P. Vesely
Description of giant resonances with Skyrme forces
Some representative cases of the description and analysis of giant resonances within the self-consistent separable random-phase-approximation model (SRPA) based on the Skyrme functional are discussed. It is shown that SRPA with SLy6 force well describes the dipole giant resonance in rare-earth and actinide regions. The sensitivity of the E1 strength near the particle thresholds to nuclear deformation is scrutinized. Finally, the open problems of description of spin-flip M1 resonance are discussed.
Charged-current neutrino and antineutrino scattering off 116Cd described by Skyrme forces
We perform calculations of the cross sections for charged-current neutrino and antineutrino scattering off 116Cd using ten different Skyrme interactions, at energies typical of supernova neutrinos. We use the quasiparticle random-phase approximation in its charged-changing mode (pnQRPA) to construct the required nuclear wave functions for the participant initial and final states. We compare the results of these calculations with the results of calculations based on the Bonn one-boson-exchange potential. The response of 116Cd to supernova neutrinos is calculated by folding the obtained cross sections with suitably parametrized Fermi-Dirac distributions of the electron-neutrino and electron-a…
Charged-current neutrino and antineutrino scattering offCd116described by Skyrme forces
We perform calculations of the cross sections for charged-current neutrino and antineutrino scattering off Cd-116 using ten different Skyrme interactions, at energies typical of supernova neutrinos. We use the quasiparticle random-phase approximation in its charged-changing mode (pnQRPA) to construct the required nuclear wave functions for the participant initial and final states. We compare the results of these calculations with the results of calculations based on the Bonn one-boson-exchange potential. The response of Cd-116 to supernova neutrinos is calculated by folding the obtained cross sections with suitably parametrized Fermi-Dirac distributions of the electron-neutrino and electron…
The self-consistent separable random-phase approximation (SRPA) with Skyrme forces is extended to the case of magnetic excitations and applied to the description of spin-flip and orbital M1 giant resonances in the isotopic chain 142-152 Nd . The Skyrme forces SkT6, SkM*, SLy6 and SkI3 are used. The calculations show an onset of the scissors mode with increasing deformation. A specific three-peak structure of the spin-flip response is found and explained by particular neutron and proton spin-flip transitions. Although the employed forces provide an acceptable qualitative description, the Skyrme functional still needs further improvement to reproduce quantitatively the experiment for spin mo…
General treatment of vortical, toroidal, and compression modes
The multipole vortical, toroidal, and compression modes are analyzed. Following the vorticity concept of Ravenhall and Wambach, the vortical operator is derived and related in a simple way to the toroidal and compression operators. The strength functions and velocity fields of the modes are analyzed in $^{208}$Pb within the random-phase-approximation using the Skyrme force SLy6. Both convection and magnetization nuclear currents are taken into account. It is shown that the isoscalar (isovector) vortical and toroidal modes are dominated by the convection (magnetization) nuclear current while the compression mode is fully convective. The relation between the above concept of the vorticity to …
Spin-flip M1 giant resonance as a challenge for Skyrme forces
Despite a great success of the Skyrme mean-field approach in exploration of nuclear dynamics, it seems to fail in description of the spin-flip M1 giant resonance. The results for different Skyrme parameterizations are contradictory and poorly agree with experiment. In particular, there is no parameterization which simultaneously describes the one-peak gross structure of M1 strength in doubly magic nuclei and two-peak structure in heavy deformed nuclei. The reason of this mismatch could lie in an unsatisfactory treatment of spin correlations and spin-orbit interaction. We discuss the present status of the problem and possible ways of its solution. In particular, we inspect i) the interplay o…