A. Ignee
Diagnostische Endosonografie 2013 - Bewährtes, Probleme und Neues
Die ersten Versuche, flexible Endoskopie und Ultraschall in einer Methode zusammenzufuhren, wurden 1978 unternommen. 35 Jahre spater hat sich der endoskopische Ultraschall (EUS) zu einer faszinierenden interdisziplinaren diagnostischen und interventionellen Methode auf hohem technologischem Niveau entwickelt. Die Anzahl endosonografischer Publikationen nimmt deutlich zu, in einem Jahreszeitraum wurden mehr als 700 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zum EUS veroffentlicht. Daruber hinaus hat die wissenschaftliche und methodische Qualitat der endosonografischen Literatur im letzten Jahrzehnt substanziell zugenommen. Der EUS ist heute als ein entscheidender Bestandteil der modernen klinischen Praxis a…
Sonographic signs of amyloidosis.
INTRODUCTION: Amyloidosis is a rare group of diseases with a variety of symptoms that occurs not only in multimorbid elderly but also in young patients. However, sonographic signs of amyloidosis have not been described so far. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 30 patients with different forms of amyloidosis (19 patients with TTR-amyloidosis (familial amyloid Polyneuropathy [FAP]), 11 patients with other forms of systemic amyloidosis) were sonographically evaluated in a standardised fashion. In all patients amyloidosis was histologically verified. RESULTS: Typical signs of cardiac amyloidosis were myocardial thickness, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion and typical echorich subendocardial deposition…
EFSUMB Guidelines 2011: Comment on Emergent Indications and Visions
The focus of this article is the emergent and potential indications of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Emergent applications of CEUS techniques include extravascular and intracavitary contrast-enhanced ultrasound, quantitative assessment of microvascular circulation for tumor response assessment, and tumor characterization using dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound (DCE-US). Potential indications for microbubble agents include novel molecular imaging and drug and gene delivery techniques, which have been successfully tested in animal models. "Comments and Illustrations of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) Non-Liver Guidelines 2011" whi…
EchoScopy in scanning abdominal diseases: initial clinical experience.
Background and Aims: The introduction of a new type of small handheld ultrasound device brings greater portability and affordability. The basic ultrasound approach with these handheld devices has been defined by European Federation of Societies of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) as “EchoScopy”. The current study aimed to assess the image quality, indications and limitations of a portable pocket “EchoScope” compared with a high-end ultrasound system in abdominal diseases. Methods: 231 consecutive patients were included in this study. Physician A performed ultrasound examinations with a high-end ultrasound system (HEUS), then physician B performed the same ultrasound examination u…