Alejandro Castro Solano
Intrasexual competition at work: Sex differences in the jealousy-evoking effect of rival characteristics in work settings
Sex differences in jealousy-evoking rival characteristics in the relationship with a supervisor at work were examined in a community sample of 188 individuals from Argentina. Among men, the rivals’ social dominance and communal attributes evoked the most jealousy, followed by physical dominance. Among women, the rival’s communal attributes evoked the most jealousy, followed by social dominance and physical attractiveness. For men physical dominance of the rival and for women physical attractiveness of the rival evoked relatively more jealousy, especially among those high in intrasexual competition and confronted with a same-sex supervisor. When confronted with an opposite-sex supervisor, s…
Cultural Competences of International Students: Its Role on Successful Sociocultural and Psychological Adaptation
This chapter addresses the study of cultural competences involved in the successful adaptation of a particular group of migrants: international students. Cultural competences are skills that people display when facing cultural diversity and have been found to predict job performance and academic achievement of those who have to interact in different contexts other than their own. This chapter aims to respond three questions that students consider when studying abroad: ‘What should I do to have a successful life?’, ‘How prepared are members of the host culture to receive me?’, and, ‘Who are the most successful international students?’ The first segment introduces the role of acculturative st…
Latin-American Studies on Well-Being
This chapter aims to describe Latin-American studies on well-being from two different perspectives: the hedonic (life satisfaction, positive and negative emotions) and the eudaimonic (psychological well-being) traditions. An analysis of research articles published between 1998 and 2012 was conducted. The introduced key words were: happiness, life satisfaction and well-being and the search was limited by language of publication restricted to Spanish and Portuguese. Results were analyzed by country of origin, type of well-being study and the inclusion of cultural variables. Those studies focused on what people understood about psychological well-being and the meaning assigned to it are descri…
Listado de síntomas breve (short checklist of symptoms) in Argentinean adults: Psychometric study of its main clinical scales
The main objective of this research was studying the psychometric properties of the Listado de síntomas breve (short checklist of symptoms; LSB-50) in a sample of 994 Argentinean adults (49.9% females; 50.1% males). Mean age was 40.66 years (standard deviation=17.01; Min=18; Max=89). This screening test has seven main clinical scales: hypersensitivity, obsessive-compulsive, anxiety, hostility, somatization, depression, and sleep disturbance. Pearson correlations indicated that all scales had positive and mostly moderate associations. The second order confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit for a hierarchical model where all scales loaded in one major factor. Internal consistency by C…
Estudios sobre el liderazgo. Teorías y evaluación
The present work has the objective to offer a theoretical-methodological approximation respect of the leadership’s phenomenon. By virtue of the fact that such phenomenon is understood as a complex and multiderminated construct, we will approach the different theoretical schools which have tried to explain it. Also, it is attempted to answer the question about the possibility to evaluate the mentioned construct. To answer this interrogation we will present the different methodologies employed in scientific research and their possible advantages and limitations of their application to the leadership’s evaluation.
Validation of a Work Engagement Scale. Profi les associated with high Performance and Job Satisfaction
El objetivo principal de este estudio consistía en la validación de una escala para la evaluación del work engagement -compromiso con el trabajo-, considerado como una presencia psicológica en el rol que incluye atención, absorción y energía dirigida a tareas laborales. Mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio, estimación de la consistencia interna y evidencias de validez convergente y discriminante, se confirma que la Escala Argentina de Compromiso con el Trabajo es una prueba válida y confiable para su uso en población argentina. Además, se buscó analizar si existen diferencias en los niveles de work engagement de acuerdo con variables individuales y organizacionales. Se observaron mayor…
Pre-school social abilities: Construction and validation of a scale for children in contexts of poverty
Las habilidades sociales son parte esencial de la actividad humana. Estas inciden en la autoestima, la adopción de roles, la autorregulación del comportamiento y el rendimiento académico, entre otros aspectos. Este trabajo presenta el proceso de construcción y validación de una Escala de Habilidades Sociales para niños preescolares. Se aplicó la escala a 318 padres de niños de 3 a 5 años de NSE bajo asistentes a Centros de Atención Primaria de Salud en San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Se diseñó un protocolo distinto para cada grupo de edad, considerando las características evolutivas y contextuales vinculadas al proceso de adquisición de habilidades sociales. El resultado fue una escala co…
Inventário de Avaliação da Personalidade para adolescentes: consistência interna e dimensionalidade em adolescentes de Buenos Aires
El Inventario de Evaluación de la Personalidad para adolescentes (pai-a, por sus siglas en inglés) examina la sintomatología psicopatológica y las variables vinculadas al diseño de intervenciones psicoterapéuticas. Consta de 264 ítems para su uso en la evaluación clínica de adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años. Incluye escalas de validez clínicas, relacionadas con el tratamiento y de relación interpersonal. Objetivo: en este trabajo se presentan análisis psicométricos del Inventario de Evaluación de la Personalidad para adolescentes. Método: Participaron 1.002 adolescentes (50,3% mujeres, 49,7% varones; Medad = 14,99; de = 1,88), residentes en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y alrededores, en Argentin…
The high five: Associations of the five positive factors with the big five and well-being
The study of individual differences in positive characteristics has mainly focused on moral traits. The objectives of this research were to study individual differences in positive characteristics from the point of view of the layperson, including non-moral individual characteristics, and to generate a replicable model of positive factors. Three studies based on a lexical approach were conducted. The first study generated a corpus of words which resulted in a refined list of socially shared positive characteristics. The second study produced a five-factor model of positive characteristics: erudition, peace, cheerfulness, honesty, and tenacity. The third study confirmed the model with a diff…
Lay definitions of happiness across nations: The primacy of inner harmony and relational connectedness
In well-being research the term happiness is often used as synonymous with life satisfaction. However, little is known about lay people's understanding of happiness. Building on the available literature, this study explored lay definitions of happiness across nations and cultural dimensions, analyzing their components and relationship with participants' demographic features. Participants were 2799 adults (age range = 30-60, 50% women) living in urban areas of Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, and United States. They completed the Eudaimonic and Hedonic Happiness Investigation (EHHI), reporting, among other information, th…
Overview of Positive Psychology in Latin-American Countries
This chapter aims to outline the dissemination of Positive Psychology (PP) in Latin America and provides an overview of the present book. In the past decade, PP was introduced in Argentina by Maria Martina Casullo. Since 2006, Positive Psychology Ibero-American Meetings have been held annually, involving the majority of Latin American countries, especially from South America. Abstract books of these meetings and Latin-American indexed journals were the basis to identify the impact of PP in the southern region. Four basic trends were found: (1) the most frequently studied topics were psychological well-being, interpersonal relationships and psychotherapeutic interventions; (2) there was a la…
¿Qué entienden jóvenes y adultos por “estar enamorado”?
Data on conceptions about BEING IN LOVE as well as answers on marrying somebody who has desirable characteristics withou loving him/her are analyzed. A survey on mate preferences that included an open sentence (Being in love means to me....) and a question about marrying somebody without loving him/her was administered to an intentional sample of 761 adolescents and young adults living in Buenos Aires city and its suburban area. Content analysis of free writ- ten expressions was carried out. We found that both males and females mainly consider that being in love is related to needs of sharing time together, thinking on the beloved most of the time and having deep feelings. High percentages…
The Positive Personality Model (PPM): Exploring a New Conceptual Framework for Personality Assessment.
The aim of this paper is to explore a new framework for personality assessment that may function as sanity nosology of personality traits: the Positive Personality Model. The recent publication of DSM-5 created the opportunity to assess personality traits as dimensional constructs (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In Section III, five maladaptive personality traits are proposed as the maladaptive versions of Five Factor Model (FFM) traits (Costa and McCrae, 1985). This approach draws on the existing idea of conceptualizing pathological and typical personality traits as part of a continuum. It places DSM-5’s maladaptive traits in a sickness pole and FFM’s traits in a “typical” pole. …
Character Strengths: A Study of Argentinean Soldiers
The primary objective of this research was to study the differences in positive traits between military and civilian college students and between cadets in their first and final years at a military academy. Second, the research aimed to study the relations between positive traits and the academic and military performance of cadets in their first and final years, according to the classification of positive traits by Peterson and Seligman (2004). To accomplish these objectives, a sample of university students from a military educational institution and a sample of civilian university students were studied. The instruments used were a 24-item self-report measure of positive traits, a measure o…
SCI Brief Form (SCI-BF): Psychometric and Factor Structure Analyses in Argentina
Resumen El estudio de las virtudes y fortalezas del carácter es uno de los temas más importantes dentro de la psicología positiva. Peterson y Seligman (2004) determinaron que 24 fortalezas del carácter estaban vinculadas a 6 virtudes y llamaron VIA a esa clasificación. Nuestro trabajo está incluido en la investigación sobre esa clasificación. Se desarrolló un instrumento de medición de 24 ítems de autopuntuación global directa para evaluar las 24 fortalezas del carácter de la clasificación de Peterson y Seligman (2004). Este instrumento es la versión corta del IVyF. Se analizaron las características psicométricas de este instrumento llamado IVyF abreviado (IVyFabre; Strength of Character In…
High Five Model: The High Factors are Associated with Low-Risk of Medical, Mental and Personality Diseases
El Modelo de los Cinco Altos (MCA; High Five Model, HFM, por sus siglas en inglés)establece cinco rasgos positivos de la personalidad: erudición, paz, jovialidad, honestidad,y tenacidad, llamados factores altos. Un estudio previo había mostrado la validezconvergente, discriminante y estructural del MCA. Este estudio tuvo por objetivocorroborar que el MCA está asociado positivamente a variables relacionadas con la saludfísica y mental de los individuos. Se realizó este estudio con una muestra de participantesde población general no consultante. Específicamente, se estudió la asociación entre losfactores del MCA y el modelo de Salud Mental Positiva, el bajo riesgo de enfermedadmédica, la ause…
Prototipos de liderazgo masculino y femenino en población militar
El objetivo fue identificar prototipos masculinos y femeninos de liderazgo efectivo en población militar. Participaron 262 sujetos, 69,5% (n = 182) varones y 30,5% (n = 80) mujeres, con edad media de 25,62 años. El 66% tenía personal a cargo y el 34% eran subordinados. Se utilizó una encuesta diseñada ad-hoc donde se solicitaba identificar dos líderes efectivos (un hombre y una mujer) y justificar la elección. Los sujetos identificaron mayormente como líderes varones a militares, tanto de población general como específicos por sus haza-ñas militares. Se observó variabilidad en el resto de categorías. Con relación a líderes mujeres se identificaron líderes religiosas, militares de población …
Actitudes desfavorables hacia mujeres líderes. Un instrumento para su evaluación
El principal objetivo de la investigación consistió en diseñar una prueba para evaluar actitudes desfavorables hacia mujeres líderes. Sobre la técnica de Peters, Terborg y Taylor –WAMS– se diseñó el ACT-ML. Contiene 7 ítems y presenta dos dimensiones, una evalúa en qué medida las personas consideran que las mujeres presentan características asociadas al liderazgo (Características Instrumentales); y la otra, el nivel de aceptación de las mujeres como líderes (Aceptación Liderazgo Femenino). Participaron 789 sujetos; 419 varones (53,1%) y 370 mujeres (46,9%), con promedio de 36,52 años (DE = 11,7). El 45,8% (n = 361) de los participantes ocupa puestos de dirección, y el 54,2% (n = 428) restan…
Las inteligencias múltiples en la escuela
During many years has prevailed the idea of intelligence as a single problem solving ability (factor g) considered the best predictor of student’s academic achievement. Recently, researches have begun to take an alternative view of the problem, understanding it is a multidimensional construct. Multiple intelligences (MI) theory proposed by Gardner (1983) takes into account seven talents or skills individuals appear to have in certain amount. These latent bio-psychological potentials are stable and they are mantained through life. Theory of MI proposes that every person learns in relation to them. MI theory has many educational applications, however, very few efforts have been made to verify…
Positive organization profiles. Analysis of perceived characteristics according to individual, organizational, and outcome variables
En el presente estudio se analizan perfiles de organizaciones a partir de las percepciones de empleados/as con respecto a las características de sus lugares de trabajo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 459 empleados/as argentinos (232 hombres); edad promedio: 36,3 años (DT = 11,7); pertenecientes a empresas públicas (17,2%, n = 79) y privadas (82,6%, n = 379). La mayoría residía en ciudad de Buenos Aires y alrededores (96,5%, n = 443). Para la recogida de datos se empleó un protocolo en el que se solicitaba que se enunciasen características positivas y negativas que asocian a la organización en la que trabajan. Se efectuó un análisis de contenido de las respuestas dadas por los participantes…
Validación del SCL-27 en población general y en población clínica argentina
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la adecuación del uso de la escala SCL-27 (Sympton Checklist-27) en población general y población clínica argentina y su comparación con el SCL-90R. Se utilizaron una muestra intencional de 400 personas de población general y una muestra de 85 pacientes en tratamiento psicológico ambulatorio. Se administraron el SCL-27, la escala Mental Health Continuum- Short Form, la escala de depresión CES-D, la escala de síntomas somáticos de Schaffer y la escala de Satisfacción con la vida. Los resultados indicaron que el SCL-27 muestra una altísima correlación en todas sus dimensiones con la escala original SCL-90-R. Presentó una alta validez convergente con med…
The assessment of multicultural strength: Design and validation of an Openness to the Other Affective Domain Inventory
The classification of character strengths and virtues by Peterson and Seligman (2004) includes 24 strengths and 6 virtues. Although the development of this classification was inspired by diverse cultural traditions, no one strength or virtue centrally focused on cultural aspects. Fowers and Davidov (2006) have proposed a new multicultural strength or virtue termed as openness to the other. We developed the Openness to the Other Affective Domain Inventory (OADI), a new 6-item measurement instrument to assess affective attraction to the other, that is, fascination with or attraction to culturally diverse others, and affective aversion to the other, that is, distrust of or disgust with cultura…
Construct validity of the LSB-50 in argentinean adults: cross-validation and factorial invariance
El trabajo se propone aportar evidencias de validez referidas al Listado de Síntomas Breve (LSB-50; de Rivera y Abuín, 2012), instrumento psicométrico de screening para medir síntomas sicológicos, analizadas en una muestra de adultos argentinos. Los participantes fueron 1291 individuos distribuidos proporcionalmente según sexo (51% mujeres; 49% varones) con edades entre 18 y 89 años (M = 38.9, DE = 16.49). Se llevaron a cabo estudios de validación cruzada e invarianza factorial para examinar si un modelo de siete factores que se correspondía con siete escalas clínicas (Hipersensibilidad, ObsesionesCompulsiones, Ansiedad, Hostilidad, Somatización, Depresión, y Alteraciones del sueño) present…
Calidad de vida en Argentina: percepciones macro y micro-sociales
El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio desarrollado en Argentina que diferencia laopinión de ciudadanos acerca de su calidad de vida, para dicho estudio se tomaron en cuentados zonas geográficas específicas, la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y los Partidos delGran Buenos Aires. Se midió el nivel de satisfacción con la calidad de vida en el país y con lacalidad de vida personal a partir de la utilización de diferentes instrumentos: escala de satisfacción con la calidad de vida en el país (ESCVP), escala de satisfacción con la vida (SWLS)y encuesta de áreas vitales.
Rasgos de personalidad, bienestar y malestar psicológico en usuarios de redes sociales que presentan conductas disruptivas online
The present study focused on the analysis of online disruptive behavior that usually occurs among social network users. Individuals who perpetrate such behavior are commonly known as trolls or haters (Cheng, Danescu-Niculescu-Mitzil, & Leskovec, 2015). In general, they post comments, photos or provocative videos that do not pursue any purpose other than annoying or obtaining pleasure or fun (Brandel, 2007; Phillips, 2011). Recent studies have shown that certain personality traits are associated with the presence of such disruptive behavior. In this research, we studied normal personality traits, psychopathological traits, and dark personality traits in relation to disruptive behavior. The n…
Do Transgender People Respond According to Their Biological Sex or Their Gender Identity When Confronted With Romantic Rivals?
This study examined the hypothesis that gender identity and biological sex represent independent modules and that transgender individuals respond to romantic rivals in line with their gender identity and not with their biological sex. Additionally, associations of jealousy with intrasexual competitiveness (ISC) and social comparison orientation (SCO) were explored. A total of 134 male-to-female and 94 female-to-male transgender individuals from Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, responded to a questionnaire. In line with the predictions, female-to-male transgender individuals experienced more jealousy than male-to-female transgender individuals in response to a physically dominant rival, whe…
IVyF: Validez de un Instrumento de Medida de las Fortalezas del Carácter de la Clasificación de Peterson y Seligman (2004)
El IVyF (Strength of Character Inventory, en inglés) es un instrumento de medición de las 24 fortalezas del carácter de la clasificación de Peterson y Seligman (2004). A diferencia de otros cuestionarios homólogos para medir las fortalezas de esa clasificación que están compuestos por decenas de ítems, el IVyF es un instrumento de medición de 24 ítems. Este estudio se enfocó en la validez del IVyF. En primer lugar, el IVyF estuvo asociado a medidas de variables conceptualmente relevantes como satisfacción con la vida, los factores de personalidad del modelo de los Cinco Grandes, y deseabilidad social. En segundo lugar, se hallaron asociaciones con tamaños del efecto mayores a mediano entre …
More than a decade since the foundation of Positive Psychology by Martin Seligman, this paper aims to analyze this branch of psychology starting at its very beginning, considering its precedents, its topics of interest, its production, its diffusion, its implications for clinical practice, and future research lines. Furthermore, this paper introduces a discussion regarding the future of Positive Psychology: either its dissolution, or its integration with the other fields of psychology.
Mate preferences in Argentinean transgender people
Transgender people provide a unique opportunity to examine the effect of biological sex versus gender identity on mating preferences. This study aimed at identifying the mate characteristics that are most and least valued by transgender people and at examining to what extent their biological sex or their gender identity determined their mate preferences. A convenience sample of 134 male‐to‐female (MTF) and 94 female‐to‐male (FTM) individuals from Argentina rated Buss's list of 18 mate attributes. Compared to FTM, MTF individuals placed significantly more emphasis on attractiveness and socioeconomic status, whereas FTM, more than MTF individuals, valued partners with a dependable character. …
Evaluadores de Psicodebate 14(1)
Evaluadores de Psicodebate 14(1)
Validation of an index of well-being for adolescent and adult population of the city of Buenos Aires
El objetivo de este estudio es la construccion y validacion de un cuestionario breve y de facil administracion para evaluar en forma conjunta el bienestar hedonico y el bienestar eudaemonico en pobla-cion adulta y adolescente de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. La muestra estuvo conformada por 299 adultos y 250 adolescentes de ambos sexos. Se utilizaron el Indice de Bienestar, el Cuestionario de Significadode la Vida, la Escala de Satisfaccion con la Vida, el Indice de Bienestar Personal de Cummins y la Escala de Tres Rutas de Acceso al Bienestar. Los analisis factoriales -exploratorio y confirmatorio-indicaron un buen ajuste de todos los items en un unico factor para ambas muestras. La fiabilida…
Gender differences in the jealousy-evoking effect of rival characteristics
This study examines gender differences in the jealousy-evoking nature of rival characteristics in two Spanish-speaking countries (Argentina and Spain). A total of 388 Spanish students and 444 Argentinean students participated in the study. First, the cross-cultural validity of a Dutch scale containing 56 rival characteristics was examined. A factor analysis distinguished four dimensions (i.e., social power and dominance, physical attractiveness, physical dominance, and social-communal attributes). After the analysis, the final scale contained in total 24 items. Results showed that in Argentina and Spain combined, men experienced more jealousy than women when their rival was more physically …