performance of this method in terms of energy resolution and n=g discrimination is analyzed, together with the capability to identify a…
Measurement of the Dipole Polarizability of the Unstable Neutron-Rich NucleusNi68
The E1 strength distribution in Ni68 has been investigated using Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics at the RB3-LAND setup and by measuring the invariant mass in the one- and two-neutron decay channels. The giant dipole resonance and a low-lying peak (pygmy dipole resonance) have been observed at 17.1(2) and 9.55(17) MeV, respectively. The measured dipole polarizability is compared to relativistic random phase approximation calculations yielding a neutron-skin thickness of 0.17(2) fm. A method and analysis applicable to neutron-rich nuclei has been developed, allowing for a precise determination of neutron skins in nuclei as a function of neutron excess.
Neutron capture cross section measurements for nuclear astrophyisics at CERN n_TOF
A series of neutron capture cross section measurements of interest to nuclear astrophysics have been recently performed at n_TOF, the neutron spallation source operating at CERN. The low repetition frequency of the proton beam driver, the extremely high instantaneous neutron flux, and the low background conditions in the experimental area are optimal for capture cross section measurements on low-mass or radioactive samples. An overview of the measurements performed during the two experimental campaigns in 2002 and 2003 is presented with special emphasis on the measurement of the capture cross sections of the Os isotopes relevant for the cosmochronology based on the Re/Os clock. http://www.s…
Behavior of a trapezoid-based data acquisition system up to 100 kHz and beyond
In this work, we investigated the ability of a high-purity germanium detector connected to a trapezoid-filter-based data acquisition system to reliably record signals in spite of high sample activities. By activating multiple Na$_{2}$CO$_{3}$ samples with different Na content, we were able to deduce efficiency, resolution and dead time of the system used as a function of the sample activity. Based on the results, we were able to find a setting which allows measurements of event rates up to 35~kHz per readout channel with an energy resolution of 0.3\% at the 2754 keV $^{24}$Na line.
Measurement of the92,93,94,100Mo(γ,n) reactions by Coulomb Dissociation
6th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Conference (NPA), Lisbon, Portugal, 19 May 2013 - 24 May 2013; Journal of physics / Conference Series 665, 012034 (2016). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012034
Pulse shape analysis of signals from BaF2 and CeF3 scintillators for neutron capture experiments
The scope of this work is to study the characteristics of BaF2 and CeF3 signals using fast digitizers, which allow the sampling of the signal at very high frequencies and the application of the fitting method for analysis of the recorded pulses. By this procedure particle identification and the reconstruction of pile-up events can be improved, while maintaining the energy and time-of-flight resolution as compared to traditional methods. The reliability of the technique and problems connected with data acquisition are discussed with respect to accurate measurements of neutron capture cross-sections.
Neutron cross section measurements at n_TOF for ADS related estudies
A neutron Time-of-Flight facility (n_TOF) is available at CERN since 2001. The innovative features of the neutron beam, in particular the high instantaneous flux, the wide energy range, the high resolution and the low background, make this facility unique for measurements of neutron induced reactions relevant to the field of Emerging Nuclear Technologies, as well as to Nuclear Astrophysics and Fundamental Nuclear Physics. The scientific motivations that have led to the construction of this new facility are here presented. The main characteristics of the n_TOF neutron beam are described, together with the features of the experimental apparata used for cross-section measurements. The main res…
Study of the $^{15}$O(2p, γ )$^{17}$Ne cross section by Coulomb dissociation of $^{17}$Ne for the rp process of nucleosynthesis
Acta physica Polonica / B 45(2), 229 - 234 (2014). doi:10.5506/APhysPolB.45.229
Production and isobaric separation of 63Ni ions for determination of the 62Ni(n,γ)63Ni reaction cross section at stellar temperatures
Target dependence in the study of collective modes in stable and exotic Ni nuclei
The appearance of the pygmy-dipole-resonance is a recently observed phenomenon that can be related to neutron-matter properties. Its study can be a tool to determine the nuclear symmetry-energy parameters and thus can contribute constraining neutron star models. We present the ( γ,n ) cross sections for different Ni isotopes obtained from a measurement in inverse kinematics at about 500 MeV/u in the LAND reaction setup at GSI. The question of the disentanglement of the Coulomb and nuclear contributions is addressed.
Experimental study of the 15O(2p, γ)17Ne cross section by Coulomb Dissociation for the rp process
6th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Conference (NPA), Lisbon, Portugal, 19 May 2013 - 24 May 2013; Journal of physics / Conference Series 665, 012046 (2016). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012046
Coulomb dissociation of 27P: A reaction of astrophysical interest
The ground-state decay of 26Al(0+) (T 1/2=1.05× 106) has a shorter life-time than the Universe. The presence of this element in the Galaxy was measured via g-ray spectroscopy, showing that the nucleosynthesis of this element is an ongoing process in stars. The proton-capture reaction 26Si(p,γ) 27P competes with the production of 26Al(0+) by β-decay. Coulomb dissociation of 27P has been suggested as an indirect method to measure radiative-proton capture when the direct reaction is not feasible. Such an experiment was performed at GSI with a secondary 27P beam produced by fragmenting a 36Ar primary beam at 500 A MeV. Two main observables are preliminarily presented in this work: the reaction …
First Observation of the Unbound NucleusNe15
We report on the first observation of the unbound proton-rich nucleus Ne-15. Its ground state and first excited state were populated in two-neutron knockout reactions from a beam of 500 MeV/u Ne-17. The Ne-15 ground state is found to be unbound by 2.522(66) MeV. The decay proceeds directly to O-13 with simultaneous two-proton emission. No evidence for sequential decay via the energetically allowed 2(-) and 1(-) states in F-14 is observed. The Ne-15 ground state is shown to have a strong configuration with two protons in the (sd) shell around O-13 with a 63(5)% (1s(1/2))(2) component.
Unveiling the two-proton halo character of 17Ne: Exclusive measurement of quasi-free proton-knockout reactions
7 pags., 5 figs.
Measurements of the 90,91,92,94,96 Zr n, gamma cross-sections at n_TOF
Neutron capture cross sections of the 90,91,92,94,96Zr have been measured over the energy range from 1 eV to 1 MeV at the spallation neutron facility n TOF at CERN in 2003. The innovative features of the neutron beam, in particular the high instantaneous flux, the high energy resolution and low background, together with improvements of the neutron sensitivity of the capture detectors make this facility unique for neutron-induced reaction cross section measurements with much improved accuracy. The preliminary results of the Zr measurements show capture resonance strengths generally smaller than in previous measurements. Peer Reviewed
Coulomb and nuclear excitations of narrow resonances in 17Ne
Physics letters / B 759, 200 - 205 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2016.05.073
Investigation of the Dipole Response in Exotic Nuclei – Experiments at the LAND-R$^3$B Setup
We present experimental results on the electromagnetic excitation of neutron-rich nickel isotopes, making use of the (RB)-B-3-LAND setup at GSI. Exotic beams were produced at approximately 500 MeV/u and their reactions were studied in inverse kinematics. Integral cross sections for Ni-58 are discussed and compared to previous data, providing a validation of our experimental method. The El excitation-energy distribution of the unstable Ni-68 is presented as well, showing an excess in cross section in the 1n decay channel when compared only with a typical Giant Dipole Resonance.
Thermal neutron capture cross section of the radioactive isotopeFe60
Background: Fifty percent of the heavy element abundances are produced via slow neutron capture reactions in different stellar scenarios. The underlying nucleosynthesis models need the input of neutron capture cross sections.Purpose: One of the fundamental signatures for active nucleosynthesis in our galaxy is the observation of long-lived radioactive isotopes, such as $^{60}\mathrm{Fe}$ with a half-life of $2.60\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{6}$ yr. To reproduce this $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ activity in the universe, the nucleosynthesis of $^{60}\mathrm{Fe}$ has to be understood reliably.Methods: An $^{60}\mathrm{Fe}$ sample produced at the Paul Scherrer Institut (Villigen, Switzerla…