Gv Espi-lopez
Effectiveness of a physiotherapy and nutrition program in patients with coronary artery disease: randomized controlled trial
Abstract Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: None. Introduction. Dietary and exercise interventions are effective strategies for improving physical and nutritional status of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). However, few studies have applied a combined exercise protocol based on high intensity interval training (HIIT) and dietary education in patients with CAD with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Purpose This study researches the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary program based in HIIT with dietary education (DEHIIT) in comparison with only HIIT, on adherence to Mediterranean diet in CAD patients with PCI. Methods. A prospective, assessor-blinded, parall…
Cross-sectional study of quadriceps properties and postural stability in patients with chronic stroke and limited vs. non-limited community ambulation.
Background: Changes in the paretic-side metabolism post-stroke and quadriceps muscle mechanical properties favour muscle wasting, affecting postural instability and walking impairment. Further clar...
Reduction in Fear of Physical Activity Among Older Persons With Coronary Artery Disease by Physical Therapist–Assisted Exercise: A Randomized Trial
Valoración y criterios de uso del material docente por parte de los estudiantes de Fisioterapia
Resumen Introduccion A la hora de utilizar los materiales docentes, los profesores universitarios son conscientes de los objetivos que persiguen y de la funcion que estos deben desempenar. Ahora, el uso que los estudiantes realizan de los mismos parece distante de la utilidad conferida por el profesor. Objetivo Recoger la opinion de estudiantes de Fisioterapia sobre la utilidad del material docente para, posteriormente, determinar las principales dimensiones relacionadas con su uso. Material y metodo Se realizo un estudio prospectivo tipo encuesta a 183 estudiantes del Grado de Fisioterapia de la Universitat de Valencia, donde se elaboro ad hoc un cuestionario compuesto por 17 items. Se rea…
Pilot randomized controlled trial to assess a physical therapy program on upper extremity function to counteract inactivity in chronic stroke.
In chronic stroke, feasible physical therapy (PT) programs are needed to promote function throughout life.This randomized controlled pilot trial investigated the feasibility and effect of a PT program composed of strengthening exercises with elastic bands and bimanual functional training, with clearly defined doses based on the rate of perceived exertion (Borg scale), to counteract inactivity in chronic stroke.Fifteen subjects 6 month post-stroke were randomized to three-month of UE function training (UE group), or to lower extremity function training (LE group). At baseline (T0), post-intervention (T1) and three-month follow-up (T2) assessment included the Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale (FMA…
Diferencias en el espacio acromio-humeral medido ecográficamente en el dolor de hombro del deportista lanzador
Resumen Objetivo Observar la implicacion que tiene el espacio subacromial medido ecograficamente, y si existen diferencias entre el acromio great trocanter (AGT) y el acromio humeral distance (AHD) en deportistas con dolor de hombro. Material y metodo Se ha realizado un estudio observacional, transversal y comparativo sobre la relacion del espacio subacromial y el dolor del hombro del deportista lanzador. Se ha seleccionado a 81 deportistas hombres que utilizan los miembros superiores en su practica deportiva. Se les practico una ecografia del hombro obteniendo imagenes de la distancia AGT y la distancia AHD. La muestra se dividio en 2 grupos en funcion del dolor durante la practica deporti…
Multidisciplinary program based in physiotherapy and nutrition in coronary artery disease patients: randomized controlled trial
Abstract Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: None. Introduction. The interventions on eating habits and exercise in physiotherapy programs are usually recommended in coronary artery disease (CAD), since they are beneficial to improve physical and nutritional status of patient. Despite this, scarce studies are focused on combined protocols based on high intensity interval training (HIIT) and dietary education in CAD patients with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Purpose The main goal of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary program based in HIIT, with a program based in dietary education and HIIT (DEHIIT), on eating habits in CAD patients w…
Impact of a program based in eating habits and physiotherapy on anthropometric parameters in patients with coronary artery disease: randomized controlled trial
Abstract Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: None. Introduction. On the one hand, physical training such as High intensity interval training (HIIT) and on the other, eating habits, it is often prescribed to patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Nevertheless, the combination of HIIT and eating habits in CAD with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) there is no consensus on using a combined protocol of both. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of an HIIT program with eating habits, with a program based in HIIT, on anthropometric parameters in CAD patients with PCI. Methods. A randomized controlled trial was carried out in a hospital. 44 pati…