E. Reya
Higher-order effects for the coupling constant in asymptotically free theories
It is shown that the two-loop contribution to the Callan-Symanzik $\ensuremath{\beta}$ function leads to an effective coupling constant which may be quite different from the value obtained from the standard one-loop calculation. This correction is larger than that due to finite quark masses. Possible implications for the comparison between asymptotically free theories and experiment are discussed.
Gluon contribution to hadronicJψproduction
Using the recent CERN and Fermilab measurements for J/ψ production by π±, K±, p and p beams we show, within the framework of QCD, that only a combined version of light quark qq→cc fusion and gluon gg→cc fusion mechanisms can account for the various total cross section beam ratios as well as for the observed xF‐distributions.
Evidence against non-asymptotically-free theories of strong interactions
Abstract It is shown that ultraviolet finite fixed point theories of strong interactions are incompatible with the pattern of scaling deviations in deep inelastic lepton-hadron processes.
Is a low-mass Z° in general SU (2) ⊗ U (1) gauge theories compatible with experiment?
Abstract It is shown that any simple SU (2) ⊗ U (1) gauge theory with a Z° mass much lower than the W ± mass leads to serious conflicts with experiment. The case of deep inelastic neutral current reactions is discussed in greater detail.
Operator mixing and scaling deviations in asymptotically free field theories
Predictions of asymptotically free field theories for scaling deviations of the structure functions are compared with recent SLAC and Fermilab data on deep-inelastic lepton-hadron scattering. Contributions of nonsinglet as well as singlet Wilson operators are taken into account. The latter contributions are found to be non-negligible; specifically it is observed, in agreement with neutrino data, that about 60% of the proton's momentum is due to gluons. The expected quantitative pattern of scaling violations is given for a large range of ..omega.. and Q/sup 2/. (AIP)
Production ofWbosons in proton-nucleus collisions
It is shown that nuclear effects can cause an enhancement in the cross section for production of $W$ bosons in a proton-nucleus collision. The cross section near threshold is a few orders of magnitude higher than expected from a linear dependence on the atomic number. Encouraging implications for experiments with fixed targets at laboratory energies of ${10}^{3}$ GeV and higher are discussed. We also discuss lepton-pair production off nuclei.
Detailed quantum-chromodynamic predictions for high-pTprocesses
High-${p}_{T}$ single-particle inclusive cross section calculations are presented for the CERN ISR and ISABELLE energy ranges, taking into account all lowest-order hard-scattering subprocesses required by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The input quark and gluon distribution and fragmentation functions were determined from analyses of deep-inelastic lepton data and were subject to various theoretical constraints such as sum rules and SU(3) symmetry. We thoroughly discuss the effects of the individual contributions from fermionic and gluonic subprocesses, as well as those effects stemming from QCD scaling violations in parton distributions and/or fragmentation functions. In particular, the inc…
Transverse momenta of partons and dimuons in QCD
Abstract Intrinsic (primordial) transverse momenta of quarks and gluons are calculated as well as those arising from recoil (bremsstrahlung) effects, using only the well-known parton distributions as input. The intrinsic kT's lie typically in the range of 150–250 MeV. Recent approaches using heuristic integro-differential equations for kT distributions of partons are shown to disagree with the results obtained by rigorous QCD calculations. The transverse momenta of dimuon pairs produced in pp → μ+μ− + X at the ISR can be solely explained by dynamical recoil effects, i.e., q q →(μ + μ − ) g and gq →(μ + μ − ) q , and no significant intrinsic transverse parton momenta are required. These dimu…