T Fontana

Bowel perforation in Crohn's Disease: correlation between CDAI and Clavien-Dindo scores

Background Many studies have elaborated different kind of activity indices for Crohn's Disesase (CD) with the endpoint of univocally measure and evaluate the gravity of its lesions and symptoms. Aim Purpose of this work is to study and define the correlation that runs between the preoperative score obtained at the Crohn's Disease Activity Index, the occurrence of postoperative complications that will require re-intervention and the severity of the postoperative lesions evaluated using the Clavien-Dindo score. Patients and methods We have collected and analyzed data from 23 patients (12 males, 11 females) that in a period that spans from 2010 to 2016 had been recovered in our Operative Unit …

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The non-surgical management for hemorrhoidal disease. A systematic review

The non-surgical treatments for hemorrhoids are cost and time-saving techniques usually performed in patients suffering early hemorrhoidal disease. The most used are rubber band ligation (RBL), injection sclerotherapy (IS), and infrared coagulation (IRC). We performed a systematic review in order to evaluate: do these procedures really help to avoid further more aggressive treatments? What are the common harms? What are the rare harms? How many recurrences there are? A total of 21 RCTs were included in this review: 12 on RBL, 4 on IRC and 5 on IS. In RBL bleeding stops in up to 90% and III degree hemorrhoids improves in 78%-83.8%. IV degree prolapse should have a more invasive treatment. Th…

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Surgical Emergencies in Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease, as a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that can affect any part of the alimentary canal from the mouth to the anus, has a highly variable course and a very unpredictable evolution. Even surgery does not cure CD, it has however a relevant role in its treatment in combination to medical therapy during the large course of the disease; indeed almost each patient is submitted to a surgical intervention during his life. Nowadays, surgery is considered the last treatment to use whenever medical therapy is insufficient to control symptoms; this choice involves an intervention on more serious patients with more surgical complications. Surgery finds in the Crohn’s dise…

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Rectal bleeding and prolapse… not always benign diseases rather anal cancer. The importance of a correct decision making since primary care

Rectal bleeding is very common in general population with a prevalence of 10-20 %. Primary care physicians have to stratify patients basing on urgency and on the colo-rectal cancer risk and to conduct a decision making for the correct management. We report a case of a 61-years-old woman, complaining rectal bleeding and an anal mass attended to their family doctor who does a visit but without a digital rectal examination and diagnosed a hemorrhoidal prolapse suggesting medical therapy. For the persistence of symptoms she comes to our service from emergency attention. Inspection and digital rectal examination revealed an anal mass. CT scan was performed showing a large anal mass involving hal…

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Death following pulmonary complications of surgery before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Association of Surgeons in Training Surgical Summit, online, 17 Oct 2020 - 17 Oct 2020 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting / Surgical Research Society, online, 24 Mar 2021 - 25 Mar 2021, National Research Collaborative Meeting, online, 10 Dec 2020 - 10 Dec 2020, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Academic Surgery Conference, online, 5 Nov 2020 - 5 Nov 2020; The British journal of surgery : BJS 108(12), 1448-1464 (2021). doi:10.1093/bjs/znab336

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An investigation of bedside laparoscopy in the ICU for cases of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia

Background: Acute mesenteric ischemia is a rare affection with high related mortality. NOMI presents the most important diagnostic problems and is related with the higher risk of white laparotomy. This study wants to give a contribution for the validation of laparoscopic approach in case of NOMI. Methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients were admitted in last 10 years in ICU of Paolo Giaccone University Hospital of Palermo for AMI. Diagnosis was obtained by multislice CT and selective angiography was done if clinical conditions were permissive. If necrosis was already present or suspected, surgical approach was done. Endovascular or surgical embolectomy was performed when necessary. Twenty N…

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Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted Thyroidectomy: Analysis of Complications From a Systematic Review

Background. Nowadays, minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) is considered a safe and effective option. However, its complication rate has not been specifically discussed yet. The aim of this systematic review was enrolling a large number of studies to estimate early and late complications (transient and definitive, uni- and bilateral laryngeal nerve palsy; transient and definitive hypocalcemia; cervical hematoma; hypertrophic or keloid scar) of MIVAT compared with conventional technique. Methods. The review was performed according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) criteria in PubMed and Embase. Search terms were “minimally inva…

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Surgery and Crohn’s Disease

It is known that the treatment of Crohn’s disease (CD) absolutely needs a multidisciplinary approach with an important relationship between gastroenterologist and surgeon. CD, in fact, is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease interesting all segments of alimentary tract showing extreme variability of clinical presentations. Medical therapy when ineffective will give way to surgical treatment, and the last one isn’t possible without adequate pharmacological support. Synthetically, it’s possible to affirm that gastroenterologist treats CD and the surgeon its complications.

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Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection

With at least 28 elective million operations delayed during the first three months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of patients who will require surgery after a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is likely to increase rapidly1. Operating on patients with an active perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection is now known to carry a very high pulmonary complication and mortality rate2. Urgent information is needed to guide whether postponing surgery in patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to a clinical benefit, and the optimal length of delay.

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Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis.

Background Appendicitis is the most common general surgical emergency worldwide, but its diagnosis remains challenging. The aim of this study was to determine whether existing risk prediction models can reliably identify patients presenting to hospital in the UK with acute right iliac fossa (RIF) pain who are at low risk of appendicitis. Methods A systematic search was completed to identify all existing appendicitis risk prediction models. Models were validated using UK data from an international prospective cohort study that captured consecutive patients aged 16–45 years presenting to hospital with acute RIF in March to June 2017. The main outcome was best achievable model specificity (pro…

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Targeted Therapies in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Abstract: The onset of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is related to the development of non-neoplastic liver disease, such as viral infections and cirrhosis. Even though patients with chronic liver diseases undergo clinical surveillance for early diagnosis of HCC, this cancer is often diagnosed in advanced stage. In this case locoregional treatment is not possible and systemic therapies are the best way to control it. Until now sorafenib, a Raf and multi-kinase inhibitor has been the best, choice to treat HCC systemically. It showed a survival benefit in multicenter phase III trials. However the proper patient setting to treat is not well defined, since the results in Child-Pugh B patients a…

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Laparoscopy is an available alternative to open surgery in the treatment of perforated peptic ulcers: A retrospective multicenter study

Abstract Background Perforated peptic ulcers (PPU) remain one of the most frequent causes of death. Their incidence are largely unchanged accounting for 2–4% of peptic ulcers and remain the second most frequent abdominal cause of perforation and of indication for gastric emergency surgery. The minimally invasive approach has been proposed to treat PPU however some concerns on the offered advantages remain. Methods Data on 184 consecutive patients undergoing surgery for PPU were collected. Likewise, perioperative data including shock at admission and interval between admission and surgery to evaluate the Boey’s score. It was recorded the laparoscopic or open treatments, the type of surgical …

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Large retroperitoneal abscess extended to the inferior right limb secondary to a perforated ileal Crohn’s disease: the importance of the multidisciplinary approach

The typical complications of Crohn's disease concerns small and large bowel. The full thickness inflammation of the intestinal wall develops in strictures, fistulas and abdominal abscesses. Nowadays the most accepted therapeutic for intra-abdominal abscess option is antibiotic therapy and, in case of need, percutaneous drainage of the abscess. If the abscess passes through the pelvic foramen the abscess can involve the inferior limbs. We report a case a perforation of terminal ileum in Crohn's disease complicated by a large abscess of the right iliac fossa reaching the spaces between the anterior lateral muscles of the right thigh as far as the anterior lateral pre-tibial region. We discuss…

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23-hour observation endocrine neck surgery: lessons learned from a case series of over 1700 patients

Although the surgical procedures concerning the thyroid and the parathyroid glands are considered safe, the possible occurrence of complications (mainly hematoma and hypocalcemia) limit the short stay surgery. At our institution a 23-hour-surgery with overnight hospital stay for endocrine neck surgical procedures was introduced since 2004. The present case series analyses the institutional results. Over 1913 endocrine neck surgery procedures, 1730 patients (90,2%) were managed according to this model. Among these patients, 92 suffered from hypocalcemia, 12 from airways obstruction due to the hematoma, 5 from bilateral nerve palsy. 15 more patients had unpredictable general disease compromis…

research product

Acute appendicitis: should the laparoscopic approach be proposed as the gold standard? Six-year experience in an Emergency Surgery Unit

Acute appendicitis is common in an Emergency Surgery Unit. Although the laparoscopic approach is a method accepted for its treatment, no strong data are available for determining how many procedures must an experienced surgeon carry out for obtaining all the advantages of this technique and if this approach can become the gold standard in the activity of a general emergency unit with senior surgeons variously skilled on the basic laparoscopy. 142 patients that underwent appendectomy (90 laparoscopic, 52 conventional) for acute appendicitis were enrolled in this institutional retrospective cohort study. The surgeons were classified with a descriptor-based grading and divided in two groups re…

research product

The use of emergency laparoscopy for acute abdomen in the elderly: the FRAILESEL Italian Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study

As the world population is aging rapidly, emergency abdominal surgery for acute abdomen in the elderly represents a global issue, both in developed and developing countries. Data regarding all the elderly patients who underwent emergency abdominal surgery from January 2017 to December 2017 at 36 Italian surgical departments were analyzed with the aim to appraise the contemporary reality regarding the use of emergency laparoscopy for acute abdomen in the elderly. 1993 patients were enrolled. 1369 (68.7%) patients were operated with an open technique; whereas, 624 (31.3%) underwent a laparoscopic operation. The postoperative morbidity rate was 32.6%, with a statically significant difference b…

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Open versus laparoscopic approach in the treatment of abdominal emergencies in elderly population

AIM: To evaluate the role of laparoscopy in the treatment of surgical emergency in old population. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over-70 years-old patients submitted to emergency abdominal surgery from January 2013 to December 2014 were collected and grouped according to admission diagnoses. These accounted small bowel obstruction, colonic acute disease, appendicitis, ventral hernia, gastro-duodenal perforation, biliary disease. In each group it was analyzed the operation time (OT), the morbidity rate and the mortality rate comparing open and laparoscopic management using T-test and Chi-square test. RESULTS: 159 over 70-years-old patients underwent emergency surgery in the General and Emergency sur…

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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Role of Endoscopy in Crohn’s Disease

Endoscopy plays a very important role in the management of Crohn’s disease (CD). It is an extremely important diagnostic tool in the period of symptoms onset, allowing the evaluation of the activity and of the extent of the disease; moreover, it is very useful in follow-up giving an evaluation of the response to the medical therapy, a detection of recurrences following surgery, and providing an oncological screening. Several procedures like traditional colonoscopy, single- and double-balloon enteroscopy, endocapsule examination, and endoscopic ultrasound are today available. CD can be diagnosed with endoscopy by a skilled gastroenterologist in the setting of a suggestive clinical presentati…

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Risk factors for postoperative morbidity following appendectomy in the elderly: a nationwide prospective cohort study

Background: A limited number of studies investigating perioperative risk factors associated with emergency appendectomy in elderly patients have been published to date. Whether older age may be associated with poorer outcomes following appendectomy is still a matter of debate. The primary aim of this study was to determine the predictors of postoperative morbidity following appendectomy in patients aged ≥ 65 years. Methods: Data regarding all elderly patients who underwent emergency appendectomy from January 2017 to June 2018 admitted 36 Italian surgical departments were prospectively collected and analyzed. Baseline demographics and perioperative variables were evaluated. Uni- and multivar…

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Laparoscopic ileocecal resection in acute and chronic presentations of Crohn's disease. A single center experience

Introduction The terminal ileum is the most involved tract in Crohn's disease. The obstruction in this location is the most frequent complication. Acute or chronic presentations can occur. Surgery finds a role in the management of chronic strictures and in acute clinical presentations with complications not improving with conservative therapy. Patients and methods We investigate the outcome of patients with obstruction of the ileo-cecal bowel tract laparoscopically managed. It was analyzed the average operative time (OT), the conversion rate and the occurrence of re-operation due to surgical complications. Results 21 patients underwent an ileocecal resection for complicated Crohn's disease …

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Preoperative nasopharyngeal swab testing and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Abstract Background Surgical services are preparing to scale up in areas affected by COVID-19. This study aimed to evaluate the association between preoperative SARS-CoV-2 testing and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective cancer surgery. Methods This international cohort study included adult patients undergoing elective surgery for cancer in areas affected by SARS-CoV-2 up to 19 April 2020. Patients suspected of SARS-CoV-2 infection before operation were excluded. The primary outcome measure was postoperative pulmonary complications at 30 days after surgery. Preoperative testing strategies were adjusted for confounding using mixed-effects models. Results Of 8…

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Update in laparoscopic approach to acute mesenteric ischemia

AMI is an uncommon but serious disease often associated with a bad prognosis, associated with occlusion of Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) for embolism or thrombosis (67.2 %), mesenteric venous thrombosis (15.7 %), and non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (15.4 %). Clinical markers are often aspecific and symptoms low suggestive. The gold standard for the diagnosis is multidetector CT Angiography (CTA) with sensibility of 93.3 % and specificity of 95.9 %. Abdominal exploration could be useful to confirm cases of AMI without signs of SMA occlusion at CTA. Few reports have been found on the diagnostic role of Exploratory Laparoscopy. To increase the sensibility of laparoscopy in the diagnosis o…

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