Patrizia Serra
Previsione degli arrivi delle navi ed ottimizzazione delle risorse umane in un terminal hub container
Previsione degli arrivi delle navi ed ottimizzazione delle risorse umane in un terminal hub container
Development of prediction models for container traffic
The purpose of the work described in this paper is to construct and implement prediction models for optimizing container handling in particular at Cagliari’s Terminal Container. Prediction models are based on heuristic algorithms such as neural networks and classification and regression trees and evolutionary algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). These models form part of a Web Oriented Decision Support System, for real time external data acquisition (GPS information, weather information, etc.), providing operators with the information processed in real time. The most commonly used parameter for assessing terminal performance is productivity, namely t…
In the competitive environment of container transport, Container Terminals (CT) have to plan carefully the management of their resources and services in order to satisfy shipping companies’ requirements. Failure to do so may lead vessel operators to re-schedule their routes calling at new promising terminals. In particular, the optimal management of human resources is a major issue in port systems having low automation and high labour costs. This thesis aims at providing a large overview of current practices and issues concerning the management of dockworkers in the CT area, in order to suggest the analytical methods and policies for its improvement. The focus is on the operational plan (24…
Nuove strategie gestionali per la competitività di un terminal container di transhipment: sviluppo di strumenti di supporto alle decisioni per la pianificazione delle attività portuali
In a container terminal task assignment optimization may not be sufficient to ensure efficiency. By contrast, a systemic approach to terminal operations planning is required to ensure efficient coordination day by day of the all the operations in-volved. As far as management is concerned, a number of interacting factors need to be taken into account, ranging from prediction of ships’ arrivals to manpower and vehicles optimization strategies for the different work shifts. This paper describes three modules comprising a Decision Support System designed to assist port operations planners: - Ships’ arrivals forecasting module; - Optimal human resources allocation module; - Maintenance process e…
A phase I/II trial of non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, docetaxel and trastuzumab as first-line treatment in HER-2-positive locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer.
Abstract Aim To assess the activity and safety of non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Myocet®) in combination with docetaxel and trastuzumab as first-line treatment of patients with HER-2/neu-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Patients and methods The maximum tolerated dose of the combination was defined in the phase I part of the study. In the phase II part, 45 HER-2/neu-positive MBC patients were enrolled to receive 6–8 cycles of Myocet® 50 mg/m2 (day 1), docetaxel 30 mg/m2 (days 2 and 9) plus trastuzumab (day 2, 4 mg/kg followed by 2 mg/kg/week) every 21 d until unacceptable toxicity or progression occurred. Objective response (primary end-point) and treatment tolerability were as…
Randomized phase III trial of adjuvant epirubicin followed by cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil (CMF) versus CMF followed by epirubicin in patients with node-negative or 1–3 node-positive rapidly proliferating breast cancer
International audience; Adjuvant cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil (CMF) have proven highly effective in rapidly proliferating breast cancer (RPBC). It has also been seen that sequential administration of doxorubicin and CMF is superior to their alternation, especially in indolent tumors. In a phase III study, we evaluated whether adjuvant epirubicin (E) followed by CMF is superior to the inverse sequence in RPBC. Patients with node-negative or 1-3 node-positive RPBC (Thymidine Labeling Index > 3% or histological grade 3 or S-phase > 10% or Ki67 > 20%) were randomized to receive E (100 mg/m i.v. d1, q21 days for 4 cycles) followed by CMF (600, 40, 600 mg/m i.v. d1 and 8, q2…
Maritime Supply Chain Security: A critical review
The importance of container security for international trade is well established and has been the subject of recent research in the follow up of the implementation of global security initiatives and the imperative of avoiding supply chain disruptions and reduce vulnerability. This article provides a review of the emerging literature on container security specifically in its interface with global logistics systems. The paper highlights the topics that have emerged as well-established research areas and indicates in what areas scholarly attention is most needed.
Linee Guida per la competitività dei porti container italiani nel sistema euro mediterraneo
Optimal Management of Human Resources in Transhipment Container Ports
Human resources allocation plays a key role in Transhipment Maritime Container Terminals to achieve high levels of productivity and provide high quality services to shipping companies. The deep interest of container terminals in this issue can be supported by optimization methods. In this work, an optimization model is proposed to determine the optimal daily allocation of crane operators and trailer drivers. Different requirements are taken into account for permanent staff, external workers and personnel shortfall. Since workforce undermanning is a crucial factor for both shipping companies and container terminals, we aim to show that personnel shortfalls and operation delays can be signifi…
This work is motivated by the manpower allocation problem arising at the Cagliari International Terminal Container. Generally speaking, human resources allocation plays a key role in terminals with high labor costs, in order to achieve high levels of productivity and quality services for customers. As a result, terminal containers exhibit a growing interest in advanced decision support systems, in which optimization methods play a crucial role. In this talk we present an optimization model for manpower allocation in transshipment container terminals. The objective is to determine the optimal daily allocation of crane operators and trailer drivers at an operational planning level, taking int…
An optimisation model for daily manpower allocation in transhipment container terminals
This work is motivated by the manpower allocation problem arising at the Cagliari International Terminal Container. Generally speaking, human resources allocation plays a key role in terminals with high labor costs, in order to achieve high levels of productivity and quality services for customers. As a result, terminal containers exhibit a growing interest in advanced decision support systems, in which optimization methods play a crucial role. In this talk we present an optimization model for manpower allocation in transshipment container terminals. The objective is to determine the optimal daily allocation of crane operators and trailer drivers at an operational planning level, taking int…
Human Resource Allocation for Maritime Container Terminals: E ects of Planning Horizon Length
The human resources allocation (HRA) is a major issue for container terminals. The workload is organized in shifts covering 24 hours a day and, due to union and work rules, shifts are typically requested to be planned a number of months before their implementation. As a consequence, information on the workforce demand is imprecise when HRA must be planned. This problem must be addressed by a superior exibility, which can be achieved by the two planning levels: the long term stage and the short term one, which encompasses one or more days. In this talk we address the operational planning level which inherits some unchangea- ble decisions from the long term plan and considers the terminal res…
Design and optimisation of an innovative two-hub-and-spoke network for the Mediterranean short-sea-shipping market
Abstract Short Sea Shipping (SSS) is generally considered as a privileged transport mode in terms of reducing road congestion and related external costs. In the last two decades, SSS has attracted a lot of attention in the European Union, where it is also regarded as a key factor for economic and social cohesion between countries. In this regard, the present study proposes a new network design that aims at improving and increasing freight traffic between the north-western and the south-eastern shores of the Mediterranean Basin. The proposed model, designed for Ro-Ro (Roll-on Roll-off) freight transport, tries to overcome the limits of the existing multi-port-calling services through an inno…
The Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem with Draft Limits
Over the past two decades, international maritime transport has been characterized by the advent of ever larger ships. This phenomenon is known as naval gigantism. If, on the one hand, naval gigantism allows to reduce transport costs by exploiting the economies of scale achievable by large ships, on the other hand, it implies a series of operational issues. Indeed, due to their large draft, such giant vessels are not allowed to enter small ports when fully or near-fully loaded, and in some cases, they cannot enter such small ports at all. In fact, their draft can strongly vary depending on the load on board. This implies restrictions for vessels in accessing ports, which impact not only at …
Prediction of arrival times and human resources allocation for container terminal
Increasing competition in the container shipping sector has meant that terminals are having to equip themselves with increasingly accurate analytical and governance tools. A transhipment terminal is an extremely complex system in terms of both organisation and management. Added to the uncertainty surrounding ships’ arrival time in port and the costs resulting from over-underestimation of resources is the large number of constraints and variables involved in port activities. Predicting ships delays in advance means that the relative demand for each shift can be determined with greater accuracy, and the basic resources then allocated to satisfy that demand. To this end, in this article we pro…
Modeling Human Resources Management in Maritime Container Terminals
Over the last few decades, competition among maritime container terminals has increased due to large growth rates on major seaborne container routes. Thus terminals have to carefully plan the management of their facilities and services in order to satisfy shipping companies’ demands. Failure to do so will lead customers to re-schedule their routes calling at new promising terminals. As a result, and so as not to lose competitiveness, container terminals are showing a growing interest in advanced decision support systems for their management, in which optimization methods play a crucial role. In this context, the optimal management of human resources is a major issue for terminals, particula…