

Centres secondaires et recomposition économique des espaces urbains

Catherine BaumontFrançoise Bourdon


Agglomération[ SHS.ECO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economies and financesOrganisation spatiale[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceActivités économiques


The object of this paper is to analyze the multicentric features of the Agglomeration of Dijon by studying the spatial organization of the economic activities and population. The study relates to the territory of the Agglomeration Community of Dijon (COMADI), which is composed of 16 towns. The space scale used is Iris-2000 zoning for the communes of more than 5000 inhabitants and the communal scale for the other towns belonging to the COMADI: the sample includes 114 observations. We use two databases available for two years (1990 and 1999): the SIRENE data for the employment by sectors of activities (ACTET10 and NAF700nomenclatures) and the data of the RGP for the population. We study the spatial repartition of population and employment and show the polycentric form of the COMADI by identifying eeonomic subcenters. We use themethod proposed by Giuliano and Small. We complete these exogenous identification method with a cluster analysis using the potential centers as observations and different type of variables: the size of the potentialcenters evaluated by the total employment, the size of each economic sector present in the centers evaluated by sector-based employment, the location of the centers, the number of firms and the population. From 1990 to1999, we underline some empirical evidences of the suburbanisation of tertiary services.
