Hanna Preuss
Inhibitory control pathway to disinhibited eating: A matter of perspective?
Abstract Recent studies highlight the importance of disinhibited eating and underlying inhibitory control deficits in the maintenance of obesity. So far, inhibition facets have been examined in isolation and findings are inconsistent due to different measures. This study illustrates the multifaceted nature of inhibitory control by comparing different inhibition stages in outpatients with chronic overweight (with binge eating disorder, BED, n = 24; Non-BED, n = 47) and healthy controls (HC, n = 30). Besides reporting impulsive patterns (UPPS), participants performed the Food Stroop (FST), Door Opening (DOT) and Stop Signal (SST) task with food and generic stimuli. The results showed a signif…
Momentary emotion identification in female adolescents with and without anorexia nervosa.
Individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN) often report difficulties in identifying emotions, which have been mostly studied as an alexithymia trait. In a controlled two-day ecological momentary assessment, we studied the influence of time of day and aversive tension on self-reported momentary emotion identification. Analysis on an aggregated level revealed a significant lower mean emotion identification in the AN group. In a mixed model analysis, the AN group showed lower emotion identification than the control group (HC). Both a general and a group effect of time of day were found, indicating that emotion identification improved during the day in HC, whereas a negligible decrease of the emoti…
The role of resources in the face of psychopathology
OBJECTIVES The current study compared resource realization and psychological distress in patients with different psychiatric diagnoses and healthy individuals and examined the moderating effect of intrapersonal resources (personal strengths) and interpersonal resources (relationships) on the association between incongruence (unsatisfactory realization of personal goals) and psychological distress. METHOD In total, 218 participants (45.87% female, mean age = 39.83 years) completed standardized questionnaires at one measurement point. RESULTS Healthy individuals (n = 56) reported the most resources, followed by patients with psychotic (n = 53), substance use (n = 53), and depressive disorders…
Cognitive reappraisal and self-compassion as emotion regulation strategies for parents during COVID-19: An online randomized controlled trial
Objective Parenting during pandemic restrictions places extreme demands on everyday family life, leading to increased stress levels for parents and distressed parent-child interactions. This RCT aimed to investigate whether cognitive reappraisal and self-compassion are helpful emotion regulation (ER) strategies to reduce individual and parental stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method An online intervention for parents was developed focusing on the application of ER strategies to pandemic requirements of families. A sample of 265 parents were randomly assigned to either cognitive reappraisal (CR; n = 88), self-compassion (SC; n = 90) or wait-list control (WLC; n = 87) group. Intervention…
Verbesserung der Impuls- und Emotionsregulation bei Binge-Eating-Störungen
Zusammenfassung. Impulsivität beeinflusst die Verarbeitung von störungsspezifischen Reizen und die Handlungskompetenz hinsichtlich der Nahrungsaufnahme. Neuere Studien adressieren daher unterschiedliche Facetten impulsiven Erlebens und Verhaltens, um eine Reduktion von Essanfällen und des Körpergewichts bei der Binge-Eating-Störung (BES) zu erzielen. ImpulsE ist ein Therapieprogramm zur Verbesserung der Impuls- und Emotionsregulationsfertigkeiten, welches mit einem computergestützten nahrungsbezogenen Inhibitionstraining kombiniert und mit einer Standardbehandlung (TAU) verglichen wurde. N = 31 Personen mit BES nahmen teil (n = 22 ImpulsE, n = 9 TAU). Die Ergebnisse zeigten Verbesserungen …
The spanish body image state scale: factor structure, reliability and validity in a colombian population
ObjectiveBody image is a construct highly dependent on culture and ethnicity. Furthermore, recent studies reveal that body image is not only a trait, but also a momentary state subject to change in diverse situational contexts. However, cultural influences on momentary body image have not been sufficiently investigated. To assess the influence of Latin American culture on momentary body image and to enable its comparison to Western countries, the Spanish translation of an existing state body image scale such as the Body Image States Scale (BISS) is needed. In addition, the factor structure, reliability and general validity of the Spanish BISS (S-BISS) should be evaluated prior to its applic…
Improving Inhibitory Control Abilities (ImpulsE)-A Promising Approach to Treat Impulsive Eating?
Although there is preliminary evidence that inhibitory control training improves impulsive eating, less is known about the effects on eating behaviour and weight loss in clinical samples. Sixty-nine treatment-seeking adults with obesity (binge-eating disorder 33.3%; other specific feeding and eating disorders 40.6%) were randomly blockwise allocated to ImpulsE, an intervention to improve inhibitory control and emotion regulation abilities or a guideline-appropriate cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)-based treatment as usual. Self-reported and performance-based impulsivity, eating disorder pathology and BMI were compared at baseline (T1), post-treatment (T2) and 1- or 3-month follow-up. Imp…