Vincenzo Gambino
Hydroxyurea induces centrosome amplification and slowing down of cell cycle in colo-cancer cells SW480
The Formal Redox Potential of the Ti(IV, III) Couple at 25 °C in 1 M HCl 2 M NaCl Medium
The formal redox potential of the Ti(IV, III) couple has been determined at 25 degrees C in 1 M HCl, 2 M NaCl aqueous medium, by emf measurements of a junction-free cell with glass and mercury electrodes. Ti(III) and Ti(IV) concentrations were changed by controlled electrolysis. The mean value of the searched formal potential, in a large range of total titanium concentration, is 9 +/- 1 mV against the molar hydrogen electrode in the same ionic medium.
Le proprietà acide dello ione uranile in soluzione acquosa LiClO4 3,6 molale a 75 e 100°C
The Formal Potential of the Ti(IV-III) Couple at 25°C in the TiCl4, TiCl3, HCl, NaCl Mixtures at 3 M tital Cl-.
The acidic properties of the uranyl ion in LiClO4 aqueous solutions 3.6 molal at 75 and 100°C
Hydroxiurea induces centrosome amplification and slowing down of cell cycle in colo-cancer cells SW480
Acute loss of pRb induces centrosome amplification and aneuploidy both in human and murine primary fibroblasts
Aurora A overexpression leads centrosome amplification and aneuploidy in human colon cancer cells with MIN phenotype
Dioxouranium(VI) hydrolysis at 75 and 100°C in 3.6 molkg-1 LiClO4
This work concerns the acidic properties of uranyl ion UO22+ at 75 and 100 °C in 3.6 molal (molkg-1 solvent) LiClO4 aqueous medium. The investigation was carried out by a coulometric-potentiometric technique. Direct and reverse acid base titrations were carried out in order to check the achievement of actual equilibrium conditions. Moreover, in order to reveal oversaturation conditions, a further check was carried out on clean saturated hydrolyzed solutions.
Il potenziale redox della coppia Ti(IV,III) a 25°C nel mezzo HCl 1 M NaCl 2 M
Silencing of serine threonine kinase Aurora-2 gene causes G2/M arrest and apoptosis in human carcinoma lung large cells.
Silencing of serine threonine kinase Aurora-2 gene cause G2/M arrest and apotosis in human carcinoma lung large cells
The determination of mineral acidity excess in solutions containing Ga(III), Al(III), Bi(III)
Abstract A new procedure is proposed to carry out volumetric determinations of the strong acid content of a solution in the presence of inorganic cations such as Ga 3+ , Al 3+ , Bi 3+ which, showing in aqueous solution an acidic behaviour, introduce non negligible interferences in these determinations. Before the acid–base titration, an equivalent amount of a ligand, such as dihydrogen ethylendiamino tetraacetate is added, in order to strongly complex the cation masking it toward the successive addition of a strong base. Interferences are thus removed, and the volumetric determination of the strong acid excess plus the hydrogen ions set free from the ligand, as a consequence of the complex …