Françoise Bourdon
Centres secondaires et recomposition économique des espaces urbains
The object of this paper is to analyze the multicentric features of the Agglomeration of Dijon by studying the spatial organization of the economic activities and population. The study relates to the territory of the Agglomeration Community of Dijon (COMADI), which is composed of 16 towns. The space scale used is Iris-2000 zoning for the communes of more than 5000 inhabitants and the communal scale for the other towns belonging to the COMADI: the sample includes 114 observations. We use two databases available for two years (1990 and 1999): the SIRENE data for the employment by sectors of activities (ACTET10 and NAF700nomenclatures) and the data of the RGP for the population. We study the s…
Eléments de réflexion sur quelques impacts économiques du réchauffement climatique sur la filière vitivinicole en Bourgogne.
Le commerce extérieur de l'Ile-de-France comparé à celui des autres régions
International audience
Mutations urbaines et logiques de localisation des emplois: le cas de la Communauté de l'agglomération dijonnaise (1990, 1999).
The aim of this paper is to analyze the spatial changes in the Dijon urban area (COMADI) by studying in particular the new tendencies of localization of the high order producer services. Our results display a multicentric structure of the COMADI which exhibits several employment poles. Not only the economic composition of these poles differs between the central pole and the peripheral ones but this composition changes over the study period (1990-1999). New localization logics appear for the high order services : if the historical center remains specialized in financial activities, insurance and real estate (FIRE), the other producer services are more likely to be localized in the periphery.…
Une approche macro-économétrique interrégionale appliquée de la solidarité entre les territoires français
International audience; Redistribution among French region : an interregional macro-modelling essay. First we start on a general survey of French regional economic equilibrium in a dualistic sense : is there any convergence between Paris region and the other parts of the national territory ? Things must be considered separately as they involve primary allocation (wages, entrepreneurial revenue) or redistribution process. On the medium term the redistribution bonus is more and more oriented towards non central regions, partly due to economic reason but also as an impact of national income policies. After a general summary of the modelling process uses here as a tool, we present some macro-ev…
Éléments de réflexion sur les impacts économiques du réchauffement climatique sur la filière vitivinicole en Bourgogne.
Actes:CD-Rom et en ligne sur http://www.u-bourgogne.fr/chaireunesco-vinetculture/Actes%20clima/Actes/Actes.htm; Les différentes conséquences des modifications climatiques ont des aspectséconomiques sur la filière vitivinicole particulièrement complexes et extrêmement variablesselon les régions et les vignobles à travers le monde. En Bourgogne, quatre cépages (aligoté,chardonnay, gamay, pinot noir essentiellement), aux réactions spécifiques, sontparticulièrement concernés.La difficulté de l'analyse (puis de l'évaluation dans une étape ultérieure) tient àl'existence d'une multitude de situations spécifiques que l'on se propose de commencer àcaractériser ici. La réflexion proposée n'est qu'une…