Viviane Baladi
The spectrum of weakly coupled map lattices
We consider weakly coupled analytic expanding circle maps on the lattice Zd (for d 2 l), with small coupling strength c and coupling between two sites decaying exponentially with the distance. We study the spectrum of the associated (Perron-Frobenius) transfer operators. We give a FrCchet space on which the operator associated to the full system has a simple eigenvalue at 1 (corresponding to the SRB measure p* previously obtained by Bricmont-Kupiainen (BKl)) and the rest of the spectrum, except maybe for continuous spectrum, is inside a disc of radius smaller than one. For d = 1 we also construct Banach spaces of densities with respect to pr on which perturbation theory, applied to the diff…
Abnormal escape rates from nonuniformly hyperbolic sets
Consider a $C^{1+\epsilon}$ diffeomorphism $f$ having a uniformly hyperbolic compact invariant set $\Omega$, maximal invariant in some small neighbourhood of itself. The asymptotic exponential rate of escape from any small enough neighbourhood of $\Omega$ is given by the topological pressure of $-\log |J^u f|$ on $\Omega$ (Bowen–Ruelle in 1975). It has been conjectured (Eckmann–Ruelle in 1985) that this property, formulated in terms of escape from the support $\Omega$ of a (generalized Sinai–Ruelle–Bowen (SRB)) measure, using its entropy and positive Lyapunov exponents, holds more generally. We present a simple $C^\infty$ two-dimensional counterexample, constructed by a surgery using a Bowe…
Almost sure rates of mixing for i.i.d. unimodal maps
International audience; It has been known since the pioneering work of Jakobson and subsequent work by Benedicks and Carleson and others that a positive measure set of quadratic maps admit an absolutely continuous invariant measure. Young and Keller-Nowicki proved exponential decay of its correlation functions. Benedicks and Young, and Baladi and Viana studied stability of the density and exponential rate of decay of the Markov chain associated to i.i.d. small perturbations. The almost sure statistical properties of the sample stationary measures of i.i.d. itineraries are more difficult to estimate than the "averaged statistics". Adapting to random systems, on the one hand partitions associ…