Adaptation of the Body Image after Breast Cancer Questionnaire in the Polish context: factorial structure and validity of the scale
<b>Background</b><br /> Valid assessment of body image is salient in therapy and rehabilitation of women suffering from breast cancer. Adequate instruments are still lacking in this domain. To overcome this limitation two aims were formulated in the study. First, we tested the factorial structure of the Body Image after Breast Cancer Questionnaire (BIBCQ) developed by Baxter (1998) in Canada, in the Polish context. Then, we tested the construct validity of the scale. The scale is based on a multidimensional concept of the body image of chronically ill individuals proposed by Vamos (1993).<br /> <br /> <b>Participants and procedure</b><br /> A …
The role of the happiness philosophy and core self-evaluations in defining job satisfaction as seen by the self and the significant other
Bieżący artykuł bada źródła satysfakcji z pracy. Wieloźródłowe badanie zostało przeprowadzone w dwóch formach: jako kwestionariusz online ( n =642) i jako kwestionariusz papierowy ( n =635). Żeby ujednoznacznić pomiar zmiennej zależnej (zadowolenie z pracy), wykorzystano dwa źródła jej pomiaru: samoocena badanej osoby oraz ocena przez ważną inną osobę. Wyniki pokazują, iż ocena przez bliską osobę może być wartościowym źródłem informacji o samoocenie badanej osoby. Dodat - kowo w ramach hierarchicznej analizy regresji wykazano, iż obie formy filozofii szczęścia: eudaimo - nizm i hedonizm pozwalają na przewidywanie satysfakcji z pracy ponad przewidywanie oparte o pod - stawowe samowartościowa…
Fear of COVID-19 and Life Satisfaction: The Role of the Health-Related Hardiness and Sense of Coherence
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is contributing to increased fear and anxiety throughout society, which may affect life satisfaction. Health-related hardiness and sense of coherence (SOC) are personal resources that help people adapt to difficult circumstances. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between fear of COVID-19, SOC, health-related hardiness, and life satisfaction.Methods: A total of 907 Polish people (522 women and 385 men) participated in this study. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FOC-6), the Health-Related Hardiness Scale, the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29), and the Satisfaction with Life Scale were used.Results: Correlation showed that fear of COV…
Social support at work and job satisfaction among midwives: The mediating role of positive affect and work engagement.
Aims: This study examined whether social support at work from superiors and colleagues is associated with positive affect at work, and whether work engagement creates a positive relationship with job satisfaction among midwives. We also investigated whether a positive affect and work engagement mediate the relationship between social support at work and job satisfaction. Design: This was a quantitative cross-sectional study. Methods: Data were collected from 163 midwives working in the Polish public healthcare system between June 2019 and December 2019. Results: There was a direct relationship between support from superiors and colleagues, positive affect at work, work engagement and job sa…
Workload, job satisfaction and occupational stress in Polish midwives before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Background The aim of this study was to describe, explain, and compare the correlations between workload, job satisfaction, and occupational stress levels in Polish midwives working before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods This study was cross-lagged in nature and conducted in 2 phases at public health facilities. The first phase took place between March and August 2018 before the current pandemic, and the second in February 2021. In total, 133 midwives working before the COVID-19 pandemic and 92 midwives working during the pandemic were surveyed. Results Analysis revealed that working during the pandemic, personal SARS-CoV-2 infection and workload were positive predict…
Work Stressors and Intention to Leave the Current Workplace and Profession: The Mediating Role of Negative Affect at Work.
The first aim of this study was to determine whether organisational constraints, interpersonal conflicts at work, workload and negative affect at work have a positive relationship with intention to leave a current job or profession. The second aim was to investigate whether negative affect at work mediates the relationship between work stressors and intention to leave a current job or profession. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional design in nature. Data were collected between March and April 2022. The sample consisted of 306 midwives working in the Polish public health service. The theoretical model was tested using structural equation modelling. The results confirmed positive dir…
The association between achievement goal motivation and counterproductive work behavior: the moderating effect of work engagement and the Dark Triad
BackgroundThe objective of the article is to describe the association between counterproductive work behavior (CWB), achievement goal motivation and the moderating variables: work engagement and the Dark Triad (DT). The theoretical bases of the tested models are: the four-factor theory of achievement goal motivation (Elliot & McGregor), the CWB conception of Spector, the JD-R model of Demerouti, the work engagement model of Schaufeli and the DT conception of Paulhus and Williams.Participants and procedureAn internet study was conducted with 138 office employees as participants. The variables were measured us-ing the Polish versions of the following tools: achievement goal motivation – A…
The Dark Triad, goal achievement and work engagement as predictors of counterproductive work behaviors among IT employees
BackgroundThe main purpose of this article is to analyze mechanisms associated with counterproductive work behaviors. This entails ac-tions directed against the employer’s interest such as theft, slowing the work down, and avoiding professional responsibilities. This paper analyzes Dark Triad traits of psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism, achievement motivation and work en-gagement as counterproductive work behavior predictors.Participants and procedureThe study included 115 people, 92 men and 23 women, who were employees of technology departments. The average age of respondents is 27.41 (Me = 26). Participants were surveyed using the online questionnaire method.ResultsStatistical …
Activities of the elderly and their satisfaction with life
Abstract Successful aging (Rowe & Kahn, 1997) is conditioned by aspiration to be active and by the ability to maintain social relations. Activity improves the emotional lives of seniors and is associated with a reduction of some symptoms of aging. Our study verifies if the number of activities (informal and solitary) is associated with quality of life and whether subjective age may be a mediator of this relationship. The 136 seniors above 60 were tested by our authorial scale of activity and the WHOQOL-BRIEF. The results showed that older persons’ higher quality of life levels are related not only to the number of activities undertaken, but also to the frequency that these activities ar…
Relations between Parenting Stress, Attachment, and Life Satisfaction in Mothers of Adolescent Children
Relacje przyczynowe pomiędzy stresem rodzicielskim, przywiązaniem i zadowoleniem z życia dotychczas poddawane analizie są traktowane wielokierunkowo w zależności od ich osadzenia w odmiennych ramach teoretycznych. Ponadto, relacje pomiędzy nimi zależą od wielu zmiennych, które mogą oddziaływać na analizowane relacje jako potencjalne czynniki zakłócające. W naszym badaniu podjęliśmy się analizy związku pomiędzy stresem rodzicielskim matek i ich zadowoleniem z życia zapośredniczonego poprzez jakość przywiązania, rozumianego, jako ogólna orientacja matki w bliskich związkach. Przywiązanie było przez nas traktowane jako rodzaj zasobów osobistych matek, który zgodnie z naszymi założeniami działa…
The impact of workload and job satisfaction on occupational stress -A comparison among newly qualified and experienced midwives in Poland.
BACKGROUND: Midwives are potentially exposed to high levels of occupational stress. The level of stress may be related to the job demands and job resources, as well as midwife seniority. To date, few studies on the determinants of occupational stress have examined Polish midwives. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the roles of workload, job satisfaction, and seniority in shaping the stress levels of midwives in Poland. METHODS: A cross-sectional approach and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to compare two groups: newly qualified midwives (NQMs; n = 79) and experienced midwives (n = 99). All data were collected between January and November 2018. RESULTS: Analysis revealed…
Work satisfaction, psychological resiliency and sense of coherence as correlates of work engagement
The objective of the article is to describe the links between work engagement—the response variable, work satisfaction—the explanatory variable, and sense of coherence, along with resiliency as resources—moderating variables. The theoretical foundations for our hypotheses are Hackman and Oldham’s Job Charcteristics Model, Block and Kremen’s conception of resiliency, Antonovsky’s salutogenesis, the JD-R of relation between work demands and resources and also the model of work engagement in the research of Schaufeli, Salanova, González-romá, and Bakker. Methods: 94 independent workers of Polish branches of international corporations were studied. Work satisfaction was measured using the SSP s…