

Transverse momenta of partons and dimuons in QCD

E. ReyaM. Glück


PhysicsQuantum chromodynamicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsRange (particle radiation)Large Hadron ColliderNuclear TheoryBremsstrahlungPartonNuclear physicsTransverse planeRecoilQuark–gluon plasmaHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentNuclear Experiment


Abstract Intrinsic (primordial) transverse momenta of quarks and gluons are calculated as well as those arising from recoil (bremsstrahlung) effects, using only the well-known parton distributions as input. The intrinsic kT's lie typically in the range of 150–250 MeV. Recent approaches using heuristic integro-differential equations for kT distributions of partons are shown to disagree with the results obtained by rigorous QCD calculations. The transverse momenta of dimuon pairs produced in pp → μ+μ− + X at the ISR can be solely explained by dynamical recoil effects, i.e., q q →(μ + μ − ) g and gq →(μ + μ − ) q , and no significant intrinsic transverse parton momenta are required. These dimuon transverse momenta show a pronounced energy dependence which could be easily tested at the CERN ISR. The only disagreement occurs for the average dimuon 〈pT2〉, but not for 〈pT〉, observed in pN collisions. Possibilities to resolve this problem are discussed. Our results are also compared with previous theoretical analyses.
