K. Bullrich

Effects of organic aerosol constituents on extinction and absorption coefficients and liquid water contents of fogs and clouds

We have speculated on the influence of organic material on extinction and absorption coefficients and liquid water content of fogs and of clouds immediately after their condensational stage. It results therefore, that the reduction of the speed of growth from fog to cloud droplets due to the presence of organic films largely reduces the properties mentioned. Compared to that their increase coming from the surface tension reduction due to organic material being dissolved or building up films is expected to be less effective.

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Sky radiation, polarization and twilight radiation in Greenland

A) The measurements of the spectral radiances in the solar almucantar (scattering function) and the degree of polarization of the skylight in Greenland indicate the following: 1) The air near the surface of the ice cap of Northern Greenland is very pure. 2) The sky radiance however is different from the pure molecular (Rayleigh) atmosphere, the measured scattering function does not followRayleigh's law. 3) On the other hand the measured scattering functions cannot be explained satisfactoryly by scattering on the aerosols which have been measured near the surface. 4) Therefore the presence of a few particles per cm3 with radii in the range 0.10≤r≤1μ in heigher atmospheric layers has to be po…

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Über den Anteil der Rayleigh-Streuung und den Einfluß der Aerosol-Größenverteilung auf Extinktion und spektrale Intensität der Streustrahlung eines Luftvolumens

Die vorliegende Untersuchung befast sich a) mit der Berechnung der Streustrahlungsintensitat in einem Luftvolumen und b) mit dem Anteil der Rayleight-Streuung an dieser Intensitat. Fallt auf ein Volumen nur dunsthaltiger Luft Strahlung, so ist seine in bestimmte Winkel gestreute Strahlung von dem im Volumen befindlichen Aerosol abhangig. Es wird gezeigt, in welcher Weise bestimmte Aerosolmodelle die spektrale Streustrahlungsintensitat bestimmen. Hierbei werden neue, erweiterte Ergebnisse furi 1 undi 2 aus derMieschen Theorie verwendet, die es ermoglichen, das Aerosol von den kleinsten bis zu den grosten vorkommenden Teilchen zu berucksichtigen [6]. Als Aerosolmodelle werden solche mit Poten…

research product

The Influence of Absorption on the Extinction of Solar and Sky Radiation

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of absorption of the aerosol particles on the extinction of solar and sky radiation. The efficiency factors have been computed as well as the extinction, the scattering, the absorption, and the scattering function for the whole turbid atmosphere with help of the Mie theory for a complex index of refraction for a more or less absorbent medium. From these values the intensities of diffuse sky radiation have been obtained. The extinction and absorption coefficients increase for a more absorbent atmosphere, whereas the scattering coefficient decreases. The imaginary part of the complex index of refraction effects an increasing attenuatio…

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Der Einfluß der Aerosolgrößenverteilung auf den Polarisationsgrad der gestreuten Strahlung eines Luftvolumens mit Berücksichtigung der Rayleigh-Streuung

Im Anschlus an eine vorangegangene Arbeit [1] betrachten wir, analog dazu, den Einflus des Aerosols auf den Polarisationsgrad eines Luftvolumens. Fur zwei verschiedene Sichtweiten wird die Auswirkung der Aerosolgrosenverteilung auf die Polarisation dargestellt, wobei die Werte fur kleine Sichtweiten der reinen Dunstpolarisation gleichgesetzt werden konnen. Ferner erfolgt eine eingehende Erlauterung des Anteils-der Rayleigh-Streuung an der Gesamtpolarisation (Abb. 1 bis 4a, b und c). Mit zunehmender Zahl kleiner Teilchen, also wachsendem υ*, verstarkt sich der Polarisationsgrad, vermindert sich aber die Wellenlangenabhangigkeit und der Einflus der Rayleigh-Streuung. Betrachtet man den Fall e…

research product

Scattered Radiation in the Atmosphere and the Natural Aerosol

Publisher Summary This chapter deals with problems of scattered atmospheric radiation, with regard to the haze in the atmosphere. The impressive phenomenon of the tint of the sky, which varies with the time of day and with the weather situation, has long stimulated the investigation of the radiation of the sky. As it is known that the sky radiation is in part, strongly polarized and that the degree of polarization is subjected to characteristic variations, these facts are included in the investigation. The atmospheric transparency for radiation and especially the radiation effects as related to aerosols of certain sizes are of fundamental importance. Reflected and scattered radiations are e…

research product

Messungen der Himmelsstrahlung und deren Polarisationsgrad während der Sonnenfinsternis am 15.2.1961 in Viareggio (Italien)

On the occasion of the total solar eclipse in Viareggio (Italy) measurements of intensity of sky radiation and polarization have been carried out at 90 degrees vertical distance from the sun. UV-, green- and red-filters have been used. The results showed a diminution of the intensity during the eclipse of about 3 powers of ten. The sky brightness in the point 90 degrees distant during the total eclipse was similar to the brightness when sun is 7 degrees below the horizon. About one minute before the total eclipse the degree of polarization diminuished to zero. — Furthermore photos of nearly the total sky were made using two cameras with wide angle lenses.

research product

Solar radiation extinction, sky radiation, sky light polarization and aerosol particle total number and size distribution on the Island Maui (Hawaii)

During April 1964 and from August through September 1965 measurements have been performed on the Maui Island, Hawaii. The results can be summarized as follows: a) the spectral extinction coefficient has a diurnal variation. The greatest value is found during noon. Its wavelength dependency shows an ‘anomalous extinction’, the maximum of extinction is to be found at 0.55 μ (Figures 1–3). b) the spectral radiance distribution of the total sky indicates the tendency that the aerosol size distribution does not follow a continuous power law. The exponent for small particles seems to bev*1 μ (Figure 8). d) the distribution of spectral degree of sky light polarization shows two maxima of polarizat…

research product

Die Farbe des Himmels

I.-Es werden die Grundlagen fur eine Berechnung der Farbe des Himmels zusammengestellt. Die Lichtstreuung an Luftmolekulen ist nach Richtungs- und Wellenlangenabhangigkeit bekannt. Fur das Aerosol, das aus Wassertropfchen (Brechungszahlm=4/3) bestehend angenommen wird, ist die Abhangigkeit der Streuung vom Streuwinkel und von der Wellenlange durch neuere Arbeiten bekannt; die Veranderung mit dem Brechungsindex der Tropfchen kann fur den Fall, dass diese aus stark verdunnten. Salzlosungen bestehen, abgeschatzt werden. Die Streufunktion fur ein nicht homogenes sondern aus einem Spektrum verschiedener Tropfengrossen bestehendes Aerosol wird unter der Annahme abgeleitet, dass die vonJunge im Mi…

research product

Effects of Higher-Order Scattering in a Molecular Atmosphere

The effects of higher-order scattering on intensity, degree of polarization, and direction of the plane of polarization in a molecular atmosphere have been calculated.Inclusion of higher-order scattering changes these parameters strongly. Particularly, consideration of higher-order scattering is essential in the blue wavelength range (large optical thickness). The influence increases with decreasing zenith distance of the sun. The earth albedo augments the effect, except for direction of the polarization, which is independent of higher-order scattering.

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Himmelsfarbe in Sonnennähe

En regardant le ciel aux environs du soleil l'observateur est frappe par un disque blanchâtre d'environs 30° autour du soleil. Les observations ont montre que la grandeur du disque varie avec la hauteur du soleil et la nebulosite de l'atmosphere. Base sur des donnees theoriques ce phenomene a ete examine par des calculs. Pour plusieurs cercles solaires horizontaux et differents degres de nebulosite la couleur du ciel, la saturation et la luminosite ont ete calcules jusqu'a une distance de 40°. Dans les cas ou le cercle solaire horizontal etait trop pertube par l'approche a l'horizont des points dans le cercle solaire vertical ont ete calcules, egalement jusqu'a une distance de 40° du soleil…

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