G Fancello
Un’analisi sperimentale sulle modalità di composizione dei testi nei pannelli a messaggio variabile (PMV)
Nonostante i Pannelli a Messaggio Variabile siano sempre più diffusi nel nostro Paese non si registrano al giorno d’oggi studi significativi che riguardino la composizione testuale dei messaggi. Tale aspetto assume una notevole importanza in quanto le parole contenute nel messaggio e la struttura di quest’ultimo influenzano la corretta comprensione e percezione del testo, come dimostrato da diverse esperienze scientifiche elaborate in altri paesi (esperienze non totalmente replicabili in Italia per via della lingua). Partendo da una valutazione rigorosa della struttura del testo effettuata attraverso paradigmi tipici dell’analisi testuale, in questo studio è stata valutata l’efficacia della…
Previsione degli arrivi delle navi ed ottimizzazione delle risorse umane in un terminal hub container
Previsione degli arrivi delle navi ed ottimizzazione delle risorse umane in un terminal hub container
Development of prediction models for container traffic
The purpose of the work described in this paper is to construct and implement prediction models for optimizing container handling in particular at Cagliari’s Terminal Container. Prediction models are based on heuristic algorithms such as neural networks and classification and regression trees and evolutionary algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). These models form part of a Web Oriented Decision Support System, for real time external data acquisition (GPS information, weather information, etc.), providing operators with the information processed in real time. The most commonly used parameter for assessing terminal performance is productivity, namely t…
Traffic management and user perception: an analysis of Variable Message Signs using Fuzzy Logic
Variable message signs have today become an indispensable tool for managing traffic in urban and suburban areas, such as sending real-time information to motorists in transit along roads where panels are positioned. The study draws on drivers’ response to a series of interviews conducted in the city of Brescia. The interviews showed that a large proportion of drivers does not read the messages, and indeed very often does not even remember having seeing the sign. The marginal usefulness of these facilities can probably be attributed to the fact that the panels are constantly used to display messages devoid of immediate interest (eg, greetings, penalties for traffic violations, general inform…
Nuove strategie gestionali per la competitività di un terminal container di transhipment: sviluppo di strumenti di supporto alle decisioni per la pianificazione delle attività portuali
In a container terminal task assignment optimization may not be sufficient to ensure efficiency. By contrast, a systemic approach to terminal operations planning is required to ensure efficient coordination day by day of the all the operations in-volved. As far as management is concerned, a number of interacting factors need to be taken into account, ranging from prediction of ships’ arrivals to manpower and vehicles optimization strategies for the different work shifts. This paper describes three modules comprising a Decision Support System designed to assist port operations planners: - Ships’ arrivals forecasting module; - Optimal human resources allocation module; - Maintenance process e…
Linee Guida per la competitività dei porti container italiani nel sistema euro mediterraneo
This work is motivated by the manpower allocation problem arising at the Cagliari International Terminal Container. Generally speaking, human resources allocation plays a key role in terminals with high labor costs, in order to achieve high levels of productivity and quality services for customers. As a result, terminal containers exhibit a growing interest in advanced decision support systems, in which optimization methods play a crucial role. In this talk we present an optimization model for manpower allocation in transshipment container terminals. The objective is to determine the optimal daily allocation of crane operators and trailer drivers at an operational planning level, taking int…
Modalità di invio delle informazioni e la percezione dell’automobilista: un’analisi sperimentale sui pannelli a messaggio variabile
Anche in Italia, come da decenni in altri Paesi, i pannelli a messaggio variabile (PMV) stanno trovando una sempre più ampia diffusione, sia in ambito urbano che extraurbano: essi consentono di inviare, in tempo reale, informazioni di qualsiasi genere agli automobilisti in transito lungo le strade ove tali pannelli sono posizionati. I messaggi trasmessi riguardano notizie relative allo stato della viabilità (condizioni di congestione, blocchi stradali per incidenti, lavori in corso) ed informazioni di varia natura (segnalazioni turistiche, news di aggiornamento, pubblicità, ect.). È noto dai principi della Biodinamica dei fattori umani come la percezione del messaggio sia fortemente influen…
An optimisation model for daily manpower allocation in transhipment container terminals
This work is motivated by the manpower allocation problem arising at the Cagliari International Terminal Container. Generally speaking, human resources allocation plays a key role in terminals with high labor costs, in order to achieve high levels of productivity and quality services for customers. As a result, terminal containers exhibit a growing interest in advanced decision support systems, in which optimization methods play a crucial role. In this talk we present an optimization model for manpower allocation in transshipment container terminals. The objective is to determine the optimal daily allocation of crane operators and trailer drivers at an operational planning level, taking int…
Human Resource Allocation for Maritime Container Terminals: E ects of Planning Horizon Length
The human resources allocation (HRA) is a major issue for container terminals. The workload is organized in shifts covering 24 hours a day and, due to union and work rules, shifts are typically requested to be planned a number of months before their implementation. As a consequence, information on the workforce demand is imprecise when HRA must be planned. This problem must be addressed by a superior exibility, which can be achieved by the two planning levels: the long term stage and the short term one, which encompasses one or more days. In this talk we address the operational planning level which inherits some unchangea- ble decisions from the long term plan and considers the terminal res…
Modeling Human Resources Management in Maritime Container Terminals
Over the last few decades, competition among maritime container terminals has increased due to large growth rates on major seaborne container routes. Thus terminals have to carefully plan the management of their facilities and services in order to satisfy shipping companies’ demands. Failure to do so will lead customers to re-schedule their routes calling at new promising terminals. As a result, and so as not to lose competitiveness, container terminals are showing a growing interest in advanced decision support systems for their management, in which optimization methods play a crucial role. In this context, the optimal management of human resources is a major issue for terminals, particula…