Ilze Konrade

Pituispheres Contain Genetic Variants Characteristic to Pituitary Adenoma Tumor Tissue

The most common type of pituitary neoplasms is benign pituitary adenoma (PA). Clinically significant PAs affect around 0.1% of the population. Currently, there is no established human PA cell culture available and when PA tumor cells are cultured they form two distinct types depending on culturing conditions either free-floating aggregates also known as pituispheres or cells adhering to the surface of cell plates and displaying mesenchymal stem-like properties. The aim of this study was to trace the origin of sphere-forming and adherent pituitary cell cultures and characterize the potential use of these surgery derived cell lines as PA model. We carried out a paired-end exome sequencing of …

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Association of reduced glyoxalase 1 activity and painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy in type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Abstract Aims The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between glyoxalase 1 (Glo1) enzyme activity and painful diabetic neuropathy (DN) in patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods Glo1 activity and biochemical markers were determined in blood samples from 108 patients with type 1 diabetes, 109 patients with type 2 diabetes, and 132 individuals without diabetes as a control. Painful and painless peripheral DN was assessed and multivariate regression analysis was used to determine independent association of Glo1 activity with occurrence of painful DN. Results In patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and painful DN compared to patients with painless DN, Glo1…

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Medication for Acromegaly Reduces Expression of MUC16, MACC1 and GRHL2 in Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumour Tissue

Acromegaly is a disease mainly caused by pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET) overproducing growth hormone. First-line medication for this condition is the use of somatostatin analogs (SSAs), that decrease tumor mass and induce antiproliferative effects on PitNET cells. Dopamine agonists (DAs) can also be used if SSA treatment is not effective. This study aimed to determine differences in transcriptome signatures induced by SSA/DA therapy in PitNET tissue. We selected tumor tissue from twelve patients with somatotropinomas, with half of the patients receiving SSA/DA treatment before surgery and the other half treatment naive. Transcriptome sequencing was then carried out to identify diff…

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Identification of glyoxalase 1 polymorphisms associated with enzyme activity.

The glyoxalase system and its main enzyme, glyoxalase 1 (GLO1), protect cells from advanced glycation end products (AGEs), such as methylglyoxal (MG) and other reactive dicarbonyls, the formation of which is increased in diabetes patients as a result of excessive glycolysis. MG is partly responsible for harmful protein alterations in living cells, notably in neurons, leading to their dysfunction, and recent studies have shown a negative correlation between GLO1 expression and tissue damage. Neuronal dysfunction is a common diabetes complication due to elevated blood sugar levels, leading to high levels of AGEs. The aim of our study was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (S…

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Milk as an Essential Source of Iodine in Latvian Population

Abstract Milk and dairy products are studied as alternative iodine sources, because salt iodisation is controversial due to high salt consumption leading to cardiovascular diseases. However, the iodine concentration in milk markedly varies. This study evaluated the iodine concentration in cow’s milk available in the Latvian market. Iodine and fat concentration was analysed with a spectrophotometer “Varian Cary 50” based ISO 2446:2008 in 20 milk samples. Data from the Central Statistical Bureau and survey among pregnant women were used to analyse milk product consumption and its impact on iodine status. Average iodine concentration in milk samples was 457.6 (179.6) μg/L, winter samples had a…

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Flow cytometric analysis of glyoxalase-1 expression in human leukocytes.

Altered glyoxalase-1 (GLO-1) activity and expression is associated with the development of late diabetic complications, malignancy and oxidative stress- and aging-related diseases. In the present study, we developed a flow cytometry method for GLO-1 detection in human leukocytes isolated from peripheral blood samples to investigate GLO-1 expression in leukocyte subsets from type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus patients (n = 11) and healthy subjects (n = 8). The flow cytometry analysis of GLO-1 in leukocytes showed that expression index of GLO-1-positive cells was slightly increased in mononuclear leukocytes from diabetic patients. This result correlated with the increase in GLO-1 activity in the …

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Evaluation of the Possibility to Detect Circulating Tumor DNA From Pituitary Adenoma

Objective: Circulating free DNA (cfDNA) in general and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in particular is becoming an increasingly used form of liquid biopsy biomarkers. In this study, we are investigating the ability to detect ctDNA from the plasma of pituitary adenoma (PA) patients. Design: Tumor tissue samples were obtained from planed PA resections, before which blood plasma samples were taken. Somatic variants found in PA tissue samples were evaluated in related cfDNA, isolated from plasma samples. Methods: Sanger sequencing, as well as previously obtained whole-exome sequencing data, were used to evaluate somatic variants composition in tumor tissue samples. cfDNA was isolated from the sa…

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Association of metformin administration with gut microbiome dysbiosis in healthy volunteers

Background Metformin is a widely used first-line drug for treatment of type 2 diabetes. Despite its advantages, metformin has variable therapeutic effects, contraindications, and side effects. Here, for the very first time, we investigate the short-term effect of metformin on the composition of healthy human gut microbiota. Methods We used an exploratory longitudinal study design in which the first sample from an individual was the control for further samples. Eighteen healthy individuals were treated with metformin (2 × 850 mg) for 7 days. Stool samples were collected at three time points: prior to administration, 24 hours and 7 days after metformin administration. Taxonomic composition of…

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Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics in Evaluation of LIXisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome, a long-term cardiovascular end point trial of lixisenatide versus placebo

BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular (CV) disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Furthermore, patients with T2DM and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) have a particularly high risk of CV events. The glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist, lixisenatide, improves glycemia, but its effects on CV events have not been thoroughly evaluated.METHODS: ELIXA (www.clinicaltrials.gov no. NCT01147250) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study of lixisenatide in patients with T2DM and a recent ACS event. The primary aim is to evaluate the effects of lixisenatide on CV morbidity and mortality in a population …

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Iodine deficiency during pregnancy: a national cross-sectional survey in Latvia

AbstractObjectiveLow iodine intake during pregnancy may cause thyroid dysfunction, which results in inadequate fetal brain development. In the absence of a universal salt iodization programme, we conducted a nationwide survey of iodine deficiency in pregnant women in Latvia.DesignA countrywide twenty-cluster survey, with at least twenty women per cluster. Participants completed a questionnaire on dietary habits concerning iodine intake (n 739). Thyroid function (thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine and thyroperoxidase antibodies) was measured (n 550). Urinary iodine was measured using the ammonium persulfate method (n 696).SettingThe survey was performed in all regions of Latvia duri…

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Diabetes is Associated with Higher Trimethylamine N-oxide Plasma Levels

Recent studies have revealed strong associations between systemic trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk. In addition, plasma L-carnitine levels in patients with high TMAO concentrations predicted an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and incident major adverse cardiac events. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relation between TMAO and L-carnitine plasma levels and diabetes. Blood plasma samples were collected from 12 and 20 weeks old db/db mice and patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Diabetic compared to non-diabetic db/L mice presented 10-fold higher TMAO, but lower L-carnitine plasma concentrations at 12 …

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A cross-sectional survey of urinary iodine status in Latvia

Background and objective: A nationwide survey of schoolchildren was conducted to detect regional differences in urinary iodine excretion in Latvia and to compare the results with data from the newborn thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) screening database as well with the results of a similar study performed in Latvia 10 years ago. Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional school-based cluster survey of 915 children aged 9–12 years in 46 randomly selected schools in all regions of Latvia. Urine samples, questionnaires on the consumption of iodized salt and information on socioeconomic status were collected. TSH levels in newborns were also measured. Results: The median creatinine-…

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Whole-blood transcriptome profiling reveals signatures of metformin and its therapeutic response

Metformin, a biguanide agent, is the first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus due to its glucose-lowering effect. Despite its wide application in the treatment of multiple health conditions, the glycemic response to metformin is highly variable, emphasizing the need for reliable biomarkers. We chose the RNA-Seq-based comparative transcriptomics approach to evaluate the systemic effect of metformin and highlight potential predictive biomarkers of metformin response in drug-naive volunteers with type 2 diabetes in vivo. The longitudinal blood-derived transcriptome analysis revealed metformin-induced differential expression of novel and previously described genes involved in cholester…

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Low-intensity exercise stimulates bioenergetics and increases fat oxidation in mitochondria of blood mononuclear cells from sedentary adults.

Aim Exercise training induces adaptations in muscle and other tissue mitochondrial metabolism, dynamics, and oxidative phosphorylation capacity. Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation was shown to be pivotal for the anti‐inflammatory status of immune cells. We hypothesize that exercise training can exert effects influence mitochondrial fatty acid metabolism in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The aim was to investigate the effect of exercise on the fatty acid oxidation‐dependent respiration in PBMCs. Design Twelve fasted or fed volunteers first performed incremental‐load exercise tests to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer to determine the optimal workload ensuring maximal health benefi…

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Seasonal Iodine Deficiency in Latvian School Children

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Baseline gut microbiome composition predicts metformin therapy short-term efficacy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients

BackgroundThe study was conducted to investigate the effects of metformin treatment on the human gut microbiome's taxonomic and functional profile in the Latvian population, and to evaluate the correlation of these changes with therapeutic efficacy and tolerance.MethodsIn this longitudinal observational study, stool samples for shotgun metagenomic sequencing-based analysis were collected in two cohorts. The first cohort included 35 healthy nondiabetic individuals (metformin dose 2x850mg/day) at three time-points during metformin administration. The second cohort was composed of 50 newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients (metformin dose-determined by an endocrinologist) at two concordant ti…

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Determination of trimethylamine-N-oxide in combination withl-carnitine andγ-butyrobetaine in human plasma by UPLC/MS/MS

An ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS/MS) method was developed and validated for the quantification of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) simultaneously with TMAO-related molecules L-carnitine and γ-butyrobetaine (GBB) in human blood plasma. The separation of analytes was achieved using a Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC)-type column with ammonium acetate-acetonitrile as the mobile phase. TMAO determination was validated according to valid US Food and Drug Administration guidelines. The developed method was successfully applied to plasma samples from healthy volunteers.

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